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"Edge Walker" will be released, such Ren Xianqi is a bit "evil"!

1905 movie network feature Even with more than 30 years of experience as an actor, in our interviews, he still modestly and repeatedly emphasized that he is not a "professional" actor, and still continues to draw nutrients from the actors around him.


Whether it was an old partner or someone who had just ended their collaboration recently, the group of "movie maniacs" around him always affected his attitude and understanding of acting.

The new work recently opened its second round of screening, three years after he last met the audience on the big screen. This time, Ren Xianqi said bluntly that he was very happy, "using the most authentic performance to present that kind of shock, we hope to be able to shoot some authentic Hong Kong police and bandit action movies."

This time, whether it is the partner of the cooperation or the type of theme, how can the outside world not expect this familiar little brother Qi?

01. Collaboration with Hua Ge


"Edge Walker" is the third collaboration between Ren Xianqi and Ren Dahua in 16 years. They have had partners with him in the past, but this time they really have the opportunity to play against each other.


"Excited", "Moved", "So cool"… When it came to this interaction and cooperation, Ren Xianqi couldn’t contain his excitement and kept repeating his feelings to us. Since his debut, Ren Dahua has always been the learning object in his performance and life.

"Brother Hua is very attentive to each character, he will tell us what he will do, and let us give back with our true reactions. Sometimes there may be no him in this scene, but there may be some emotional motivation involved in the plot, and Brother Hua will come to the crew to watch." This kind of rapt attention was always seen by Ren Xianqi.

In "Marginal Walker", Ren Xianqi’s A Luo is an undercover agent, and Ren Dahua’s Lin Yaochang is a gang boss. He struggles in his heart, but in the face of A Luo’s identity, he is always willing to withstand the pressure of other gang members and give him a way out.

"Do you know? He has always taken care of me like a big brother, and in the play, the relationship between the two characters is also very close. I seem to be directly transformed from real life into a character in the play, which is quite touching." In reality, the two have known each other for many years, and every time Ren Xianqi goes to work in Hong Kong, Ren Dahua will always take him to various delicious things.

In Ren Xianqi’s eyes, he can be "willful" in front of this big brother, "In real life, he has always loved me, and even if I do something wrong, he will cover me."


In addition to being a good big brother, Ren Dahua is also a fashionista in Ren Xianqi’s eyes. "In my early concerts and records, I would refer to Brother Hua’s daily clothes. Even for the album’Angel, Brother, Little White Face ‘, I was very fortunate to have Qiqi (Ren Dahua’s wife) help me with the styling, and Brother Hua did the photography for me."


After so many years, Ren Xianqi still regarded the other party as his fashion indicator. In the filming of "Edge Walker", Ren Dahua personally participated in the styling of his character. "After the filming, everyone rushed to get Brother Hua’s clothes for collection."

Ren Xianqi naturally did not miss this opportunity. In the final climax of the movie, the green leather jacket designed by Ren Dahua became the best collection of Ren Xianqi’s filming.


02. "Movie Madman"


In the eyes of many audiences, Ren Xianqi’s performance has two sides.

One side is the kind of handsome and sunny beach boy that "Summer Momocha" entered the eyes of the public; the other side is the villain with "evil" in many Hong Kong movies.


In "Edge Walker", although Ren Xianqi’s character is an undercover agent, the evil spirit still persists.


When they saw the first poster of the movie, many fans thought of Ren Xianqi’s original transformation in "The Big Event". After all, before that, the public impression of him was more of the boy singing with a guitar.

When he first received the movie invitation, he didn’t give much feedback or change, "During the process of talking about this story, I thought about it very seriously. Maybe the director seized that moment and thought that I was very different, and my eyes were also different." Recalling the past, the details appeared in Ren Xianqi’s eyes one by one.

But it was also "The Great Event" that became a turning point for Ren Xianqi’s films.

"When I was shooting, I was taking my guitar and trying to write the theme song. When I got there, it was very serious, and then there was gunfire and explosives everywhere, and I suddenly realized that I was in the environment and I was going to fit in. The whole time I was shooting, my eyes were very sharp because I had to see where there was explosives and where there was explosions, and then I naturally became like that."

For himself, when he got this kind of role, he would always show his former side as an athlete again. During sports training, his mentality was serious and cautious, and in the process of real competition, he would naturally exude that kind of murderous aura and deterrence, "I just applied this state to my movies."


In Ren Xianqi’s opinion, he has always been using the dumbest way to perform – using the truest feeling to figure out the character, so that he can truly become that person, and then be born from the heart.

Due to this, it is always difficult for him to allow himself to "double" to do many things, and when facing his career plan, he insists on starting from beginning to end.

In order to shoot, he had made himself very fat, stopped shooting in the middle, and spent time planning his body to a healthy state, "During this period, I didn’t do anything else at all, and when I was filming, I wouldn’t do concerts. I can’t adapt to this state of jumping."


"Therefore, I don’t have a lot of movies." Ren Xianqi was sincere but a little regretful when he talked about this.

For viewers who liked Ren Xianqi, they could often see him on the big screen in the future, because in the past, he had collaborated with the director; he had starred in the production of the movie "Temporary Robbery", as well as the production of the production…

When it comes to the filming of the series that just ended, Ren Xianqi can’t suppress his love either. Although he keeps praising us how Guo Fucheng and Lin Jiadong love movies, how they don’t let him rest and drag him to discuss the script. But the lines are full of Ren Xianqi’s own feelings about the movie, "I think this life is not wasted."

"We really only have to show our own blood and resolve to make a good movie. No matter which country we get such a work, it deserves to be respected."


Look, Ren Xianqi is the "movie lunatic". Even when asked what kind of evaluation would make him happy, his answer was "hard enough".


03. Unfulfilled dreams


In addition to "movie acting", "movie director" is also at the most prominent position on Ren Xianqi’s wish list.


Ren Xianqi worked as a director and collaborated with him. The origin of this film is from Ren Xianqi’s cover song "Grandma’s Penghu Bay".

In his plans, there are still three movies to be made, all from his musical compositions.

It was Ren Xianqi’s trilogy – "The Heart is Too Soft," "The Girl Across the Opposite Looks Over" and "Sad Pacific" – three songs that once led an era and have a special story script in his heart.


"’Heartbreak Pacific’ will definitely be a gangster story; ‘Too Soft Heart’ will be a story about killers; and’The Girl Across the Street ‘will be a ghost movie." The three seemingly bizarre settings had long planted seeds in Ren Xianqi’s heart.


The three relationships that were originally related to love were instead handled by him as very "tough guys".

Ren Xianqi talked about the creativity of these three stories, and it can be said that he talked endlessly, "In’The Girl Opposite Look Over ‘, the girl is a female ghost, and’I’ is a timid guy. In short, this story must be interesting for me before I really start to execute it."


But at the moment, Ren Xianqi has not found a good screenwriter to participate in the creation of these stories, "This dream is still burning in my heart, and I will try my best to realize it."


The first batch of M5 Smart Driving Edition was delivered, and Huawei was empowered to innovate "acceleration"

# Q: The first batch of M5 Smart Driving Edition delivered in China # 2023 Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area International Automobile Expo and New Energy Automobile Expo was held in Shenzhen Convention and Exhibition Center from June 16th to 24th. On the first day of the Expo, the first delivery of the M5 Smart Drive Edition of AITO was successfully completed.

The M5 series intelligent driving version made its debut at the press conference in April this year. At the same time, it was equipped with Huawei ADS 2.0 advanced intelligent driving system and HarmonyOS Intelligent Cockpit 3.0. According to reports, this car is the first to realize the intelligent driving function without relying on high-precision maps, which expands the application scope of intelligent driving and makes driving safer and easier.

At the first delivery ceremony, the first owners of the M5 Smart Driving Edition, on behalf of @ Feifei’s car COOL, shared their personal experience of driving and their understanding of intelligence. At the same time, at the meeting, Yu Chengdong, managing director of Huawei, CEO of BG, and CEO of BU, a smart car solution, said that the first delivery of the M5 version of Zhijie will help more users enjoy the bonus brought by smart cars.

Not long ago, AITO asked the community to announce the completion of the official production of the 100,000 th vehicle, which lasted for 15 months and stood out among a number of new energy brands, becoming the fastest new energy vehicle brand in the industry to reach 100,000 vehicles.

For the brand of new energy vehicles, the first 100,000 vehicles are of great significance, which means that the enterprise has the ability to systematize. Once it reaches 100,000 vehicles, it is equal to the "line of life and death" that it has crossed. The completion of the first 100,000 new energy brands is a leap from "0 to 1", which opens up the market and builds the brand’s own value system. Not only that, the figure of 100,000 vehicles also represents the possibility of profit.

Earlier, Xu Haidong, deputy chief engineer of China Automobile Association, said in an interview that with the rapid growth of the new energy vehicle market, cakes are getting bigger and bigger, and related car companies can reach sales of 100,000 vehicles or more, which may make a profit. In March 2022, the pure electric versions of the M5, M7 and M5 were delivered one after another, and the cumulative sales volume of AITO vehicles in 2022 was nearly 80,000.

In addition, AITO’s brand has been recognized in the industry evaluation and consumer reputation. According to the data, the net recommended value (NPS) of the M5 car owners is as high as 86.4%. In the "Report on the Quality of New Passenger Cars in 2022", AITO ranked first in the quality ranking of new energy brands, far exceeding the industry average.

Behind the delivery volume and word of mouth, what needs to be guaranteed is the production capacity. Yu Chengdong said at the ceremony of asking about the 100,000 vehicles off the assembly line, "Celestial already has two factories, and now the third factory is under construction, which has a large enough production capacity. At present, the sales volume is not high enough because the new car (Wujie M5 Smart Driving Edition) will be delivered to consumers in the middle and late June, and we need time to complete the process of sales growth. "

The cooperation between Cyrus and Huawei began in 2021. At that time, Yu Chengdong was appointed as CEO of Huawei BU, and he took the lead in choosing the "intelligent selection mode". As Yu Chengdong later said at the automobile 100-member conference, Huawei BG has more than ten years’ experience in user experience design, product design, industrial design, brand marketing and channel retailing, which can help car companies make their cars competitive together.

The performance of the media just proves that this statement is true. In the time since Yu Chengdong took office, Huawei and Cyrus have launched four AITO series vehicles, namely, the extended-range version of the five-seat SUV, the six-seat SUV, the pure electric version of the M5, and the full-size SUV, the M9, which will be launched in the fourth quarter. After it was released in March 2022, M5 became the sales leader among the new forces at that time.

The automobile industry has formed a consensus that new energy is electrified in the first half and intelligent in the second half. The technical advantages provided by Huawei have helped the products in the world win the front seats in the second half competition.

Specific to the technology, the "double intelligent ceiling" of the M5 can be summarized, one is the HarmonyOS intelligent cockpit 3.0, and the other is the ADS 2.0 system equipped with the M5 intelligent driving version.

HarmonyOS cockpit has been recognized as "smart car ceiling" by the industry. With the maturity and integrity of HarmonyOS’s ecosystem, HarmonyOS Cockpit allows cars, mobile phones, tablets, laptops and other electronic products, and even smart homes and other equipment to be connected to the same technological ecosystem. The HarmonyOS cockpit of Wujie M5 Intelligent Driving Edition can also realize all-round automatic adjustment of seat position, HUD height and rearview mirror position.

It is understood that Huawei ADS2.0 system does not rely on high-definition maps, and can reduce traffic accidents caused by inattention and complex road conditions by 90%. In terms of actual driving experience, Yu Chengdong personally drove the ADS 2.0 version in Shanghai the day before the press conference, carried out a test drive across several districts, and ran all morning on elevated roads, tunnels and roads with mixed people and vehicles. He told us that even if we didn’t run the road during the test, we didn’t need someone to take over the steering wheel, and we achieved zero take-over in the whole process.

For smart driving, Huawei wants to go further. Huawei plans to land intelligent driving assistance in at least 15 cities in the third quarter of this year without relying on high-precision maps, and land in 45 cities in the fourth quarter.

How do the results of intelligent selection mode reach users? Using its huge retail channels, Huawei has built a sales network of cars in just a few months, so that new products can reach users faster.

According to media reports, the sales channels of the world are usually divided into three types: the flagship store operated by Huawei, the smart life museum or authorized experience store led by dealers, and the AITO authorized user center led by Cyrus. At present, the user center and experience center of AITO has covered 230 cities, with more than 1,000. And the AITO user center is still being upgraded one after another, and more than 178 companies have taken the lead in completing the image upgrade.

The dual advantages of technology and channels make AITO become the best-performing brand in Cyrus Group. Judging from the 2022 financial report of Sailis, the revenue of new energy automobile business, as the core growth engine of Sailis, reached 24.934 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 482.8%. The cumulative production and sales of Sailisi new energy vehicles were 139,100 vehicles and 135,100 vehicles, with year-on-year growth rates of 233.64% and 225.90% respectively. According to the data, the sales volume of the consulting industry accounts for 60% of the sales volume of Celestial new energy vehicles. It can be said that the consulting industry is the main force driving the performance growth of Celestial new energy vehicles.

There is no reference for the intelligent selection model. Judging from the current delivery data and market performance of the car, this is a road that can lead to the future. As for what kind of future? Zhang Xinghai, the chairman of Celestial Group, once proposed that Celestial should be a Chinese-style new energy automobile head enterprise when the 100,000 th car rolled off the assembly line, and AITO would build another 5 million market in 10 years.


Extreme krypton IPO: a valuation stop loss in the "reverse growth cycle"

Wen | Tan Qing said AI, author | Zheng Kaiche

In the matter of building a car, although everyone has different resource endowments, US stocks seem to be a common destination.

Less than three years after its establishment, Krypton is finally going public in the United States.

With capital technology and other resources, coupled with its strong brand-building ability, Geely has successfully created a valuation of nearly 100 billion yuan. The IPO road is obviously faster than Tesla and Wei Xiaoli. Although there is Geely’s support behind it, the speed of this IPO has surprised many investors.

The extremely krypton IPO was interpreted by the outside world as a powerful counterattack by the traditional car-making forces. It’s just,Look closely, although this hand counterattack is menacing, it still lacks some internal force.

This IPO, the planned amount of funds raised is not high, and the planned financing is 1 billion US dollars, compared with the expected valuation of 18 billion US dollars.This fundraising plan is still a bit conservative.Conservative fundraising plans often have a cause, either because the industry valuation is not ideal or because they are not confident in their own growth value.

In short, lowering the planned fundraising may make it easier for the IPO to succeed. After all, before the growth is really realized, the valuation will still be variable, and the current market valuation of new energy car companies is not the highest point, and it is more pragmatic to be conservative.

From an external perspective, this may be related to the financial demand for funds. After all, after two and a half years of operation, the accumulated loss of Krypton is as high as 16 billion yuan. According to the data of Tianyancha APP, in February this year, the A-round financing was 750 million US dollars, and the valuation reached 13 billion US dollars.

Under the continuous loss, the "second generation of cars" will be "independent" after all. It is also a road that needs to be taken after all to get out of the arm of the parent company and run its own profits and losses.

Geely’s plan to split Krypton and list it independently has been planned for a long time. In October 2022, Geely Automobile planned to split and go public. So, why wait until now to go public?

From the financial point of view, the conditions for split listing are also mature.

According to the data in the prospectus, the revenue from 2020 to 2023 was 3.185 billion yuan, 6.528 billion yuan and 31.899 billion yuan respectively, and the revenue growth rate in 2021 and 2022 was 104.94% and 388.69% respectively.

What is this concept?

Let’s look at Tucki. In the corresponding reporting period, Tucki’s revenue was 5.844 billion, 20.988 billion and 26.855 billion respectively, and the revenue growth rate in 2021 and 2022 was 259.12% and 27.95% respectively.

In other words, from 2021 to 2022,Krypton’s revenue scale and growth rate have surpassed that of Xpeng Motors.

Compared with Weilai and Ideality, the latter’s revenue in 2022 was 45.507 billion and 45.287 billion respectively, with growth rates of 37.19% and 67.67% respectively. If krypton can maintain a similar growth rate, then krypton is likely to come from behind in terms of revenue scale.

At least for now,Weilai revenue > ideal revenue > krypton revenue > Tucki revenue.

Let’s look at the net profit.

From 2020 to 2023, the net profit of Krypton was 104 million yuan,-4.514 billion yuan and-7.655 billion yuan respectively. In the same period, the figures in Tucki were-2.732 billion,-4.863 billion and-9.139 billion. Obviously, Krypton has more revenue, less losses and higher management quality than Tucki.

The other two companies had less ideal losses, with net profits of-166 million,-321 million and-2.032 billion respectively, and the net profits of Weilai were-5.304 billion,-4.017 billion and-14.437 billion respectively.

As far as losses are concerned, Weilai > Tucki > Extreme Krypton > Ideal.

Coincidentally, the current ideal market value of US stocks is US$ 44.8 billion, which is greater than US$ 16.3 billion in Tucki and US$ 13.8 billion in Weilai. That is to say, from the perspective of profit valuation, if Krypton is valued at $18 billion, it is just between the ideal and Tucki.

Overall,No matter from the revenue valuation or profit valuation, with the current scale and profitability, it has reached a node that can be an independent IPO.

Tan Qing said that AI believes that besides its mature operating conditions, the listing of Krypton may be more influenced by external environmental factors.At this time, it is extremely listed, which may be intended to stop loss.

The first is the stop loss on valuation.

Affected by the market cycle, the secondary market is experiencing a reverse growth cycle. At this time, the extremely listing means more "stop loss" in valuation for shareholders such as Geely.

From the external environment, whether it is a science and technology track or a new energy vehicle track, the growth valuation has been killed. Weilai’s market value has dropped from more than 60 billion US dollars to 13.8 billion US dollars, Tucki has dropped from more than 30 billion US dollars to more than 16 billion US dollars, and even Tesla has dropped from one trillion US dollars to more than 700 billion US dollars.

Even if Krypton waits any longer, it may not have a good valuation window. It is better to go public at this time, relying on its own experience quality and growth ability, and strive for a better valuation as much as possible, at least higher than that in Tucki.

Extreme krypton has this confidence.

On the one hand, the average bicycle price in Krypton is better than that in Tucki.

Taking the data in 2022 as an example, the sales revenue of vehicles (19.67 billion) and the sales volume of krypton in 2022 were 71,941 vehicles.

According to the accounting, the income of extremely krypton bicycles is about 270,000. In the same period, Weilai was 370,000, Tucki was 210,000 and Ideal was 330,000.

On the other hand, Krypton’s gross profit margin performed better.

In terms of gross profit margin, Krypton’s gross profit margin was 10.5% last year, while it was 21.22% in the same period. Tucki’s gross profit margin has not yet turned positive, and Weilai’s is only 1.28%.

The listing of MPV Extreme Krypton 009 raised the average selling price of bicycles in the first half of the year. The average selling price of bicycles in the first half of the year was 309,000 yuan, up 30,000 yuan year-on-year. In addition, with the increase in product sales and the support of Geely’s industrial chain, the cost of building a car is also declining. As these advantages are further revealed, the performance of Krypton may have more room for release.

Therefore, IPO may not be the best time at this time, but it is indeed a more suitable time for valuation.

Second, the financial stop loss.

Finance here does not mean extreme krypton, but Geely. Geely is not only a brand of extreme krypton, but it is indeed a one with more losses.

In August this year, Geely released its financial report for the first half of this year. The company’s total revenue increased by 25.8% year-on-year, slightly increased by 1% year-on-year, and its gross profit margin was 14.4%. Compared with the same period last year, it decreased by 0.2 percentage points. In this unsatisfactory net profit data, it is difficult to ignore the loss impact caused by extreme krypton and Lectra.

Next, the competition in the whole automobile industry will become more intense, not only in the new energy market, but also in the fuel market. Therefore, financially, Geely does have a lot of pressure.

In fact, if the losses continue, the impact of Krypton on Geely’s finance will be no less than a "bad asset". If Krypton’s independent listing is successful, then Geely’s pressure will be relatively less.

Maybe,The listing of krypton is not only a kind of "sizing up the situation", but also a kind of "having to do it".Even in the "reverse growth cycle" of the secondary market, the market will not give a satisfactory price.

For Krypton, IPO means to really "grow up" and decide your own destiny in terms of brand, product and manufacturing.

According to the prospectus, 90% of the fund-raising plan is related to further expansion of business, such as investing in research and development, increasing product portfolio, and further improving the service network and energy-supplementing facilities network.

In other words, before the product can truly achieve large-scale hematopoietic capacity, krypton still needs a considerable amount of fresh blood from the secondary market.

From the perspective of business structure,The main automobile sales business urgently needs to form a stronger positive cycle ability.

In krypton business, automobile sales accounted for 61.9%, battery and other parts sales accounted for 34.6%, and R&D services and other services accounted for 3.4%. Among the three major businesses, the gross profit margin of Krypton automobile sales business is actually not as high as expected.

In comparison, the gross profit margin of extremely krypton vehicle sales in 2022 was 4.69%, and Wei Xiaoli was 13.70%, 9.45% and 19.09% in the same period.

Gross profit margin is so low,It is because of the market strategy of exchanging price for quantity in the early stage of product launch.

One fact is that most of Krypton’s revenue is supported by 001. In terms of the sales proportion of the brand, before January 2023, there was only one product, 001, and after delivery began in October 2022, the sales volume was more than 10,000 vehicles for three consecutive months.

In February, 2023, after the new car was delivered, the sales volume of Krypton 001 dropped to 88%, and in July, it dropped to 51%, and in September, it returned to 71%.

From this point of view, the sales volume of Krypton 001 is still very large.

I understand that it is impossible to "eat all over the sky in one stroke" by changing the price with the price of Extreme Krypton 001, so I immediately launched Extreme Krypton 009 and Extreme Krypton X, which respectively correspond to hunting MPV and young personalized SUV market segments.

In addition to exchanging price for quantity, the big move released by Krypton is"product positioning and market segmentation win". At the end of October this year, Krypton 001FR, with a starting price of 769,000 yuan, went on the market, which is the ultimate performance of Krypton’s consistent market strategy.

Can this strategy succeed? It remains to be seen.

After the launch of new models such as Extreme Krypton X and Extreme Krypton 009, the brand has indeed gone up, and the price of bicycles has also gone up. Extreme Krypton has firmly established itself in the luxury market.Although the price has gone up, the sales volume of 001 is still very high.

Of course, this may also be related to the production side.

On the one hand, in the case of insufficient production capacity of its own factory, it may still be necessary to hand over some models to Geely for production, which means that even if it comes to IPO, it may still not have complete autonomy in production.

On the other hand, for Krypton, it also needs a climbing process from the release of new products to the release of production capacity. The production capacity of 001 is sufficient, but it is still unknown whether other product lines can successfully complete the capacity climbing.

Whatever the reason,A situation that cannot be ignored is that there is not much time left for krypton.

From the data point of view, the driving force of 001 sales growth is declining. The sales data show that from January to September 2023, the cumulative sales volume of Krypton 001 reached 52,998 vehicles, down 26.33% year-on-year.

Judging from the prospectus, a number of models have been launched.And further research and development of more models to put on the market and spread the product line is a road that has been selected.

According to the prospectus, in 2020-2022 and the first six months of 2023, the R&D expenses of Krypton were RMB 23 million, RMB 3.16 billion, RMB 5.446 billion and RMB 3.189 billion respectively. The expense rates are 1%, 48%, 17% and 15% respectively. We compare the R&D expenditure in 2022, and the ideal R&D expenditure rate is 15%, Weilai 22% and Tucki 19%.

Further, the prospectus shows that 50% of the expenses of Krypton during the reporting period are consulting fees, SEA (Geely Vast Architecture) licensing fees and verification and testing fees.

In other words, half of the research and development expenses are actually given to Geely for the development of new models on the vast architecture. Eager to develop new models and put them on the market,It also seems to explain from the side that the strategy of market segmentation and niche brand style can not support the growth of revenue scale.

Tesla, Ideal, Tucki and Zero Run have all proved that,The real success of building a car is not the success of the niche market, but the success of the mass market.

Why is the sales of Krypton 001 so good? Not because he is a hunting car, but because he can play Krypton 001 in the whole large market of medium and large cars. Therefore, even if we dig deeper into market segments such as MPV, we really can’t support real sales. What Krypton really lacks is to find another mass market product besides 001.

This product is Krypton 007, which appeared at Guangzhou Auto Show.

Extreme Krypton 007 brings an 800V platform and dual motors, with a starting price of 229,900 yuan. In addition, 007 is equipped with an 8295 chip, a 90-inch smart light screen and three laser radars, and its hardware configuration is full.

In the medium-sized car market, Krypton obviously put more chips on it.

Compared with the products of Krypton brand in the past, Krypton 007 faces a more rational market and more intense competition. This market not only includes Tesla Model3, but also Tucki P7 and BYD Han EV, which is the most competitive market for new energy. This also means that the former "car second generation" began to walk out of the comfort zone and walked into the most important main battlefield of new energy vehicles.

"This market is extremely awkward and does not have overwhelming product advantages." Xiao Guo, a brand salesman, said: "Judging from the newly released product information of Krypton 007, it seems that Krypton still emphasizes the hardware parameters of the product, but when users in this market make decisions, after the test drive experience, their intellectual driving ability will often become the key factor in the final transaction, and the advantages of Krypton in this respect are not obvious."

In 2022, Krypton once said that it would put into production L4 self-driving cars for the C-end consumer market in 2024, and Krypton also cooperated with Mobileye to pave the way for the intelligent driving ability of Krypton cars.

Once the rhetoric has gradually arrived at the moment of landing, what kind of answer sheet will Krypton hand over? Can this answer sheet satisfy the market? Perhaps the next secondary market will give the fairest judgment.

What will happen to the performance of krypton IPO? It is worth our common expectation.


With the advent of the digital economy era, Huawei Cloud empowers Shenzhen enterprises with high quality.

Shenzhen News Network July 26, 2023(Reporter Ye Mei) On July 25th, the high-quality development conference of Huawei Cloud Digital Industry, a series of activities of Huawei Cloud’s "100 Cities and 100 Enterprises Traveling to China", was successfully held. The conference was directed by Shenzhen Bureau of Industry and Information Technology, hosted by Shenzhen Longhua District People’s Government and Huawei Cloud Computing Technology Co., Ltd., undertaken by Shenzhen Longhua District Bureau of Industry and Information Technology, Longhua (Huawei) Intelligent Manufacturing and Modern Service Industry Innovation Center and Kunpeng Industry Source Innovation Center, and co-organized by Saisheng Digital Economy Research Center.

Based on the innovative development orientation of the national digital economy, combined with the industrial characteristics of Shenzhen and the industrial development needs of Longhua District, the conference invited government leaders, local high-quality enterprises, industry experts and other guests to gather together to explore the high-quality development path of the digital industry and accelerate the deep integration of "digital reality" with digital technology and innovative practice.

Set the tone: innovation-based, high-quality development of digital industry

At present, vigorously developing the digital economy is full of sails. He Xiaolong, deputy director of the National Research Center for Industrial Information Security Development, pointed out in his speech that China’s digital economy development achieved positive results in 2022. According to the national data resource survey, in 2022, China’s data output reached 8.1ZB, up 22.7% year-on-year, second only to the United States, ranking second in the world.By 2023About 40 such data transactions have been established in China.organization, and gradually build a circulation market for data elements, products and services.

As the leader of digital economy, Shenzhen ranks in the forefront of the country in terms of industrial scale of digital economy. Huawei, Tencent, Ping An Technology, Meituan and other groups with core competitiveness.Dominant typeEnterprises have built a pattern in which large enterprises drive the development of small and medium-sized enterprises, and small and medium-sized enterprises inject vitality into large enterprises.

(He Xiaolong, deputy director of the National Industrial Information Security Development Research Center)

Subsequently, Hu Xiaoqing, a member of the Party Group of Shenzhen Bureau of Industry and Information Technology and a second-level inspector, introduced how to develop the digital economy in Shenzhen. He said that Shenzhen will exert its strength from both the supply side and the demand side, by strengthening innovation drive, cultivating the application market, optimizing spatial layout, improving industrial ecology, developing digital productivity, striving to improve the development level of the digital economy, and continuously leading industrial iterative upgrading and high-quality economic and social development.

(Hu Xiaoqing, member of the party group and second-level inspector of Shenzhen Bureau of Industry and Information Technology)

Jiang Xueming, Party Secretary of Longhua Industry and Information Technology Bureau, said that Longhua District, as an industrial region and manufacturing region in Shenzhen, will further give play to Longhua’s industrial foundation and advantages, and vigorously promote the integration of enterprises’ number and reality around the strategic goal of digital Longhua and urban core, support enterprises to accelerate the iterative upgrading of technology and realize the two-wheel drive of digital industrialization and industrial digitalization.

(Jiang Xueming, Party Secretary of Longhua District Bureau of Industry and Information Technology)

Due to the situation, Corning, president of Huawei Cloud Global Ecology Department, said that Huawei is an innovative enterprise that grew up in this fertile soil of Shenzhen. On Huawei Cloud, more than 240 innovative services have been launched, and more than 160 innovation centers have been launched around the world, of which nearly 100 are industrial Internet innovation centers related to the industrial Internet, helping more than 23,000 manufacturing enterprises to carry out digital transformation.

At present, Huawei Cloud Shenzhen Empowerment Cloud has enabled more than 2,400 Shenzhen enterprises to digitally transform, and has successively landed 12 innovation centers of Empowerment Cloud in Shenzhen. In the future, we will continue to increase investment in R&D and talents, and join hands with ecological partners and developers of Shenzhen governments at all levels to draw a new blueprint for open, inclusive and innovative industrial ecology to help Shenzhen build a high-quality development engine for the digital industry.

(Corning, President of Huawei Cloud Global Ecology Department)

After that, Yin Limei, director of the Digital Economy Research Office of the Information Policy Institute of the National Research Center for Industrial Information Security Development, released the national digital economy development index DEAI(2022) with authoritative data such as the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the National Bureau of Statistics, the Ministry of Commerce, and the public service platform for the integration of industry and information technology, showing the development of digital economy in China as a whole and 31 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government) in 2022, providing scientific reference for local governments to formulate policies and regulations related to the digital economy, and promoting the long-term stable and sound development of China’s digital economy.

(Yin Limei, Director of Digital Economy Research Office of Information Policy Institute of National Industrial Information Security Development Research Center)

Look at practice: policy is the medium, and the vitality of transformation is constantly rising.

The development of digital economy can not be separated from the strong guidance of policy combination boxing and practical thinking. At the meeting, Chen Jian, general manager of Huawei Cloud Empowerment Cloud, shared his thoughts on the development of digital economy and digital transformation. Starting from the example of cooperation with Longhua District, he introduced how digital transformation can help enterprises achieve cost reduction and efficiency improvement. At the same time, based on practice, he said that Huawei will combine all forces to create "one platform+three centers", that is, integrate innovative public service platforms, ecological centers, capacity centers and service centers, and comprehensively integrate resources through overall organization to achieve the goal of enterprise digital transformation and promote the development of digital economy.

(Chen Wei, General Manager of Huawei Cloud Empowerment Cloud)

In addition, in 2023, the resource awarding ceremony for the first batch of intelligent manufacturing transformation plan in Longhua District was held at the meeting. Jiang Xueming, Party Secretary of Longhua Industry and Information Technology Bureau, and Chen Gui, General Manager of Huawei Yunfu Yunyun jointly distributed the first batch of intelligent manufacturing transformation plan service packages in Longhua District in 2023 to 13 enterprises, providing strong policy support for the development of digital industry.

(Longhua District Intelligent Manufacturing Transformation Plan Resource Awarding Ceremony)

As the bridgehead of reform and innovation, Shenzhen has taken the lead, and a number of benchmark enterprises have emerged that are at the forefront of digital transformation. At the meeting, Huang Kun, general manager of Longhua Business Department of Huawei Shenzhen Government and Enterprise, and Yang Chenxi, general manager of Shenzhen Industrial Development and Operation Department of Huawei Cloud jointly awarded the award-winning enterprises of "Leading Enterprises in Digital Transformation" to encourage more enterprises to join the ranks of digital transformation.

(Awarded by leading enterprises in digital transformation)

Now and in the future: technology is the bottom, and deep cultivation of numbers and wisdom makes beauty happen.

Innovation is the first essence of the combination of number and reality, and technology is the foundation of innovation. In order to inject technological vitality into the development of digital economy, at the meeting, many business representatives shared the innovative achievements of deep-rooted digital technology.

In the theme sharing of Pangu Big Model, born for the industry, Wu Bingcong, the marketing director of Huawei Cloud Marketing AI field, explained the development trend of generative AI, and introduced the powerful capabilities of Huawei Cloud Pangu Big Model in detail from the aspects of technical architecture, AI cloud service capabilities and rich application scenarios.

(Wu Bingcong, Marketing Director of Huawei Cloud Marketing AI)

Subsequently, as an ecological partner of Huawei Cloud, Zheng Dele, CTO of Shenzhen Today Talent Information Technology Co., Ltd., shared the cooperation results with Huawei Cloud Pangu Model in the field of digital intelligence employees. He said that based on the blessing of the AI ? ? big model, digital employees of knowledge consultants and experts, lawyers, recruitment and other positions will be officially released soon, opening a new era of digital intelligence.

(Zheng Dele, CTO of Shenzhen Today Talent Information Technology Co., Ltd.)

At the same time, Yao Xiaofeng, vice president of Shenzhen Huaao Data Technology Co., Ltd., with the theme of "Three Scenes Leading Three Calculations, Building a Digital City", introduced Huaao Data’s deep integration with Huawei Cloud for three major scenarios of digital government, digital economy and digital society, and built a data hub, an algorithm hub and an example base, which greatly improved the efficiency of data governance and made data play a greater role.

(Yao Xiaofeng, Vice President of Shenzhen Huaao Data Technology Co., Ltd.)

Finally, Huang Rui, the founder of Shenzhen Hualei Xuntuo Technology Co., Ltd., shared how to cooperate with Huawei Cloud to provide end-to-end traceability, tracking and control capabilities for the factory, and how to empower the manufacturing industry to realize digital transformation in materials, processes, processes, maintenance and operation based on professional modeling tools, so as to create visual digital assets and make intelligence easier.

(Huang Rui, founder of Shenzhen Hualei Xuntuo Technology Co., Ltd.)

Yunzhi Pengcheng, the number of wisdom is deeply cultivated. The success of the conference will realize the further synergy and integration of industry resources and promote the accelerated arrival of the digital age led by technological innovation and relying on digital intelligence means. Huawei Cloud will also continue to adhere to the concept of "everything is service", do a good job in the digital "cloud base" and "enabler" of the industry, release the digital intelligence productivity of government and enterprises, and promote the high-quality development of the digital industry.


Huawei P70 appearance exposure triangle module adds a new certificate Art irregular shape.

Earlier, it was reported that Huawei’s P70 series 5G image flagship was tentatively released in late March, which is expected to bring Huawei P70, P70 Pro and P70 Art three new machines. Now there is more news about the appearance.

As can be seen from the above figure, the latest news shows that Huawei P70 series is the same as the earlier rumors. It is expected that the P70 and P70 Pro rear modules will adopt triangular Deco (see the middle model with the picture above), while the P70 Art will undergo some changes on the basis of triangular Deco, which is more bold and irregular.

Above is the Huawei P70 third-party mobile phone case exposed by @ Digital Chat Station. ?

What do you think if Huawei P70 series finally looks like this?

Historical information


Hot sales? AITO asks for more than 40,000 new M7 vehicles.

On October 5, 2023, AITO asked the official news that the new M7 has accumulated more than 40,000 large orders, which means that customers have paid a non-refundable reservation deposit.

Prior to this, on September 12, 2023, AITO officially released the new M7 and announced its price.

The new M7 is available in two versions, with five seats and six seats, and the price range is between 249,800 yuan and 329,800 yuan. This price range is equivalent to that of the medium-sized SUV M5 of the same brand, and the price of the new M7 is reduced by 70,000 yuan compared with the previous version, and it is also reduced by 40,000 yuan compared with the price-reduced M7 in January.

Not only that, the independent press conference of the new M7 in the world is the first time since the establishment of the brand.

In the past, models including M5 and M5 EV were released at Huawei’s new product launch conference. However, this time, the media chose to release the new M7 independently, which may reflect Huawei’s internal reflection on the auto industry and the change of attitude, and it is also a reflection of AITO’s media brand after its sales in the terminal market declined.

As a brand jointly launched by Cyrus and Huawei, the product advantages of AITO series models are mainly reflected in intelligent driving and cockpit capabilities. Specifically, the new M7 adds a lidar and is equipped with HUAWEI ADS 2.0 advanced intelligent driving system, which can realize high-speed and advanced intelligent driving in urban areas without relying on high-precision maps.

At the same time, Yu Chengdong said at the press conference that the new M7 is equipped with HUAWEI ADS 2.0 advanced intelligent driving system, which is expected to realize high-speed and advanced intelligent driving in urban areas without relying on high-precision maps in December. Urban intelligent driving pilot assistance (urban NCA) will realize the nationwide experience. At the same time, the new M7 vehicle is equipped with 27 sensing hardware, and combined with the high-performance computing platform and Huawei’s self-developed anthropomorphic algorithm, it realizes the perception ability of dynamic and static targets (including alien objects) in the whole scene and all weather.

On October 1st, AITO officially announced the order status of the new M7.

According to the official, since its listing on September 12th, the average daily order of the new M7 has exceeded 1,500, and the total order in September has reached 30,000. According to the latest data, as of October 5, the cumulative large order of the new M7 has exceeded 40,000 vehicles, which means that the daily order volume is about 2,000 vehicles.

During the National Day, the sales of the new M7 are more popular than before. However, on October 1st, domestic new force automobile enterprises generally announced their delivery, but AITO asked the community to remain silent again.

According to the data, the cumulative sales volume of LI in the first three quarters reached 244,200 vehicles, while their annual sales target was 300,000 vehicles, and the completion rate reached 80%. This makes LI the company with the highest delivery target achievement rate among emerging forces.

In addition, the annual sales target of Krypton cars is 140,000, and the completion rate in the first three quarters is 54%. However, the completion rate of other models is less than 50%. In the fierce market competition, it is expected that it is difficult to achieve the sales target.

With the introduction of the new M7 by AITO, it may change the situation that its attention is not high.

In addition, it is worth mentioning that in the fourth quarter, AITO also plans to launch a new model named M9. Yu Chengdong announced at Huawei’s new product launch conference in autumn on September 25th that the M9 will be released in December.

From the perspective of product positioning, the M9 will directly compete with the ideal L9. According to the information disclosed by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Wenjie M9 will provide two power options: extended range and pure electric. The body size is 5230/1999/1800mm and the wheelbase is 3110 mm. It is positioned as a full-size SUV, which will face direct competition with the ideal L9.

It is understood that Huawei’s latest complete set of smart car technology solutions will be applied to the world M9, including HUAWEI x HUD AR-HUD, HUAWEI xPixel, HUAWEI xScene light field screen and the latest HarmonyOS 4. Interestingly, Yu Chengdong once said: "The M9 is not only the best SUV within 10 million, but also the most powerful SUV on the road."

National Ride: Can it be far ahead?

What deserves our attention is that with the cooperation between Huawei and more and more automobile manufacturers, the "China" element of the brand is gradually being diluted. How will we deal with this challenge in the future?

In addition, the pricing of this model has not yet been determined. If its pricing directly refers to the ideal L9, then as a product in cooperation with Huawei, the M9 may become a hot-selling model. However, considering the current market trend and the influence of AITO in the domestic market, it is not a simple task to directly replace the ideal L9, and it remains to be seen whether it can lead.

Of course, the final result will be decided by the choice of the market and consumers. Let’s wait and see.


From Specialization to Professionalization, Can Network Anchor Become "Line 361"

  From disorder to norm

  China’s webcasting emerged in 2005, and it developed by spurt in 2016. By 2018, the scale of China’s live broadcast industry has exceeded 456 million people, that is, more than half of China netizens have played live broadcast. According to the data of "White Paper on Full-platform Live Broadcasting Industry of Xiaohulu in 2018", the number of new anchors on the whole platform was 1.45 million in 2017, and this number rose to 2.17 million in 2018.

  The huge market scale has led to mixed anchor groups. In order to attract attention, some anchors do everything they can, from "eel incident" to "live mother taking a bath" to "live drug taking" and "live jumping off a building", the outrageous live broadcast behavior has repeatedly broken the moral and legal bottom line. This shows that live webcasting activities and the behavior of network anchors need to be standardized. To this end, in 2018, the National Office for Combating Pornography, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Public Security and other departments jointly issued the Notice on Strengthening the Management of Webcast Services to strengthen the basic management of the Webcast industry.

  Under strict control, extreme live broadcast behaviors such as "eel incident" have been greatly reduced, but violations such as "smoking in live broadcast" and "swearing in live broadcast" still occur from time to time. Some of these behaviors are deliberately playing "edge ball", and some are "unintentional actions" caused by the anchor’s lack of understanding of relevant norms.

  Song Leyong, deputy general manager of Guangming. com, said that since the beginning of 2018, Guangming. com, with the support of the Central Network Information Office, has built a network anchor blacklist database sharing system. Up to now, more than 2,100 anchors have entered this blacklist. "Some are deliberately involved in pornography and drugs driven by interests, but most people who enter the blacklist are ignorant. For example, some people smoke in the live broadcast, and some people swear in the live broadcast. The behavior seems to be indifferent, but once it is blacked out, they will be unable to move on the Internet, and it is difficult to open an online store. "

  Therefore, it is necessary to educate and train network anchors from the perspective of maintaining the clean cyberspace and the long-term interests of network anchors.

  In November, 2018, the Network Performance (Live Broadcasting) Branch of China Performance Association held a network performance (live broadcasting) industry training course in Shanghai, which involved the interpretation of policies and regulations, the explanation of law enforcement cases, the special training of anchor literacy, the image and etiquette of live broadcasting, etc. However, the scale was small, and most of the participants were the content audit leaders of the live broadcasting platform and some head anchors.

  The anchor training that Cool Dog started this time is large in scale, and all anchors on the platform can sign up to participate, and the other is to normalize the training. Huang Xuanting, head of Cool Dog Live Academy, introduced that Cool Dog Live Academy was launched in May 2018. At present, it has developed more than 140 online courses, 30% of which are policies, laws and regulations. The purpose is to teach anchors how to make their live broadcast behavior legal and legal. The effect of the training is obvious. "The anchor who participated in the training has a 67% decrease in behavior violation rate".

  From Yan value to value

  Hong Gege, who graduated from the School of Music of Southwest University, used to be a music teacher. Although she has a good musical literacy, she is also very nervous when she first entered the live broadcast industry. She doesn’t know how to face the camera and won’t interact with fans. When she first started the live broadcast, she was "so nervous that her hands would shake".

  Many new anchors will "learn from the teacher", that is, learn from the old anchor "how to attract fans, how to get more rewards and gifts", etc. It is basically impossible to learn more. Most anchors live in the rivers and lakes and die. As Xie Huan said, there is a strange circle in the live broadcast industry. No matter how popular the anchor is, the popularity cycle is basically 3 to 5 years.

  Fans’ attention to the anchor is mostly a fresh picture. Once the freshness is over, it is likely to "turn around". The main reason is that everyone can broadcast live with a smart phone, and the content of the live broadcast lacks professionalism, and it has been spinning at the same level for a long time. Many talent anchors have no masterpieces, and fans are prone to aesthetic fatigue. Hong Gege sighed to the reporter, "The professional bottleneck of the anchor is that fans are mobile, and you must constantly improve your talents and live broadcast skills to make fans stable."

  To improve the professional level of anchors, education and training is an unavoidable process. Cool dog’s training for music anchors is to make efforts in specialization and improve the professionalism of anchors. Huang Xuanting introduced that Cool Dog Live Academy, in conjunction with industry associations and several universities, has developed more than 140 courses for anchors to choose from, 70% of which are professional courses, ranging from basic vocal skills to the use of musical instruments to the explanation of music theory, including video courses and live courses, as well as one-to-one and one-to-many small class training. Each course has different points according to the degree of difficulty. When a certain point is accumulated, the anchor can apply for the exam. After passing the exam, the anchor entered a two-month internship period. During the internship, there are also assessments, including system rating and user rating. When the live content reaches a certain standard and there is "zero violation", it can be officially "graduated" and certified and promoted by the platform.

  In order to improve the professional level of training, Cool Dog Live Academy hired senior industry experts to offer customized teaching. For example, a vocal music professor from the Berkeley Conservatory of Music in the United States sits in the Cool Dog Live Academy and teaches from singing skills, expression management, emotional expression and other aspects. Lan Tianyang, the vocal consultant of Singer, set up a "Good Voice Training Camp" in Cool Dog Live Academy, trying to solve the problems encountered by the anchor in singing, so as to make the voice by going up one flight of stairs. Hong Gege, who participated in the training, felt that she had gained a lot. With learning how to turn her music skills into a show performance, she completed a gorgeous turn from a music teacher to an anchor in online celebrity, and hoped to write her own songs and be original in the future, so as to go further on the road of specialization.

  Gao Wenjun, an assistant researcher at the Institute of Sociology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, believes that when the platform creates a learning and upgrading space for anchors from the perspective of development, it can not only cultivate more excellent anchors, but also produce better content to attract viewers. In the long run, it can also promote the overall development of the live broadcast industry.

  From specialization to professionalization

  It is a very realistic question whether network anchors can stand on a higher stage without the live broadcast room. For the anchor, it means whether it can break through the professional bottleneck and open up a new world.

  Many network anchors are also trying to develop offline, in order to advance from online celebrity to performing stars. However, after leaving the live broadcast room, it is inevitable that they will not adapt to the professional stage. There was once a online celebrity music anchor with millions of fans who participated in a music program. He stood on the stage and was asked a question related to the basic knowledge of music theory by his tutor, so he was stumped and stopped.

  From the perspective of the overall environment, the scale of the webcast industry is growing steadily, and the development of the industry is also returning to rationality. It is difficult to have a foothold in the practice of spelling out the value, showing the lower limit and playing the legal edge ball. Behavior not violating the rules is only the foundation. In order to gain long-term vitality, there must be quality content. Therefore, in addition to standardization and specialization, it seems inevitable to promote the professionalization of network anchors, because only professionalism can improve the quality of live broadcast content.

  Whether network anchor can become a profession has been debated in the industry for years. Pan Yan, secretary general of China Performance Industry Association, said that live broadcast is a tool, and not everyone can become an anchor by using live broadcast. Only when a professional network anchor group appears can it become a new profession. In the future, China Performance Industry Association will provide ability certification services for anchors in need, and at the same time establish a vocational education standard system that can be applied to all platforms.

  The reality is ahead of the professional identification of network anchors. At present, a number of professional network anchors have appeared on major live broadcast platforms, and many of them have set up teams and developed from online to offline. For example, on the Aauto Quicker live broadcast platform, the Yiren team, represented by online celebrity’s "Boss Sha", gathered a group of network anchors, specializing in shooting funny short videos on rural themes, which gained high popularity and was invited to participate in the filming of the film "Genius Partner". Most of these network anchors are still engaged in other jobs, and webcasting can only be regarded as a part-time job. Only some head anchors put all their energy into the live broadcast and regard the anchor as a profession.

  This shows that the professionalization of network anchors has a long way to go. Promoting the standardization, specialization and professionalization of network anchors is difficult to achieve only by one or two platforms, but requires the joint efforts of platforms, associations and industry authorities. Huang Xuanting called on more live broadcast platforms to join the training of anchors, empower the industry incubation through talent education and training, and turn the network anchor into the "361st line" that can be the number one scholar at an early date.

   (Reporter Han Yeting)


[Popular science hotspots] Noisy hot search! Don’t eat breakfast VS don’t eat dinner, which has a greater impact on the body?

The following article comes from China, the author Ruan Guangfeng.

Cop China.

Public science popularization and scientific communication

In the fast-paced modern life, many people often choose to skip a meal because of time constraints or other reasons. Among them, skipping breakfast and skipping dinner are two common phenomena. A few days ago, the topic # Is skipping breakfast more harmful than skipping dinner? # boarded a hot search in Weibo, which triggered a hot discussion among netizens.

So, what kind of influence will such eating habits have on the body? Skipping breakfast VS skipping dinner, which has a greater impact on your health?

Image source: Weibo screenshot

What’s wrong with skipping breakfast?

As the saying goes, a day’s plan lies in the morning. So we all take breakfast very seriously. However, due to the accelerating pace of life, more and more people often can’t eat breakfast, let alone eat breakfast badly.

As the first meal of the day, breakfast is very important for dietary nutrition intake, health status and work or study efficiency. Eating breakfast every day is also a healthy lifestyle advocated by the World Health Organization (WHO). Breakfast takes the longest time from the previous meal and consumes a lot of energy. If you don’t eat breakfast, it may lead to unbalanced nutrition. It can also lead to hunger, reduce brain excitability, slow response and inattention, and affect work and study efficiency.

It is good for health to form the habit of eating breakfast regularly. Many studies have found that eating breakfast regularly has a negative correlation with obesity and cardiovascular diseases. China’s dietary guidelines also point out that a reasonable diet can reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases, and eating breakfast regularly is also part of a reasonable diet, so it is very important.

However, many people don’t eat breakfast well enough. According to the Survey Report on Breakfast Diet of China Residents, 35% of Chinese people can’t eat breakfast every day; Even if they can have breakfast, many people don’t eat healthily. There are 55% people who have less than three kinds of food for breakfast every day, and 42% people can’t get it in 10 minutes, so it is difficult to achieve a balanced diet.

What’s wrong with skipping dinner?

Of the three meals a day, we usually think that dinner is the least important.

In fact, if you really skip dinner at all, it will also do harm to your health. The most direct and obvious thing is-hunger, which leads to malnutrition.

After all, the energy and nutrition that our human body needs every day are almost the same. If we don’t eat a certain meal and don’t eat much at other times, it will definitely not be enough. Slowly, it will be exhausted, and hunger will increase sharply, which will affect the quality of sleep and make it difficult for people to fall asleep or sleep lightly.

If you don’t eat dinner simply and rudely, other living habits will remain the same as usual, and malnutrition will occur in the long run. For example, you may be listless, physically exhausted, depressed, and pale … These are all manifestations of malnutrition.

However, some patients with special diseases, such as peptic ulcer, or people who work at special time (such as three shifts and night shift), skipping dinner will have a greater impact on them.

Therefore, from the health point of view, you should also try to arrange your three meals a day regularly, and you can’t have less dinner.

Which is more important, breakfast or dinner?

The field of chrononutrition is exploring this problem.

Temporal nutrition is a new research field in recent years, which studies how factors such as food intake time, diet pattern and eating frequency affect the metabolism, energy balance and health status of the body. Over the years, it has been found that the time to eat breakfast and dinner will have a certain impact on health.

Studies have found that skipping breakfast is related to the increased risk of circulatory diseases and all-cause death in men and the increased risk of all-cause death in women; Habitual skipping breakfast is associated with an increased risk of gastrointestinal cancers, including esophageal cancer, gastric cancer, colorectal cancer, liver cancer, gallbladder cancer and extrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma; Skipping breakfast will increase the risk of cardiovascular disease and all-cause mortality.

Dinner is also important. For example, some studies have found that eating dinner after 9 o’clock increases the risk of cancer. Eating dinner before 9 o’clock every night can reduce the comprehensive cancer risk by about 25%, and at the same time, compared with going to bed immediately after meals, sleeping after meals for 2 hours or more can reduce the risk of breast cancer and prostate cancer by 20%. Eating only one meal a day is associated with a higher risk of death, while skipping lunch or dinner especially increases the risk of cardiovascular disease.

These studies are still being explored and need further argumentation. However, judging from the current voice in the field of nutrition, it is generally believed that a regular diet is more beneficial to health.

According to the report of American Dietary Guidelines, Americans who eat three meals a day have higher dietary quality than those who eat two meals a day, which is attributed to the relatively large intake of vegetables, green leafy vegetables, fruits, whole grains and dairy products.

The American Heart Association (AHA) summarized the effects of specific dietary patterns on the health markers of cardiac metabolism, including obesity, blood lipid level, insulin resistance and blood pressure. The results showed that skipping breakfast, intermittent fasting, eating frequency (daily eating times) and eating time were the dietary patterns that affected the health markers of cardiac metabolism. Irregular eating patterns are not conducive to maintaining good cardiac metabolic health.

Therefore, it is suggested that people should consciously formulate a good eating pattern, whether it is breakfast or dinner, and develop a regular eating habit of three meals.

Finally, as a staff member in the field of food and nutrition, I would like to give you some suggestions:

1. Give yourself some time: Please give yourself some time for breakfast or dinner. Even if you simply eat a bowl of porridge, an egg, or a piece of bread and a glass of milk, you can provide your body with the energy and nutrition you need.

2. Gradually improve the level of nutrition: Many people are really busy and don’t have much time to prepare breakfast or dinner, but they can start slowly and try their best to diversify their food and promote a balanced nutrition. Dietary guidelines suggest that we eat 12 kinds of food every day and 25 kinds of food every week. Therefore, there should not be too few kinds of food every day. It is suggested that we should try our best to have high-quality protein such as vegetables, fruit staple food and meat, instead of all big fish and big meat.

3. Pay attention to your body’s feelings: When you feel hungry or uncomfortable, don’t ignore it. This is a signal from your body that you need to supplement energy and nutrition. Please respect your body’s feelings and provide it with the food it needs in time.

4. Keep a positive attitude: the change of eating habits is not achieved overnight, it takes time and persistence. In this process, please keep a positive attitude and patience, and believe that your efforts will bring good health and a better life.


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Source | Popular Science China

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Interview with Qin Hao: The porn star who has been working for so many years has finally landed.


    1905 movie network news Qin Hao’s literary atmosphere was not cultivated by Lou Ye. As early as that time in Green Red, Qin Hao was taken to Cannes by Wang Xiaoshuai. However, Qin Hao’s "literary peak" rose step by step under Lou Ye. Over the past few years, Lou Ye’s attachment to Qin Hao is a bit like Du Qifeng’s attachment to Louis Koo, and even a bit like Cai Mingliang’s attachment to Li Kangsheng. It seems that without Qin Hao, Lou Ye’s films are no longer Lou Ye.


    In the new film, Qin Hao chose one of the most man show roles: the small boss (or one of the partners) of the massage center, a philistine, vanity, being addicted to poetry and ballroom dancing, so as to express the contradiction between his extreme inferiority and narcissism. In the performance, Qin Hao put a lot of effort into his eyes, putting on makeup for the blind for two hours every day, so that Lou Ye focused more on his face than his ass — — So many large-scale erotic scenes were filmed by Lou Ye, and Massage was the first time that Qin Hao "dressed" from beginning to end.


    Qin Hao said that when he played the Mystery of a Floating City, he felt that he would become a "porn star" as soon as he met Lou Ye, and "Massage" made him "go ashore". Facts have proved that without the breathtaking erotic drama, Qin Hao wrapped a tragic character with a layer of joy, but it didn’t go out of style. This Qin Hao who "landed" seems to be more and more sophisticated.


There are many kinds of worldly wisdom, some are annoying and some are lovely.


    On the credits of Tuina, you will see the name of Lian Kai special effects modeling company, which may make people a little confused. It’s not like making a scene in Heaven. Is it necessary for such a big fight? According to Qin Hao, he has to move his hands and feet on his eyes for more than two hours every day, so as to simulate a "middle-aged blind man" born blind from the skeleton. At the same time, Qin Hao takes a selfie with his eyes closed and picks one by one every day, because the blind can’t control their expressions, and he wants to find a smile that is not so beautiful from the heart. All these make Qin Hao’s appearance at first glance have an inexplicable sense of joy, and even remind people of the classic blind dress of teacher Zhao Benshan in the sketch many years ago. However, when you find that all the details have their traceable reasons, you can’t help but give a thumbs-up to Qin Hao’s performance.


    1905 Movie Network: What do you think of the role of Boss Sha?


    Qin Hao: Boss Sha is actually very grounded, sophisticated and smart. This is my reaction to reading novels. It is similar to the boss in our life, even the boss with a discerning eye. I told Director Lou Ye, what about my version? I want to create it again, making this character more tragic. I hope it is the kind of tragedy with tears in laughter, and add some humorous things to it. Because there are many kinds of worldly wisdom, one is annoying, the other is cute, and I hope to turn to the cute side. This is the highlight I create in every play, and director Lou Ye promised me that if you promise to play this role, I will let you play it casually.


    1905 Movie Network: Are there any specific examples?


    Qin Hao: For example, in the poster that everyone saw as a gift, only this person laughed. In the script, there was a see you later who said that I added English, because I think this person likes poetry. For example, Sanmao’s poem was also added by me. He thinks he is self-righteous and thinks he is very talented. That people think it is ridiculous. Many such things, including Du Hong and Pony, are there to discuss things. He eavesdrops there. He eavesdrops when he meets wind chimes.


    1905 Movie Network: Boss Sha always seems to have an odd smile. Is this deliberate?


    Qin Hao: This is a very important blindness that I told Lou Ye. Because blind people don’t know their own expressions, I have a lot of observations. For example, when he is happy, he doesn’t know how to smile. He can’t see the mirror. Many children learn to smile blindly in schools for the blind. Everyone tells him with their mouths. Therefore, many expressions in this role are not ordinary people’s expressions, and they are not based on beauty, but they also make everyone feel jumping.


    1905 Movie Network: What efforts have you made for this blindness?


    Qin Hao: I made an effort, that is, I performed all the expressions and the blindness of my eyes to Lou Ye before, and Lou Ye took pictures of them for me. I feel dissatisfied, because what I really showed him, the expression is fine, of course, their physiological structure eyes will dig in, I can’t do this. I can’t do muscle training even if I make facial expressions again, because their muscles are shrinking and digging in. I don’t think I want to act like this, because people don’t look like it. Later, I managed to find a special effects team to make a model of the whole face and stick it on my eye with the skin of that eye. Put on makeup, and I feel that I have the feeling of digging in.


    1905 Movie Network: How long does this modeling take every day?


    Qin Hao: Two hours a day, two hours early. The most important thing is that after half a month in a row, I took off my makeup and my eyes went down. One day, I was very scared. I asked Lou Ye if you could stop filming me every day. You let me have a rest. My eyes can’t stand it. I don’t think I can shoot anything after this scene.


Don’t think you are strong in front of the blind.


    Before playing the blind, Qin Hao tried to be really blind for a day. However, the loss of light will cause an unimaginable fear to people, which makes Qin Hao really realize the blind people’s years of running-in to their "immediate world". Go back to Sha Fuming in Tuina. On the surface, he is successful, knowledgeable, cheerful and smooth. In fact, "reading" is just an alternative way of existence for him. He will read a poem with the other girl on a blind date, which shows that he is knowledgeable, but this is just a sign of guilty conscience. Qin Hao is well aware of the entanglement and the inner strength of blind people who are open to themselves. He said, we don’t need to see a blind person and rush to help him, let alone imagine that we are stronger than them.


    1905 Movie Network: What problems did you encounter when performing blind people?


    Qin Hao: I think every play has its own problems. After the play is ready, we may still face the problem of how to play against the blind. How to find the problem of that feeling, because you play with a really blind person, how can you find a balance? So I told Lou Ye that the highest requirement for me to come to this play is to let the audience not know which is a professional actor and which is blind after watching it, and let people watch it and say, alas, it is impossible to tell which is an actor and which is blind. I think it’s a job, that is, I have finished this homework.


    1905 Movie Network: How did the blind actor in the film touch you?


    Qin Hao: Many touches. I have always said that what they give us is far greater than what we give them. Whether in the process of filming on the spot or in some moments, including when we were waiting together, living together and chatting with everyone, many moments made me feel that this role benefited from them.


    1905 Movie Network: How do they face the fact that they are blind?


    Qin Hao: I think how to face this matter is over. All six of us have accepted this reality. When I experienced life, I was blindfolded for a day and a half at most. I wanted to know what it was like for a blind person to be blind. Then one night, my assistant sent me back to the hotel. After I woke up, I didn’t open my eyes, went to the bathroom to brush my teeth, and my assistant took me to school. By noon, I can’t stand it, and my eyes really can’t disappear. Mainly psychological fear and pressure. So it’s definitely not an easy process for them to accept this reality. There are still many people who are born blind, so I think they have accepted this blind state when they come here to film. This state is exactly what this movie needs, including what boss Sha needs to present and what this role needs to feel.


    1905 Movie Network: Will they have a special self-esteem or inferiority complex?


    Qin Hao: The profession of an actor is to study people. I think it is impossible for every blind person to feel inferior. No matter how strong a blind person is, he can’t live without a little inferiority. But my contacts with them, what I feel most, what I see, and what I ask of them are all based on the requirements and feelings of discerning people. I won’t say to help him quickly after he comes in, because I know that he can do this on his own, and they are all equal. Don’t think you are strong at this point.


Years of "porn stars" finally "landed"


    In Massage, Sha Fuming has a very metaphysical love. He heard from an artist that everyone was red and beautiful, so he fell in love with this beauty that he could not see or understand. Appearance is the most irrelevant element for the blind, but Sha Fuming read many descriptions of beauty in the book, so he fell into a fascination with Duhong mixed with curiosity. Du Hong said that what he fell in love with was only a "concept", so Sha Fuming’s love scenes were also limited to "concept" in the film. This makes Qin Hao a little uncomfortable. After all, he used to express his extreme love in bed in almost all his movies in Lou Ye. Qin Hao is somewhat self-deprecating and relieved. He feels that if he doesn’t play the passionate drama, he can rely on "something else" to establish the character’s love.


    1905 Movie Network: How do you understand Sha Fuming’s infatuation with Duhong?


    Qin Hao: I think this infatuation comes more from Sha Fuming’s personality. As all the novels say, Sha Fuming is a vanity, and you love me only because of your vanity in beauty. In fact, you don’t love me at all. Then I think I present it in the script and in the movie. A painter said how beautiful she was, and I just wanted to be with her. I think vanity is understandable. But when I really associate with blind people, I find that every blind person has a need for beauty. Some are right about the voice, some are right about your hands, and some are right about your feelings, which are completely different from us normal people. So I thought, isn’t it human nature to pursue Sha Fuming because others say she is beautiful? More often, I understand this beauty from the perspective of human nature.


    1905 Movie Network: Is this the only time you cooperated with Lou Ye, but there was no passionate performance?


    Qin Hao: Right, so I’m particularly satisfied that there is no such thing to spell another thing. I think I’ve finished my homework on erotic drama. If there are no passionate scenes, such as they are joking, when I filmed Lost in the World, I said that I was a porn star, and I would be in charge of the bed part, and you would play the rest. Then, "A Night Intoxicated by the Spring Breeze", when I got to this play, I said that I was ashore, not a porn star. Without those, I built it with something else.


    1905 Movie Network: Then, in the next play, do you still hope that there will be no sex scenes with Lou Ye?


    Qin Hao:No.. Let’s look at the role and see what kind of movie it is.


The Morning Post is super-expected. The official lineup of "Hot Search" Zhou Dongyu, Song Yang and Justin starred in the registered trademark of many dramas of Noon Sunshine.

The fresh news morning call is all in the morning paper.

The warm spring breeze blows head-on, and peach blossoms bloom.~The weather in recent days is simply too comfortable. Do you feel refreshed every morning like a girl? The weather is so good, the morning paper is indispensable. Today, the morning paper has two hands to send it.~

Preview the first look at the official lineup of "Hot Search" and expose the concept poster. Zhou Dongyu speaks for the truth


Yesterday, the film "Hot Search" exposed the concept poster and officially announced the lineup. Directed by Xin Yukun, director of Heart Labyrinth and Silent Burst, and starring Zhou Dongyu, Song Yang and Justin, the film tells the story of an explosive article from Chen Miao, editor-in-chief of the media, which accidentally involved a criminal case. The newly released concept poster is also fascinating. The poster is covered with endless digital barcodes. Zhou Dongyu’s eyes seem to be staring, but it also reveals a trace of helplessness. Under the shadow of her side face is the figure of Justin, just a twist, but people can’t help but get nervous.

Director Xin Yukun is praised by many movie fans as one of the directors who can shoot crime movies best in China. His first work, Heart Labyrinth, ranks the highest in domestic crime movies on Douban platform and has become a classic of crime movies in the eyes of many movie fans. Director Xin Yukun became famous in one fell swoop, and won many domestic and international awards and nominations with this film. The second work, Burst and Silent, has the same high score and high reputation, which makes the director of the foreign high-scoring crime film "Invisible Guest" also praise it. The film Hot Search tells the story that Chen Miao (Zhou Dongyu), the editor-in-chief of the media, accidentally receives the help of the client while tracking the topic event, and involves a criminal case. Chen Miao’s partner He Yan (Song Yang) and group president Peng Yue (Justin) are involved in it one after another. Zhou Dongyu’s role this time is Chen Miao, the editor-in-chief of the media, which is also her first time to challenge the role of a strong woman in the workplace. Mature and capable in modeling, brave and determined in character, which is quite different from the screen image she used to create. When Chen Miao put all her eggs in one basket to speak for the weak, she also completed her own human redemption. What kind of charisma and profound emotional resonance this role will bring to the audience is fascinating.

Box office trumpet "Fantastic Animals 3" exceeded 66 million, and Escape Room: Tournament of Champions rose to the runner-up.


According to the official statistics at 10: 00 pm on April 11th, the total box office of national cinemas was 7,784,800. Fantastic Animals: The Mystery of Dumbledore topped the list, with a daily box office of 3.65 million, down 77.2% from the previous day, and a cumulative box office of over 66 million. Escape Room: Tournament of Champions surpassed "Elf Hostel 4" and rose to the second place on the list, with a cumulative box office of over 34 million. The proportion of films in Moonfall rose to more than 10%, and the daily box office ranked in the top three. The single-day box office of Elf Hostel 4 only received 690,000, down 79.6% from the previous day, and the cumulative box office exceeded 41 million. "Bouquet-like Love" is on the list again after 49 days of release, and the cumulative box office will exceed 90 million.

What about the star? The cast list of "County Courtyard" was released. At noon, registered trademarks of several dramas were released.


On April 11th, the first cast of the drama "The Courtyard of the County Party Committee" produced by Noon Sunshine was made public, and the topic was searched on social platforms. The play will be starring Hugh and wuyue, with Huang Lei and Li Guangjie in particular, starring Steven Zhang, Lawrence Wang, You Yongzhi and others.

According to the enterprise search app, the producer of the film, Noon Sunshine Company, has registered the trademarks of several dramas produced. Among them, there are more than ten dramas, including Yu Huanshui, Rivers, Ode to Joy and nirvana in fire. This phenomenon is not an isolated case. The Eight Hundred, Biography of Chu Qiao, My First Half Life and other film and television dramas have also been registered as trademarks. Good film and television works are not only reflected in the box office and ratings, but also can form a complete development in the subsequent development, making it grow into a long-term vitality brand. Therefore, it is a commercial development and protection strategy to apply for the names of film and television works as trademarks.

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