Langfang, Hebei Province: Promulgating Ten Articles of Education to Promote the High-quality Development of Education


Langfang, Hebei Province: Promulgating Ten Articles of Education to Promote the High-quality Development of Education

China Education News-China Education News Network (Reporter Zhou Hongsong) Recently, Langfang City, Hebei Province, combined with the actual situation, formulated and promulgated the Ten Measures to Promote the High-quality Development of Education in the City (hereinafter referred to as the "Ten Measures for Education"), and refined specific measures from five aspects: comprehensively strengthening the party’s leadership, filling the shortcomings of educational resources, building high-quality teachers, improving the quality of education and teaching, and creating a good educational ecology, so as to speed up the construction of a strong education city and run a satisfactory education for the people.

According to the plan, Langfang focuses on five key words, such as short board, quality improvement, mechanism construction, excellent environment and strong guarantee, to innovate measures and refine tasks. Among them, in view of the outstanding problems such as insufficient allocation of educational resources and the derivation of "large class size", the city will implement the expansion and upgrading projects of 60 compulsory education schools in 2023-2025, and fully equip books, instruments and equipment and professional classrooms according to standards, effectively solving the "large class size".

In view of the shortage of teachers in primary and secondary schools, Langfang proposed that in principle, the establishment of primary and secondary school faculty should be approved once every two years and the total amount should be clarified, and the teachers should be fully equipped in strict accordance with the establishment ratio standards stipulated by the state. The municipal level arranges 20 million yuan of special funds to improve the quality of education every year, focusing on digital campus, education and scientific research, curriculum design, quality monitoring, and on-the-job training.

Langfang emphasizes that from 2023 to 2025, 100 high-quality schools will be cultivated, 100 brand projects with campus cultural characteristics will be created, and 100 well-known principals will be introduced to run schools. Concentrate on superior resources and focus on running high schools in excellent areas. By 2025, the proportion of provincial-level demonstration high schools in the city will reach more than 70%, and 10 characteristic ordinary high schools will be built in the city. Join hands with famous schools in Beijing and Tianjin to implement the "six hundred" cooperation project, and the three places will jointly train 100 leading principals, 100 expert teaching and research researchers, 100 famous teachers and 100 backbone class teachers, display 100 high-quality demonstration classes and organize 100 cultural and sports exchange activities.

At the same time, Langfang will further establish and improve various working mechanisms, improve the teacher selection system, support employing schools to select teachers in relevant universities, promote the "county-administered school appointment" of compulsory education teachers, strengthen the rotation of principals and teachers in counties, and scientifically do a good job in the evaluation of schools, teachers and students in the new era.

Langfang has made it clear that the education leadership system of unified leadership by Party committees, joint management by Party and government, and respective responsibilities of departments should be further improved. Leading groups of Party committees at all levels should study and solve major issues of education reform and development and hot issues of concern to the masses in a timely manner, and incorporate the implementation of specific measures for the high-quality development of education into the annual assessment and supervision of party and government leading cadres.

Author: Zhou Hongsong


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