Straight lob and straight lob
One person picks the high ball in a straight line, one person hangs the ball in a straight line, and practices repeatedly.
Forehand Pick and Forehand Drop (Straight Line) ▼

Overhead Pick Ball and Overhead Drop Ball (Straight Line) ▼

Straight lob and diagonal lob
One person picks the high ball in a straight line, and the other person hangs diagonally, and practices repeatedly. Different from the last training, this training is diagonal hanging, which increases the difficulty of returning the ball.
Forehand hanging diagonal ▼

Overhead diagonal ▼

Diagonal lob and straight lob
One person picks the high ball diagonally, the other person hangs the straight line, and practices repeatedly. Pay attention to the line change of the return ball.
Pick a diagonal line and hang a straight line forehand ▼

Diagonal lob and diagonal lob
One person picks the diagonal lob, the other hangs the diagonal, and practices repeatedly. At the same time, it increases the difficulty of both parties.
Forehand diagonal lob ▼

Backhand diagonal ▼

Straight-line golf and straight-line killing
One person picks a straight lob, one person kills a straight line, and practices many times. Pay attention to killing the ball and press it as straight as possible.
Kill a straight line ▼
Straight lob and diagonal kill
One person picks the straight lob, the other kills the diagonal, and practices many times. Pay attention to killing the ball and try to kill the diagonal line, and the line should be changed.
Kill diagonal ▼
Diagonal golf and straight line killing
One person picks the diagonal lob, the other kills the straight line, and practices many times. Pay attention to killing the ball and press it as straight as possible.
(Diagonal) The overhead ball kills the straight line ▼
(Diagonal) Forehand lob kills straight line ▼
Diagonal lob and diagonal kill
One person picks the diagonal lob, the other kills the diagonal or diagonal line, and practices many times.
Forehand kills diagonal (Lin Gaoqiu, Li kills diagonal) ▼
Kill the diagonal on the top of the head (Li Gaoqiu, Lin Kill the diagonal) ▼
Kill the internet in a straight line
After killing the ball in a straight line, rub the ball on the net or push the backcourt in a straight line or diagonal line.
Kill the net and push the straight backcourt ▼
Kill the internet diagonally
After diagonally killing the ball, hook the diagonal or push the diagonal line on the net.
After diagonally killing the ball, push the diagonal line on the Internet ▼
Rub the ball in front of the net
High ball
It is suggested to control the high-distance ball in half of the court, and the ball landing point should be within the bottom line as far as possible to avoid too much power out of bounds or too little power not far enough.
The above are several fixed paths of badminton, which can be summarized as follows:
Pick the ball in a straight line, drop the ball, kill the ball and kill the net; Pick the ball diagonally, drop the ball, kill the ball and kill the net; Rub balls and high balls.