With the advent of the digital economy era, Huawei Cloud empowers Shenzhen enterprises with high quality.


With the advent of the digital economy era, Huawei Cloud empowers Shenzhen enterprises with high quality.

Shenzhen News Network July 26, 2023(Reporter Ye Mei) On July 25th, the high-quality development conference of Huawei Cloud Digital Industry, a series of activities of Huawei Cloud’s "100 Cities and 100 Enterprises Traveling to China", was successfully held. The conference was directed by Shenzhen Bureau of Industry and Information Technology, hosted by Shenzhen Longhua District People’s Government and Huawei Cloud Computing Technology Co., Ltd., undertaken by Shenzhen Longhua District Bureau of Industry and Information Technology, Longhua (Huawei) Intelligent Manufacturing and Modern Service Industry Innovation Center and Kunpeng Industry Source Innovation Center, and co-organized by Saisheng Digital Economy Research Center.

Based on the innovative development orientation of the national digital economy, combined with the industrial characteristics of Shenzhen and the industrial development needs of Longhua District, the conference invited government leaders, local high-quality enterprises, industry experts and other guests to gather together to explore the high-quality development path of the digital industry and accelerate the deep integration of "digital reality" with digital technology and innovative practice.

Set the tone: innovation-based, high-quality development of digital industry

At present, vigorously developing the digital economy is full of sails. He Xiaolong, deputy director of the National Research Center for Industrial Information Security Development, pointed out in his speech that China’s digital economy development achieved positive results in 2022. According to the national data resource survey, in 2022, China’s data output reached 8.1ZB, up 22.7% year-on-year, second only to the United States, ranking second in the world.By 2023About 40 such data transactions have been established in China.organization, and gradually build a circulation market for data elements, products and services.

As the leader of digital economy, Shenzhen ranks in the forefront of the country in terms of industrial scale of digital economy. Huawei, Tencent, Ping An Technology, Meituan and other groups with core competitiveness.Dominant typeEnterprises have built a pattern in which large enterprises drive the development of small and medium-sized enterprises, and small and medium-sized enterprises inject vitality into large enterprises.

(He Xiaolong, deputy director of the National Industrial Information Security Development Research Center)

Subsequently, Hu Xiaoqing, a member of the Party Group of Shenzhen Bureau of Industry and Information Technology and a second-level inspector, introduced how to develop the digital economy in Shenzhen. He said that Shenzhen will exert its strength from both the supply side and the demand side, by strengthening innovation drive, cultivating the application market, optimizing spatial layout, improving industrial ecology, developing digital productivity, striving to improve the development level of the digital economy, and continuously leading industrial iterative upgrading and high-quality economic and social development.

(Hu Xiaoqing, member of the party group and second-level inspector of Shenzhen Bureau of Industry and Information Technology)

Jiang Xueming, Party Secretary of Longhua Industry and Information Technology Bureau, said that Longhua District, as an industrial region and manufacturing region in Shenzhen, will further give play to Longhua’s industrial foundation and advantages, and vigorously promote the integration of enterprises’ number and reality around the strategic goal of digital Longhua and urban core, support enterprises to accelerate the iterative upgrading of technology and realize the two-wheel drive of digital industrialization and industrial digitalization.

(Jiang Xueming, Party Secretary of Longhua District Bureau of Industry and Information Technology)

Due to the situation, Corning, president of Huawei Cloud Global Ecology Department, said that Huawei is an innovative enterprise that grew up in this fertile soil of Shenzhen. On Huawei Cloud, more than 240 innovative services have been launched, and more than 160 innovation centers have been launched around the world, of which nearly 100 are industrial Internet innovation centers related to the industrial Internet, helping more than 23,000 manufacturing enterprises to carry out digital transformation.

At present, Huawei Cloud Shenzhen Empowerment Cloud has enabled more than 2,400 Shenzhen enterprises to digitally transform, and has successively landed 12 innovation centers of Empowerment Cloud in Shenzhen. In the future, we will continue to increase investment in R&D and talents, and join hands with ecological partners and developers of Shenzhen governments at all levels to draw a new blueprint for open, inclusive and innovative industrial ecology to help Shenzhen build a high-quality development engine for the digital industry.

(Corning, President of Huawei Cloud Global Ecology Department)

After that, Yin Limei, director of the Digital Economy Research Office of the Information Policy Institute of the National Research Center for Industrial Information Security Development, released the national digital economy development index DEAI(2022) with authoritative data such as the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the National Bureau of Statistics, the Ministry of Commerce, and the public service platform for the integration of industry and information technology, showing the development of digital economy in China as a whole and 31 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government) in 2022, providing scientific reference for local governments to formulate policies and regulations related to the digital economy, and promoting the long-term stable and sound development of China’s digital economy.

(Yin Limei, Director of Digital Economy Research Office of Information Policy Institute of National Industrial Information Security Development Research Center)

Look at practice: policy is the medium, and the vitality of transformation is constantly rising.

The development of digital economy can not be separated from the strong guidance of policy combination boxing and practical thinking. At the meeting, Chen Jian, general manager of Huawei Cloud Empowerment Cloud, shared his thoughts on the development of digital economy and digital transformation. Starting from the example of cooperation with Longhua District, he introduced how digital transformation can help enterprises achieve cost reduction and efficiency improvement. At the same time, based on practice, he said that Huawei will combine all forces to create "one platform+three centers", that is, integrate innovative public service platforms, ecological centers, capacity centers and service centers, and comprehensively integrate resources through overall organization to achieve the goal of enterprise digital transformation and promote the development of digital economy.

(Chen Wei, General Manager of Huawei Cloud Empowerment Cloud)

In addition, in 2023, the resource awarding ceremony for the first batch of intelligent manufacturing transformation plan in Longhua District was held at the meeting. Jiang Xueming, Party Secretary of Longhua Industry and Information Technology Bureau, and Chen Gui, General Manager of Huawei Yunfu Yunyun jointly distributed the first batch of intelligent manufacturing transformation plan service packages in Longhua District in 2023 to 13 enterprises, providing strong policy support for the development of digital industry.

(Longhua District Intelligent Manufacturing Transformation Plan Resource Awarding Ceremony)

As the bridgehead of reform and innovation, Shenzhen has taken the lead, and a number of benchmark enterprises have emerged that are at the forefront of digital transformation. At the meeting, Huang Kun, general manager of Longhua Business Department of Huawei Shenzhen Government and Enterprise, and Yang Chenxi, general manager of Shenzhen Industrial Development and Operation Department of Huawei Cloud jointly awarded the award-winning enterprises of "Leading Enterprises in Digital Transformation" to encourage more enterprises to join the ranks of digital transformation.

(Awarded by leading enterprises in digital transformation)

Now and in the future: technology is the bottom, and deep cultivation of numbers and wisdom makes beauty happen.

Innovation is the first essence of the combination of number and reality, and technology is the foundation of innovation. In order to inject technological vitality into the development of digital economy, at the meeting, many business representatives shared the innovative achievements of deep-rooted digital technology.

In the theme sharing of Pangu Big Model, born for the industry, Wu Bingcong, the marketing director of Huawei Cloud Marketing AI field, explained the development trend of generative AI, and introduced the powerful capabilities of Huawei Cloud Pangu Big Model in detail from the aspects of technical architecture, AI cloud service capabilities and rich application scenarios.

(Wu Bingcong, Marketing Director of Huawei Cloud Marketing AI)

Subsequently, as an ecological partner of Huawei Cloud, Zheng Dele, CTO of Shenzhen Today Talent Information Technology Co., Ltd., shared the cooperation results with Huawei Cloud Pangu Model in the field of digital intelligence employees. He said that based on the blessing of the AI ? ? big model, digital employees of knowledge consultants and experts, lawyers, recruitment and other positions will be officially released soon, opening a new era of digital intelligence.

(Zheng Dele, CTO of Shenzhen Today Talent Information Technology Co., Ltd.)

At the same time, Yao Xiaofeng, vice president of Shenzhen Huaao Data Technology Co., Ltd., with the theme of "Three Scenes Leading Three Calculations, Building a Digital City", introduced Huaao Data’s deep integration with Huawei Cloud for three major scenarios of digital government, digital economy and digital society, and built a data hub, an algorithm hub and an example base, which greatly improved the efficiency of data governance and made data play a greater role.

(Yao Xiaofeng, Vice President of Shenzhen Huaao Data Technology Co., Ltd.)

Finally, Huang Rui, the founder of Shenzhen Hualei Xuntuo Technology Co., Ltd., shared how to cooperate with Huawei Cloud to provide end-to-end traceability, tracking and control capabilities for the factory, and how to empower the manufacturing industry to realize digital transformation in materials, processes, processes, maintenance and operation based on professional modeling tools, so as to create visual digital assets and make intelligence easier.

(Huang Rui, founder of Shenzhen Hualei Xuntuo Technology Co., Ltd.)

Yunzhi Pengcheng, the number of wisdom is deeply cultivated. The success of the conference will realize the further synergy and integration of industry resources and promote the accelerated arrival of the digital age led by technological innovation and relying on digital intelligence means. Huawei Cloud will also continue to adhere to the concept of "everything is service", do a good job in the digital "cloud base" and "enabler" of the industry, release the digital intelligence productivity of government and enterprises, and promote the high-quality development of the digital industry.


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