Women who can dress well, where to win? The detailed "ever-changing" guide can be called a fashion textbook.


Women who can dress well, where to win? The detailed "ever-changing" guide can be called a fashion textbook.

Text: Lowe

Hi, I’m Lowe. Let’s continue our fashion trip, and we’ll never get lost when we become beautiful.

How to play with ever-changing styles? Today, it is the protagonist.

Light is color, and light is colored; Things are shapes, and tangible things exist. Therefore, color and things are the simple features of nature bred by heaven and earth.

Our understanding of the world can be essentially classified into two points:Colors and objects. Regardless of industry, regardless of species.

Based on this,styleThe word arises spontaneously. Broadly speaking, it is the classification and division of a certain kind of things with common characteristics; In a narrow sense, it is a personality with a specific label.

For example, the character style, clothes style, collocation style, and evenBaibian modeling style. In different environments or contexts, styles can be integrated and connected without hindrance.

And,styleJust like a music conductor, facing a jumble of different colors or objects (clothes and people), he dances a harmonious stick and plays a pleasing fashion style.

Only when the style of a suit is clear can it stand the vicious aesthetic appreciation and torture.

So, where does the style come from? Lowe’s answer is: people, clothes, accessories, colors, inspiration, temperament, demeanor, words and deeds, temperament, posture. ……Everything is..

The most important thing: everyone’s style is unique. It is presented after the integration of people and clothes.Unique tonality.

If you reallyHave temperament, then the style is unique and quite charming; If you don’t, it shows everything inside: poor, poor, pale, helpless, tacky or mediocre. …

This is why people with temperament look good in everything. Because, the characters themselvesCharming gas field, has long surpassed all external things. Please note that you are good-looking and have a figure. Have temperament.

Here’s to clarify what a real temperament is: it is.From the insideA state of mental energy, which does not refer to some features of appearance or the contrast of clothes.

I still remember a customer I met in the store before. When she pushed the door in, her whole energy instantly lit up everything. That kind of elegant and decent gas field, which is strongly shocking, has never forgotten me.

Of course, for ordinary people, it is not an overnight success to want to have this temperament. But at least if you know the direction of your efforts, you have already succeeded half the time, right?

Today’s fashion sharing will focus on 【Variety style】 wear it.Focus buildingExpand. There is a lot of verbosity above, which is the core of temperament shaping and belongs to the ideological level. Next, it is the application sharing of practical exercises.

As I said before, as long as a set of clothes has a distinctive style, the whole will not be difficult to see. So, where does the style come from? How to establish a style?

This will belong to 【Focus building】 And the ever-changing shape is a game with a distinct focus. After all, we can’t get away from the style focus of condensing light.

However, where does the focus come from? Lowe defines it as: anything is possible, coveringCharacters and costumesEverything depends on personal aesthetic vision and creative inspiration.

However, from the conventional application experience, Lowe listed as follows:

Clothes tone

A piece of clothing itselfBright colorTonality often has the advantage of preemptive visual snatch. At this point, it is the king of focus. All collocation ideas should revolve around it, and the style will take the lead because of it.

Like this rose-purple coat, the color is exaggerated and the lines are neat, which is quite intellectual. The wisdom and romance that women love most are far more elegant than the fiery red.

If it is black, white, gray, rice and other basic colors, it is necessary to look at it with the help of design to distinguish its hue. In the picture below, the black stitching lines of the beige sweater are quietlySmall personalityLay the groundwork.

In line with this idea, choosing a beige gauze skirt to match is a modest luxury. The quiet momentum personality is the most shocking. Comparing the upper and lower styles, the style images are naturally wonderful.

Clothing design

Throw away the fashion tension of large-area colors, and use design lines, or decorative elements, and small-area contrast colors to show their individuality. Their styles are distinctive.

If you want to dress well, there are two ideas: follow the trend or go upstream.by taking advantage of an opportunity, that is, highlight the design tonality and focus on it;adverse current, that is, mix and match, compare the test of wearing skills.

The strength of fashion power depends onDesign sense of quantityDepending on the size. This light blue sweater, with its flared sleeves, has a definite personality. As for how to wear it and how to highlight this sense of design, everyone has his own arrangement.

People who know will build momentum, such as matching a cropped sleeve coat or a vest; If you don’t understand, you may be at a loss and become a disorderly situation.

Clothing fabric

The style of fabric, though small, cannot be ignored. Knitting, for example, is delicate, rugged and has different styles. When the fabric becomes the focus label, you have to learn to adapt.

thisTexture senseThe obvious sweater coat must be worn casually to look good. Of course, exquisiteness and femininity should be at least 20% so as not to be sloppy.

As thin as a veil and as transparent as a cicada.Lace materialAt one time, romantic women were sought after. Wearing the right style, wearing the wrong gaudy, being measured and measured, has become cautious.

If you make friends with neat shirts, all vulgar worries can be dispelled. This personality, this focus, is the favorite of the urban workplace elite. Of course, lace should be high-grade and textured.

Color matching tone

What is color matching tone? That is, a set of collocation creates a tone tendency. It can often turn decay into magic. Looking at this beige knitted skirt alone, the highlights are insufficient.

But with a gold bag, it makes people shine.Focus tone, is the overall style label: cool, fashionable, silk does not hesitate, when it comes to it.

Color matching tones can only be understood, but not expressed. For example,White and blue matchThe refreshing classic is a French style label of a literary fan. Especially jeans with a white coat is the usual method.

Like white shirt+jeans, white sweater+jeans, who can refuse effortless fashion? Other images: red and blue, blue and brown, rice flour, red and brown … please experience it carefully.


Shoes are the focus, the easiest to get started. Decide the style, make the finishing point,shoeNever flinch. When worn, shoes still occupy a delicate and exquisite visual window.

Cool Martin boots, pointed shoes, distinctive personality, rule out the river.

Over the yearsNeutral leather shoes, far more popular than delicate loafers. Exaggerated design, bold tone and strong sense of existence contribute to a neat neutral focus for a set of collocation.

Before choosing it, weigh your free and easy ingredients.


Shoes and bags have the same status, and they are equal. Can be independent and cooperate with each other. If you are a fashion novice, please cooperate with it, and the error probability is extremely low.

A bag with weight or bright spots isIdentity and tasteThe sum of.

In addition, the bag also plays a role.Harmonic focusThe great responsibility. Big coat? Long coat? Everything loose and bloated can be solved by a delicate and lovely small bag in minutes.

A playful and lively atmosphere, a set of calm collocation.


Hehe, the focus effect of jewelry need not be said. Most of the modeling atmosphere is supported by it.Jewelry pointsThe more, the more exaggerated the effect, the more distinctive the style.

From the lapel coatwhite pearlHow appropriate, straight melody and harmony, exquisite and elegant power emerge instantly.

OrnamentalFocus buildingVery flexible, try to figure out a way that suits you, and fashion comes uninvited.

Like shoes and bags, jewelry also has a boost from brands. There is a stronger sense of existence and a more obvious style tendency, so we must pay attention to screening. cultivateluxury goodsThe ability to taste culture is also a part of clothing.

Small thing

Small accessories, such as glasses, scarves, scarves, watches, etc., although small in area, can create momentum for style. When you want to be academic, or to express dignity and intellectuality, a pairFrame glassesIt’s an artifact.

Autumn and winterglovesIt also has the effect of making the finishing point, and paying attention to women will never ignore it.

Personality beltHold up the fashion focus for the waist. With clothes, it becomes an excellent window.

Soft factor

What is a soft factor? Lowe classifies all the elements that are invisible and can only be felt as soft factors. Such as temperament, expression, words and deeds, inner strength, temperament and so on.

A set of collocation, a style, have corresponding.Wear imposing manner. According to occasions, scenes and needs, to release and express, you can naturally get what you want with the help of fashion clothes.

This level, very picky, only the master understands.

After a series of combing the focus, I believe you will get the message. However, how to combine the scene application? This link is the demonstration of the scene.

Scene 1: Low-key luxury

Low-key luxury is a gorgeous reward for dark shadows. It has texture and connotation, which can better show taste. Compared with the sheer splendor, this modelling technique lies in.mediate.

For example, a mix of personalized purple tops and jeans. Leisure and gorgeous, especially bright.

A simple but elegant color, small area.Printed silk scarfIt’s definitely the highlight. It has contributed greatly to the creation of luxury and splendor. The bold contrast of white, red and blue can’t be described in a striking way!

mix colours in proper proportionsIt is the easiest to create luxury and luxuriance. Pink-purple tweed long coat, dignified and elegant, with dark blue inside, will fully stimulate the unique advantages of the same color.

The gorgeous collar type complements each other, and the color bag echoes the beige booties, paying attention to exquisiteness.

Scene 2: Capable commuting

I am afraid that those who are deeply appreciated will be rewarded by the elite with golden collars in the workplace. It is necessary to look good and decent, but also to highlight the charm of neat and capable work. It is worth pondering and studying.

For example, an elegant suit with a big woman style. entiretyRice tone+Cut neatly to win, embellish a chic brooch, and hold all the details in place.

When commuting normally, wearing a black suit under a beige coat makes you look dashing, no less than a whirlwind wherever you go. The focus of this kind of collocation often lies in the details.

The neutral wind is obvious, and the exquisiteness and femininity can all depend on it.detailWon. Like scarves, ankles, and bright spirits … all of them are big dramas.

Deep blue coatIts wisdom and intellectuality are its distinctive style labels. How to activate it? With a beige satin shirt inside, the lace-up is elegant and feminine.

Under the bright blue overskirt, echo with light blue bag, and then buckle patent leather shoes on both sides, elegant and atmospheric.

When attending some important event scenes, how to cover everything, especially test the inspiration. At this timeFocus buildingIt can be called a finishing touch weapon.

For example, a black collarless suit with a bow-tie shirt and brooch embellishment, silver shoes and white bags are a link between the preceding and the following, and the depth contrast is all hard power.

For beige, we often stay away from it, but if you choose the right style and clothes, it will definitely make you more elegant. A patterned dress, bow tie, waist, hem and printing are all exquisite.

With a camel coat, the big lapels that can’t be said hold up neutral bones and muscles. With tenderness and toughness,Distinctive style.

Scene 3: Get together with friends

Getting together with girlfriends, or meeting friends, all female counterparts must be a fashion contest. The two styles of the scene below are worn by little women and big women.Style game.

White+black; The other is beige+black, which matches their looks and temperament and pays attention to dressing demonstration.

If it is a grand meeting of elders, it is inevitable to wear a dignified suit. When you are dressed in black, you can go fromDesign profileLooking for a breakthrough, showing a lovely cocoon shape or A-shape collocation, liveliness and agility will emerge.

Make the finishing touch with beige exquisite bags, and hit it off with smart; Second, the atmosphere and formality are contrasted.

Scene 4: Social gathering

Some formal social scenes compete for comprehensive strength. Identity, status, value, image, aesthetics, temperament … all of them. How to dress decently needs to be considered.

Dark red suit, with a gray-pink dress skirt, the whole style is upgraded instantly. In order to highlight the details, the personalized tassel scarf and silver bag are embellished, emphasizing the artistic conception of color matching and highlighting the main theme.Tone style.

Scene 5: Home Leisure

A sweater, a pair of jeans and a pair of comfortable loafers are the happiness and fashion of home leisure. The comfortable and relaxing atmosphere is just like doing one’s duty.Theme style.

Reconciliation is a little delicate and feminine, so enjoy the present, ok?

Ok, the focus of the ever-changing style is over. I hope to inspire you a little!

Please continue to pay attention to Lowe, see you tomorrow!

I’m Lowe. I take image management as my homework all my life, and greet the blooming of every day in my life with a beautiful image and a beautiful mood.

I don’t just share what I wear, but I hope I can help you build your own internal aesthetic system and spiritual nourishment system, so that you can be beautiful for a long time!

If you are confused, you can write privately, and welcome to leave a message to discuss. On the road to beauty, we will grow together and be strong together!


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