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Tencent has made another big move to support content entrepreneurs with three billion yuan

  CCTV News:On November 8th, the 2017 Tencent Global Partner Conference opened at the Chengdu Western Expo Center in Sichuan. Ren Yuxin, chief operating officer of Tencent, Jonathan Nolan, director and screenwriter of "Westworld", Edward Mossall, Nobel Prize winner, Hugh Hull, well-known professor of MIT Media Lab, Su Hua, founder and CEO of Kuaishou Technology, Zhou Yuan, founder and CEO of Zhihu Media, and Ma Dong, 350 domestic and foreign industry leaders, 500 mainstream media, more than 10,000 partners and industry elites, discussed content ecology and cutting-edge technology around the theme of "Openness and Creativity".

  During the two-day conference, with 21 sub-forums gradually unfolding, dozens of Tencent product lines such as QQ, WeChat, App Treasure, Tencent Cloud, QQ Music, and LBS will announce the latest opening policies and ecological strategies, and discuss with industry leaders. In addition, in the 15,000 exhibition area of the conference, more than 130 high-quality projects from Tencent business lines and partners will be exhibited. Among them, AI and merchandise will showcase the development of the global technology and cultural industries.

  At the main forum, Fan Yi, deputy mayor of Chengdu, addressed the conference first. Tencent chief operating officer Ren Yuxin said in his speech that this year, Tencent open API has entered the seventh year, Tencent will connect the wisdom, content ecology and technology cloud three measures to help partners.

Photo: Ren Yuxin's opening speech

Photo: Ren Yuxin’s opening speech

  "In the past six years of opening up, the total number of partners has exceeded 13 million, 25 million jobs have been created, and the cumulative total score has exceeded 23 billion." Lin Songtao, vice president of Tencent, announced the results of Tencent’s six-year opening up and explained Tencent’s future opening roadmap. "Tencent’s opening up will be based on the continuous evolution of the two fulcrums of science and technology and humanities. In the future, it will focus on promoting new technology open APIs with AI as the core and large content open APIs with diverse content as the core."

  Three billions to support content entrepreneurship, eight scenarios to explore the future of AI

  "The internet and all walks of life have begun to deeply integrate, and online and offline are becoming one. All walks of life have developed from a simple’connection ‘in the past to an overall’cloud’ at present. Everyone hopes to achieve digital transformation and upgrade, and develop the digital economy," Ren Yuxin said.

  Digital content has become the new commanding heights of Internet competition. As an important part of Tencent’s big content strategy, at this conference, Lin Songtao released the "big content" platform opening strategy with diverse content as the core, which will create a complete content ecosystem from content production, multi-channel construction, intelligent distribution, and commercialization.

  The conference announced the official launch of Tencent content open API, which will combine WeChat, QQ, QQ space, browser, express, Tencent news, Tencent video, app treasure, NOW live broadcast, WeSing and other billion-level traffic platforms. With the intelligent distribution capabilities of Tencent AI, it will help content entrepreneurs achieve the goal of "one point access, the whole network is connected". At the same time, the newly launched "tens of billions" plan will 10 billion traffic, 10 billion funds and 10 billion industrial resources, and comprehensively support content entrepreneurs in the fields of traffic and monetization, investment incubation, and offline merchandise base.

  "In the cultural and creative industries such as movies, games, music, and online literature, the income of content creators can account for about half of the industry’s income, but in the field of diverse content, it is less than 10%, which obviously has a lot of space and opportunities." Lin Songtao said that Tencent Content Open API will be committed to helping content entrepreneurs to mine value. The lack of copyright protection is an important reason for the damage to the rights and interests of creators. For this reason, Tencent Content Open API launched a "content alliance" to protect creative copyright. Tencent’s internal products such as QQ, WeChat, Express, and Tencent Video, as well as excellent information platforms such as Zhihu, Sina, and Visual China, also joined at the same time.

Picture: Tencent Vice President Lin Songtao announced Tencent's opening achievements

Picture: Tencent Vice President Lin Songtao announced Tencent’s opening achievements

  In recent years, new technology clusters represented by AI are becoming a new driving force for the global economy. The 2017 Wuzhen Index shows that the global artificial intelligence financing scale has reached 22.40 billion US dollars. The Tencent "new technology" platform strategy focuses on AI and proposes an implementation path of "basic research – scene co-construction – AI openness".

  Lin Songtao introduced that Tencent has achieved a number of technical achievements in the field of artificial intelligence. For example, 21 papers in AI Lab were selected for top academic conferences in one year; two technologies ranked first in the MegaFace challenge of the internationally renowned facial recognition database. In the application field, Tencent AI capabilities, represented by Jueyi, Shadow Search, Accurate Push, and Intelligent Customer Service, have been implemented in eight major scenarios such as social networking, content, games, medical care, retail, finance, security, and translation. Tencent has also begun to promote AI openness. On the one hand, it empowers medical and other industries to achieve AI + by combining with traditional industries; on the other hand, it fully supports emerging AI entrepreneurs with AI open APIs.

  "Three empowering" for openness and innovation in the digital age

  "From traffic opening to capacity opening to ecological opening, Tencent has built three systems of technology empower, ecological empower and industrial empower, forming a comprehensive open system." Lin Songtao summarizes Tencent’s open system from three areas.

  In the field of technology, Tencent has built an empowering system based on basic technologies such as security, big data, LBS, and payment, and based on many applications such as QQ, WeChat, App Treasure, and Tencent Cloud as connectors. Among them, MAU breaks through the 200 million Tencent App Treasure to form a connection between APP developers and users in a full-scene distribution model; Tencent Cloud uses the "Smart +" model to help more than 1 million developers to form industry connections covering energy, industry, automotive, gaming, video, finance, government affairs, etc.; Tencent Social Advertising forms a marketing connection between partners and target users with a huge coverage of QQ, WeChat 1 billion users.

Figure: Tencent content open API launch

Figure: Tencent content open API launch

  In order to provide entrepreneurs with full-factor support, Tencent has built an ecosystem empowering system covering the entire chain of startup incubation, Enterprise Services, investment incubation, and high-end communities. Among them, Qingteng University has trained 188 outstanding entrepreneurs, including 22 unicorns, with an average growth of 150% during the enrollment period; Tencent Maker Space has landed 31 entrepreneurial venues in 26 cities across the country, and landed overseas Maker Space and Tencent Merchandise Base in Hong Kong, focusing on merchandise workers and helping the construction of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area; Tencent’s "Double Hundred Plan" has invested in more than 100 start-ups, with a total project valuation of over 60 billion and more than 20 track leaders; The entrepreneurship service platform also provides more than 3,700 entrepreneurship services for various enterprises. 

  The digital economy continues to develop, and Tencent’s empowerment of traditional industries continues to strengthen. With "Internet +" as the core, basic public services such as smart finance, smart travel, smart smart manufacturing and smart cities have been built. In smart finance, financial Cloud as a Service has been connected to more than 5,000 financial units, including WeChat Pay and QQ wallet. The peak mobile payment can reach 208,000 times per second. In the field of smart travel, based on the concept of empowering cars and serving people, building a travel platform with location-based service and vehicle to everything, and connecting car manufacturers with Tencent’s connected car technology. Smart manufacturing will be based on Tencent’s big data, cloud computing and other technical capabilities to implement supply chain integration, production optimization, marketing and after-sales system construction in different fields. In smart cities, Tencent has created "Internet +" solutions in various fields such as commerce, medical care, government affairs, policing, and travel, so as to improve the efficiency of commercial services and government services, provide convenience for citizens’ lives, and enhance public safety.


The new technology is fully blessed, and Geely Boyue L Intelligent Innovation Tasting Changchun Station is opened

On October 22, the Boyue L intelligent innovation tasting activity with the theme of "Come for Innovation" landed in Jilin. The event was held at Geely Automobile Changchun Mingyu Store. In a high-tech atmosphere, the real car tasting, product explanation, interactive Q & A and other links were arranged on the spot, as well as intelligent cockpit, safety body parts and other experiences, which won unanimous praise from all the tasting guests on site.

Coming for innovation, Boyue L Intelligent Innovation Tasting Changchun Station

The event attracted the attention of well-known automotive media people in the province and many Boyue fans

Dong Ning, Director of Hei Ji Region, Northeast Marketing Branch of Geely Automobile, delivered a speech and unveiled the new car

The event site was full of friends and the atmosphere was warm

Qu Yunxiang, Regional Manager of Hei Ji District, Northeast Marketing Branch of Geely Automobile, announced the price of Boyue L

Boyue L is a new A-class SUV based on the CMA architecture, using a new design concept. From the 13.2-inch central control vertical screen, surround emotional light curtain, 25.6-inch giant screen AR-HUD, NOA lane-level autonomous driving pilot system, Raytheon intelligent hybrid system and other intelligent technology configurations, Boyue L deserves the name of "smart SUV innovator". I believe it will bring users a new smart SUV experience, allowing more users to enjoy the dividends of Geely’s technological progress.

The event was a complete success

Based on the concept car, the Boyue L shape is more technological

Boyue L is based on the "Vision Starburst" concept car and adopts the design concept of "Digital Symphony Technology Aesthetics". While retaining the dynamic and cool design style of the concept car, it also inherits the product characteristics of "Technology Geely 4.0" and integrates a sense of technology, futurism and digitalization.

In order to meet the needs of mainstream A-class SUV users for vehicle space, we have upgraded the length of the Boyue L to 4670mm, and the wheelbase has reached the leading 2777mm in the same class, fully ensuring the available space in the car. At the same time, the short front and rear suspension design makes the whole vehicle look more sporty and full of combat atmosphere.

The light wave ripple front grille of Boyue L inherits the design features of Geely’s classic "water drop ripple", and adds new elements such as light sense, pulse, and ray. Combined with a particle ray lamp group composed of 182 LED light-emitting units and a luminous LOGO, the front face of Boyue L is like a stargate in a sci-fi film, with a long and deep visual experience and high recognition.

The tidal flow waistline, sharp upward, with the classic two-color suspension roof, perfectly presents the dynamic beauty of the Boyue L, outlining a sharp and layered body outline. At the same time, the dynamic design of the digital arrow LED through the taillights and the 20-inch silver-black star disc hub also makes the Boyue L show significant sporty characteristics.

What makes the eyes shine is that the headlights and taillights of Boyue L can play a corresponding "streamer light language" in a variety of specific scenarios such as welcome, farewell, and lock-up delay. This will undoubtedly help users win attention, gain a sense of ceremony and respect, and is also a unique design that is both ornamental and functional.

Central control vertical screen + emotional light curtain eye-catching, innovative experience of Galaxy OS Air version

Entering the Boyue L cockpit, the 13.2-inch central control vertical screen is very eye-catching. This large screen can be anti-reflection, anti-fingerprint, and anti-glare, with a resolution of up to 1440 × 1920 pixels, and the experience is comparable to that of consumer electronics products. It also realizes three-screen interaction with 10.25-inch LCD meters and 25.6-inch giant screen AR-HUD augmented reality head-up display systems, each with a clear division of labor and information exchange.

The world’s first wraparound emotional light curtain creates a feast of light and shadow in the Boyue L cockpit. The ambient light sets spread across the doors and consoles on both sides can express "emotion" by simulating voiceprint, breathing, flowing water and other states. In 8 interactive scenarios such as voice interaction, nap mode, air conditioner adjustment, music rhythm, and door opening to welcome guests, the ambient light that supports 72-color dynamic changes can complete the emotional interaction between people and vehicles in the light and shadow rhythm, effectively adjusting the user’s emotions.

The hardware configuration of Qualcomm Snapdragon 8155 chip, 8G memory and 128G storage space will enable the first Geely Galaxy OS Air version of the car system equipped with Boyue L to perform faster, shorter response time and better performance. With the support of the new Free Touch lightweight UI, Geely’s first V01 offline AI voice chip and short URL road interaction design, the car and machine can quickly and smoothly complete user commands, realize interactive functions such as precise recognition of complex instructions, visible and visible. It can also intelligently identify passenger positions and instructions based on the "4-zone sound source positioning" function, and realize intelligent one-to-one communication.

The Boyue L cockpit also adopts the design concept of "Digital Symphony Technology Aesthetics", and is decorated with brown + blue "Autumn Field Brown" or white + blue "Winter Snow Mountain White". It is also equipped with a double-spell color scheme Super Sense Racing Anti-bacterial steering wheel, crystal diamond stopper, light and shadow sunglasses sun visor, HARMAN INFINITY luxury audio, immersive headrest audio, and Air-sofa super seats with adjustable leg support function and 8 major comfort functions, etc. The driving experience is more comfortable and comfortable.

Popularizing smart technology, Boyue L has "Top Ten Hardcore Standard"

As Geely’s blockbuster product to accelerate the transition to intelligent electrification, Boyue L will be equipped with two sets of fuel powertrains, Drive-E series 2.0TD + 7DCT and 1.5TD + 7DCT. Among them, the 2.0TD engine can output the highest power of 160kW and the maximum torque of 325N ? m; the 1.5TD engine can output the highest power of 133kW and the maximum torque of 290N ? m. In addition, Boyue L will also launch the Raytheon Hi ? F oil-electric hybrid version. The NEDC fuel consumption is only 4.2L/100km, and the NEDC comprehensive battery life can reach 1300km. There is no need to charge, and there is no mileage anxiety, so that users can be far away in the city. Fully meet the diverse needs of different markets and different users.

As a popularizer of intelligent technology, Boyue L will be equipped with GEEA 2.0 evolvable intelligent electronic and electrical architecture to achieve full-scene, full-cycle global FOTA, and will also rely on the frequency conversion hybrid electric drive 3DHT Pro of Raytheon Intelligent Hybrid Platform to achieve balance between power and economy. It will also be equipped with Geely’s first NOA lane-level autonomous driving pilot system, applying Geely’s original "seven-layer intelligent safety identification circle" to create a full-dimensional high-intelligence travel experience.

According to the official introduction, this is a "entry-level high-end" car, and the whole series has "ten hardcore standard": Geely Galaxy OS Air version, 13.2-inch central control vertical screen, 10.25-inch digital LCD instrument, L2-level intelligent driver assistance system, 540 ° God’s Eye transparent chassis, mobile phone App remote control, aerospace-grade 7-series aluminum alloy collision beam, 178LX digital rhythm LED headlights, racing-grade braking system and integrated boron steel thermoformed door knocker.

It is understood that after the first stop in Hangzhou, Boyue L tasting activities will be held in Zhengzhou, Xi’an, Chongqing and other major cities one after another. This tasting activity in Changchun shows that the official IPO time of Boyue L has entered the "countdown". Friends who like Boyue L can book in the store now.


Avita’s 12 production capacity continues to rise, with deliveries hitting 8,000 units in March

On February 20th, this website reported that at present, the two flagship models of Avita’s Avita 11 and Avita 12 are in the midst of the intensive national delivery process. Affected by factors such as hot sales, the delivery process of Avita 12 has fallen behind user expectations. In this context, Avita held a "meeting this moment" user meeting in Chongqing. Chen Zhuo, president of Avita Technology, and Yong Jun, assistant vice president, visited the scene to communicate with users face-to-face, saying that the delivery volume of Avita 12 will hit 8,000 units in March.

At the event site, Chen Zhuo, president of Avita, first expressed his sincere apologies to users who failed to pick up their cars in time during the Spring Festival, and explained the tight production capacity caused by the hot orders after the launch of Avita 12. He said that in February, Avita will take advantage of the Spring Festival holiday to work overtime to adjust the production line and expand production capacity, and strive to achieve the delivery target of 8,000 units in March to accelerate the meeting of user expectations.

Avita’s user-centered development concept has always been well received by users, and the excellent quality of the Avita 12 model has pushed the user’s reputation to a new height. It is reported that Avita 12 brings together the advantages of Changan Automobile, Huawei, and Ningde Times in their respective fields. It has three core advantages of top intelligence, top design, and top luxury space. It has 12 industry-first and only strong configurations at the same level, redefining the new standard of luxury in the era.

Avita 12’s appearance and intelligent strength are both, and it has achieved excellent performance in the market. Less than a month after its launch, the order of Dading exceeded 20,000. Moreover, since the official delivery of Avita 12 in December, 2004 units have been delivered in only 20 days, successfully ranking among the top of pure electric cars above 300,000. This achievement not only proves that consumers love Avita 12, but also reflects its high cost performance and advanced technology widely recognized in the market.

It is worth mentioning that, with its excellent product strength, Avita 12 won the "2023 Global Car of the Year Award" at the 2023 Global Car Annual Ceremony. You know, this award has been deeply cultivated in the automotive industry for 10 years and has high authority in the industry. And Avita 12 can stand out in the fierce competition of 54 new models, leading the luxury brand flagship model and domestic popular model with the first place in the audience, fully demonstrating its strong market influence and the unique charm of future intelligent luxury cars.

Next, it is believed that Avita will continue to maintain a high-efficiency, high-level, and high-speed evolutionary state, focusing on users’ real car needs, and continuously promoting the intelligent strength upgrade of Avita 12 and other models. Moreover, Avita is making efforts to promote channel construction, believing that in the near future, it will bring users more diverse and more pleasant product choices.


"Temporary Robbery" Guo Fucheng designed the shape of buck teeth, Ren Xianqi acted too soft

1905 movie network news On January 14, the film premiered in Beijing. Director Mai Qiguang and actors,,,, and Zumbit attended the post-screening scene to share their behind-the-scenes shooting experience with the audience. The film will be released nationwide on January 19.

"Temporary Robbery" is an absurd and humorous crime comedy, telling the story of the gangster Mei Lantian (Guo Fucheng, played), the taxi driver A Jun (Lin Jiadong, played), and the nursing home social worker Murong Hui (Ren Xianqi, played) who accidentally formed a team to rob. Three decadent middle-aged people are involved in a storm in order to track down a huge sum of money they stole.

Speaking of this role, Guo Fucheng said that Mei Lantian is the type of gangster he has never played before, with a black humorous sense of humor. "How can I present a different gangster? When I read the script, a buck-toothed Guo Fucheng suddenly smiled at me," so he suggested that the director use buck teeth to make the character more three-dimensional, and the director agreed. Guo Fucheng revealed that he will wear buck teeth to practice his lines at home. Sometimes when he speaks too hard, the buck teeth will fly out. He has to constantly find the rhythm of the characters’ speech and amuse the audience in his gestures.

In the film, Lin Jiadong plays a middle-aged man, Ah Jun, who faces the difficult relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law and the pressure of life. Some audience members expressed their empathy and presented him with a manual book "How to Deal with the Relationship between Mother-in-law and Daughter-in-law". Lin Jiadong said that he is still single and can’t use it, so he forwarded it to Guo Fucheng and Ren Xianqi. Guo Fucheng humorously said that he is familiar with these rules in his heart, and Ren Xianqi transferred the book to the younger generation Zengbit.

Mr. Ren, who plays Mr. Murong-hui, the "Cainiao" who follows the bandits. He says he has played many villains since "The Big Incident." When the director approached him, he wondered if he was going to play the bandits again. Later, he found out that he was going to play the little guy in the market. To show the hardships of the characters’ lives, he said, "I took the lyrics of’Too Soft Heart ‘to the extreme: If the good guys can’t do it well, the bad guys can’t do it either."

Zhang Keyi, who plays the Kusa female police detective in this film, is obsessed with handling a big case. This is her first time playing the role of a police officer, trying to challenge action scenes such as shooting and blasting. Zhang Keyi revealed that she bought insurance for this and also broke through psychological barriers. Singer Zembit made his big screen debut with the film, playing the big thief, and he thanked the director for teaching him how to act during the filming of this "film newcomer".


79,800 yuan! The price of BYD Qin PLUS will fall below 80,000 yuan.

On February 16th, IT House quoted sources as saying that BYD Qin PLUS and destroyer 05 were about to launch a new model with "Glory Edition", and the official guide price dropped to 79,800 yuan.

In the same period of last year, when BYD Qin PLUS DM-i went public, it launched a "Champion Edition" model of 99,800 yuan, and the price of DM-i model dropped to less than 100,000 for the first time, accelerating the same price of oil and electricity. After several rounds of price reduction, the price of Qin PLUS DM-i fell below 90,000 yuan for the first time at the end of last year, which was 89,800 yuan.

It should be noted that price is only one of BYD’s competitive means. Facing 2024, BYD will usher in a wave of intelligent upgrading of its models, and more than 10 intelligent new cars will be launched during the year.

Intelligence has also become the focus of BYD’s product upgrade in 2024. Wang Chuanfu, chairman of BYD, said that in the future, 100 billion yuan will be invested in the field of intelligence to realize the selection of high-level intelligent driving systems in models with a price of more than 200,000 yuan, and high-level intelligent driving systems will be standard in models with a price of more than 300,000 yuan.

A few days ago, Zhao Changjiang, general manager of BYD’s Tengshi brand sales division, issued a document saying, "Go back to the network reply on the other side half a month ago! Say that you are an auto software company, as if we are not or weak! I’m telling you, we’re strong now! In 2024, you will encounter serious challenges of intelligent assisted driving systems and models. For example, Tengshi N7 will change the market structure and beat Y models! "

(Proofreading/Deng Qiuxian)


Buy a car and enjoy benefits! AITO asks M5 EV pure electric version for a new trip.

Looking at the current new energy vehicle market, the development momentum is rapid, and the production and sales volume have hit record highs. According to the data released by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, in 2022, the production and sales of new energy vehicles in China were 7.058 million and 6.887 million respectively, increasing by 96.9% and 93.4% simultaneously, ranking first in the world for eight consecutive years. From the data point of view, the development momentum of new energy vehicles in China is very strong, in which the domestic market sales of self-owned brand new energy passenger cars accounted for 79.9%.

Among them, the Sailisi AITO brand has become a dark horse in the new energy market in 2022, and its brand sales in the first year exceeded 75,000 units, surpassing the total sales of "Wei Xiaoli" in the same period, and its product strength was widely recognized by the market. As the latest product of Sailis AITO Jiejie series, AITO Jiejie M5 EV pure electric version brings users a new travel experience with extreme intelligence, super control and luxury and comfort, and becomes the first choice for pure electric travel.

Wisdom can replenish energyplan Fearless of mileage anxiety

For pure electric vehicles, cruising range is the core issue that users pay attention to. AITO asks the M5 EV pure electric version to be very competitive in the same class. In the fully charged state, AITO’s M5 EV pure electric version can realize CLTC cruising range of 620km and daily commuting. If you commute for 30 km, you can charge it once every half a month, which is not only low in car cost, but also very worry-free. In addition, AITO’s M5 EV pure electric version is compatible with 97% public charging piles on the market, and it is convenient to replenish energy. It is worth mentioning that users can also know the range of the current mileage through the "poached egg map" to get a good idea of the remaining cruising range. The car will also give a low battery warning through "Xiaoyi" and recommend nearby charging piles. In addition, the M5 EV pure electric version of AITO also adopts the super power-saving mode pioneered by the industry, which can increase the emergency mileage after being turned on with one button.

All-aluminum chassis energizeExtreme sense of control

For all kinds of complicated road conditions, the pure electric version of the M5 EV can AITO be handy. Empowered by DATS dynamic adaptive torque system jointly developed by Celestial Automobile and Huawei, the ride comfort and driving comfort of the pure electric version of AITO Wujie M5 EV have been greatly improved, and it is very stable to drive. Not only that, the pure electric version of AITO M5 EV adopts all-aluminum chassis, which makes the performance of the whole vehicle more stable. The front double wishbone and rear H-arm multi-link independent suspension, which complement each other with the chassis, can keep the body in a calm posture under different driving conditions, so that every departure can be handled calmly.

HarmonyOS threeIntelligent cockpit Bring the ultimateSmart travel

With the wave of intelligence, the convenient operation experience brought by intelligence can capture the hearts of consumers. At this point, AITO is well versed in it. AITO asks the M5 EV pure electric version equipped with the brand-new HarmonyOS 3 intelligent cockpit is a typical representative of intelligent and networked new energy vehicles. It breaks through the three major pain points of "less application, slow upgrade and poor experience" of traditional car machines. With the support of distributed technology of HarmonyOS, it opens up the boundary of full scene and multi-intelligent devices, and realizes the integration and sharing of mobile phone ecology and car machine ecology.

On the whole, AITO’s M5 EV pure electric version is a model with many advantages. Whether in battery life, maneuverability or intelligent configuration, it has industry-leading performance to meet users’ high-quality travel needs.

New year courtesy SeresLet new and old users

Excellent product strength makes AITO’s products "sell like hot cakes when they are launched", and during the New Year, Cyrus warmly gives back to new and old users. On January 13th, the official account of Sailis AITO released a message saying: For the car owners who had picked up their cars before 8: 30 on January 13th, 2023, a New Year Thanksgiving feedback activity was launched, and the first car owner of the M5 EV pure electric system and the M7 comfort version and luxury version was asked to extend the vehicle warranty to 8 years/160,000 kilometers and give 120,000 AITO points, with the maximum value of rights and interests of 35,000 yuan; The first owner of the M7 flagship edition of Wenjie extended the vehicle warranty to 8 years/160,000 kilometers; The owners of all M5 cars in Wenjie give a 2-year basic maintenance.

In addition, some models of AITO series released new prices for the New Year. Among them, the starting price of the standard version of the Wujie M5 EV pure electric rear drive is 259,800 yuan, and the starting price of the performance version of the Wujie M5 EV pure electric four-wheel drive is 289,800 yuan; The starting price of the comfort version of Wenjie M7 is 289,800 yuan, and the starting price of the luxury version of Wenjie M7 is 309,800 yuan.

It coincides with the Spring Festival holiday. I went to the store with my family to see the pure electric version of the M5 EV. This car is impeccable in terms of cruising range, cockpit comfort and handling. Compared with Tesla and Wei Xiaoli, it is much better. In addition, in the context of rising global raw materials, AITO has been able to adjust the price greatly and fully protect the rights and interests of old car owners. It can be said that AITO series not only keeps ahead of its peers in product quality, but also excels in quality-price ratio and service.

Compared with other new forces’ behavior of increasing prices in the beginning of the year, Sailis AITO asked the world to take the user as the center, give warm feedback, give real money to new and old users, and make a big move with a maximum discount of 30,000, plus leapfrog product expression, which makes many competing products somewhat "unable to sit still"!


Extreme krypton IPO: a valuation stop loss in the "reverse growth cycle"

Wen | Tan Qing said AI, author | Zheng Kaiche

In the matter of building a car, although everyone has different resource endowments, US stocks seem to be a common destination.

Less than three years after its establishment, Krypton is finally going public in the United States.

With capital technology and other resources, coupled with its strong brand-building ability, Geely has successfully created a valuation of nearly 100 billion yuan. The IPO road is obviously faster than Tesla and Wei Xiaoli. Although there is Geely’s support behind it, the speed of this IPO has surprised many investors.

The extremely krypton IPO was interpreted by the outside world as a powerful counterattack by the traditional car-making forces. It’s just,Look closely, although this hand counterattack is menacing, it still lacks some internal force.

This IPO, the planned amount of funds raised is not high, and the planned financing is 1 billion US dollars, compared with the expected valuation of 18 billion US dollars.This fundraising plan is still a bit conservative.Conservative fundraising plans often have a cause, either because the industry valuation is not ideal or because they are not confident in their own growth value.

In short, lowering the planned fundraising may make it easier for the IPO to succeed. After all, before the growth is really realized, the valuation will still be variable, and the current market valuation of new energy car companies is not the highest point, and it is more pragmatic to be conservative.

From an external perspective, this may be related to the financial demand for funds. After all, after two and a half years of operation, the accumulated loss of Krypton is as high as 16 billion yuan. According to the data of Tianyancha APP, in February this year, the A-round financing was 750 million US dollars, and the valuation reached 13 billion US dollars.

Under the continuous loss, the "second generation of cars" will be "independent" after all. It is also a road that needs to be taken after all to get out of the arm of the parent company and run its own profits and losses.

Geely’s plan to split Krypton and list it independently has been planned for a long time. In October 2022, Geely Automobile planned to split and go public. So, why wait until now to go public?

From the financial point of view, the conditions for split listing are also mature.

According to the data in the prospectus, the revenue from 2020 to 2023 was 3.185 billion yuan, 6.528 billion yuan and 31.899 billion yuan respectively, and the revenue growth rate in 2021 and 2022 was 104.94% and 388.69% respectively.

What is this concept?

Let’s look at Tucki. In the corresponding reporting period, Tucki’s revenue was 5.844 billion, 20.988 billion and 26.855 billion respectively, and the revenue growth rate in 2021 and 2022 was 259.12% and 27.95% respectively.

In other words, from 2021 to 2022,Krypton’s revenue scale and growth rate have surpassed that of Xpeng Motors.

Compared with Weilai and Ideality, the latter’s revenue in 2022 was 45.507 billion and 45.287 billion respectively, with growth rates of 37.19% and 67.67% respectively. If krypton can maintain a similar growth rate, then krypton is likely to come from behind in terms of revenue scale.

At least for now,Weilai revenue > ideal revenue > krypton revenue > Tucki revenue.

Let’s look at the net profit.

From 2020 to 2023, the net profit of Krypton was 104 million yuan,-4.514 billion yuan and-7.655 billion yuan respectively. In the same period, the figures in Tucki were-2.732 billion,-4.863 billion and-9.139 billion. Obviously, Krypton has more revenue, less losses and higher management quality than Tucki.

The other two companies had less ideal losses, with net profits of-166 million,-321 million and-2.032 billion respectively, and the net profits of Weilai were-5.304 billion,-4.017 billion and-14.437 billion respectively.

As far as losses are concerned, Weilai > Tucki > Extreme Krypton > Ideal.

Coincidentally, the current ideal market value of US stocks is US$ 44.8 billion, which is greater than US$ 16.3 billion in Tucki and US$ 13.8 billion in Weilai. That is to say, from the perspective of profit valuation, if Krypton is valued at $18 billion, it is just between the ideal and Tucki.

Overall,No matter from the revenue valuation or profit valuation, with the current scale and profitability, it has reached a node that can be an independent IPO.

Tan Qing said that AI believes that besides its mature operating conditions, the listing of Krypton may be more influenced by external environmental factors.At this time, it is extremely listed, which may be intended to stop loss.

The first is the stop loss on valuation.

Affected by the market cycle, the secondary market is experiencing a reverse growth cycle. At this time, the extremely listing means more "stop loss" in valuation for shareholders such as Geely.

From the external environment, whether it is a science and technology track or a new energy vehicle track, the growth valuation has been killed. Weilai’s market value has dropped from more than 60 billion US dollars to 13.8 billion US dollars, Tucki has dropped from more than 30 billion US dollars to more than 16 billion US dollars, and even Tesla has dropped from one trillion US dollars to more than 700 billion US dollars.

Even if Krypton waits any longer, it may not have a good valuation window. It is better to go public at this time, relying on its own experience quality and growth ability, and strive for a better valuation as much as possible, at least higher than that in Tucki.

Extreme krypton has this confidence.

On the one hand, the average bicycle price in Krypton is better than that in Tucki.

Taking the data in 2022 as an example, the sales revenue of vehicles (19.67 billion) and the sales volume of krypton in 2022 were 71,941 vehicles.

According to the accounting, the income of extremely krypton bicycles is about 270,000. In the same period, Weilai was 370,000, Tucki was 210,000 and Ideal was 330,000.

On the other hand, Krypton’s gross profit margin performed better.

In terms of gross profit margin, Krypton’s gross profit margin was 10.5% last year, while it was 21.22% in the same period. Tucki’s gross profit margin has not yet turned positive, and Weilai’s is only 1.28%.

The listing of MPV Extreme Krypton 009 raised the average selling price of bicycles in the first half of the year. The average selling price of bicycles in the first half of the year was 309,000 yuan, up 30,000 yuan year-on-year. In addition, with the increase in product sales and the support of Geely’s industrial chain, the cost of building a car is also declining. As these advantages are further revealed, the performance of Krypton may have more room for release.

Therefore, IPO may not be the best time at this time, but it is indeed a more suitable time for valuation.

Second, the financial stop loss.

Finance here does not mean extreme krypton, but Geely. Geely is not only a brand of extreme krypton, but it is indeed a one with more losses.

In August this year, Geely released its financial report for the first half of this year. The company’s total revenue increased by 25.8% year-on-year, slightly increased by 1% year-on-year, and its gross profit margin was 14.4%. Compared with the same period last year, it decreased by 0.2 percentage points. In this unsatisfactory net profit data, it is difficult to ignore the loss impact caused by extreme krypton and Lectra.

Next, the competition in the whole automobile industry will become more intense, not only in the new energy market, but also in the fuel market. Therefore, financially, Geely does have a lot of pressure.

In fact, if the losses continue, the impact of Krypton on Geely’s finance will be no less than a "bad asset". If Krypton’s independent listing is successful, then Geely’s pressure will be relatively less.

Maybe,The listing of krypton is not only a kind of "sizing up the situation", but also a kind of "having to do it".Even in the "reverse growth cycle" of the secondary market, the market will not give a satisfactory price.

For Krypton, IPO means to really "grow up" and decide your own destiny in terms of brand, product and manufacturing.

According to the prospectus, 90% of the fund-raising plan is related to further expansion of business, such as investing in research and development, increasing product portfolio, and further improving the service network and energy-supplementing facilities network.

In other words, before the product can truly achieve large-scale hematopoietic capacity, krypton still needs a considerable amount of fresh blood from the secondary market.

From the perspective of business structure,The main automobile sales business urgently needs to form a stronger positive cycle ability.

In krypton business, automobile sales accounted for 61.9%, battery and other parts sales accounted for 34.6%, and R&D services and other services accounted for 3.4%. Among the three major businesses, the gross profit margin of Krypton automobile sales business is actually not as high as expected.

In comparison, the gross profit margin of extremely krypton vehicle sales in 2022 was 4.69%, and Wei Xiaoli was 13.70%, 9.45% and 19.09% in the same period.

Gross profit margin is so low,It is because of the market strategy of exchanging price for quantity in the early stage of product launch.

One fact is that most of Krypton’s revenue is supported by 001. In terms of the sales proportion of the brand, before January 2023, there was only one product, 001, and after delivery began in October 2022, the sales volume was more than 10,000 vehicles for three consecutive months.

In February, 2023, after the new car was delivered, the sales volume of Krypton 001 dropped to 88%, and in July, it dropped to 51%, and in September, it returned to 71%.

From this point of view, the sales volume of Krypton 001 is still very large.

I understand that it is impossible to "eat all over the sky in one stroke" by changing the price with the price of Extreme Krypton 001, so I immediately launched Extreme Krypton 009 and Extreme Krypton X, which respectively correspond to hunting MPV and young personalized SUV market segments.

In addition to exchanging price for quantity, the big move released by Krypton is"product positioning and market segmentation win". At the end of October this year, Krypton 001FR, with a starting price of 769,000 yuan, went on the market, which is the ultimate performance of Krypton’s consistent market strategy.

Can this strategy succeed? It remains to be seen.

After the launch of new models such as Extreme Krypton X and Extreme Krypton 009, the brand has indeed gone up, and the price of bicycles has also gone up. Extreme Krypton has firmly established itself in the luxury market.Although the price has gone up, the sales volume of 001 is still very high.

Of course, this may also be related to the production side.

On the one hand, in the case of insufficient production capacity of its own factory, it may still be necessary to hand over some models to Geely for production, which means that even if it comes to IPO, it may still not have complete autonomy in production.

On the other hand, for Krypton, it also needs a climbing process from the release of new products to the release of production capacity. The production capacity of 001 is sufficient, but it is still unknown whether other product lines can successfully complete the capacity climbing.

Whatever the reason,A situation that cannot be ignored is that there is not much time left for krypton.

From the data point of view, the driving force of 001 sales growth is declining. The sales data show that from January to September 2023, the cumulative sales volume of Krypton 001 reached 52,998 vehicles, down 26.33% year-on-year.

Judging from the prospectus, a number of models have been launched.And further research and development of more models to put on the market and spread the product line is a road that has been selected.

According to the prospectus, in 2020-2022 and the first six months of 2023, the R&D expenses of Krypton were RMB 23 million, RMB 3.16 billion, RMB 5.446 billion and RMB 3.189 billion respectively. The expense rates are 1%, 48%, 17% and 15% respectively. We compare the R&D expenditure in 2022, and the ideal R&D expenditure rate is 15%, Weilai 22% and Tucki 19%.

Further, the prospectus shows that 50% of the expenses of Krypton during the reporting period are consulting fees, SEA (Geely Vast Architecture) licensing fees and verification and testing fees.

In other words, half of the research and development expenses are actually given to Geely for the development of new models on the vast architecture. Eager to develop new models and put them on the market,It also seems to explain from the side that the strategy of market segmentation and niche brand style can not support the growth of revenue scale.

Tesla, Ideal, Tucki and Zero Run have all proved that,The real success of building a car is not the success of the niche market, but the success of the mass market.

Why is the sales of Krypton 001 so good? Not because he is a hunting car, but because he can play Krypton 001 in the whole large market of medium and large cars. Therefore, even if we dig deeper into market segments such as MPV, we really can’t support real sales. What Krypton really lacks is to find another mass market product besides 001.

This product is Krypton 007, which appeared at Guangzhou Auto Show.

Extreme Krypton 007 brings an 800V platform and dual motors, with a starting price of 229,900 yuan. In addition, 007 is equipped with an 8295 chip, a 90-inch smart light screen and three laser radars, and its hardware configuration is full.

In the medium-sized car market, Krypton obviously put more chips on it.

Compared with the products of Krypton brand in the past, Krypton 007 faces a more rational market and more intense competition. This market not only includes Tesla Model3, but also Tucki P7 and BYD Han EV, which is the most competitive market for new energy. This also means that the former "car second generation" began to walk out of the comfort zone and walked into the most important main battlefield of new energy vehicles.

"This market is extremely awkward and does not have overwhelming product advantages." Xiao Guo, a brand salesman, said: "Judging from the newly released product information of Krypton 007, it seems that Krypton still emphasizes the hardware parameters of the product, but when users in this market make decisions, after the test drive experience, their intellectual driving ability will often become the key factor in the final transaction, and the advantages of Krypton in this respect are not obvious."

In 2022, Krypton once said that it would put into production L4 self-driving cars for the C-end consumer market in 2024, and Krypton also cooperated with Mobileye to pave the way for the intelligent driving ability of Krypton cars.

Once the rhetoric has gradually arrived at the moment of landing, what kind of answer sheet will Krypton hand over? Can this answer sheet satisfy the market? Perhaps the next secondary market will give the fairest judgment.

What will happen to the performance of krypton IPO? It is worth our common expectation.


13-year-old boy spilled gasoline and burned the teacher’s ward. Confession: I’m sorry.

  Yesterday, Xiaowu, accompanied by his father, came to the ward of Yang Dongling, a female teacher who was burned by his arson, and apologized to her.

  13-year-old Xiao Wu’s letter of apology

  "Dear Miss Yang:

  Sorry, I shouldn’t have hurt you. Besides, you are still a people’s teacher who has never met me and has no holidays. I regret that I hurt you. If I could go back in time, I wouldn’t do anything illegal, and I wouldn’t hurt you. I’m sorry, Mr. Yang. I wish you a speedy recovery, restore your previous appearance, and go back to your previous education for those students in the mountains, so that they will not follow my example and become pillars of society and talents of the country. Miss Yang, I’m sorry. "

  Xiao Wu, a 13-year-old woman teacher, has been kept at home by her father since she burned Yang Dongling with gasoline. Yesterday morning, Xiaowu followed his father to visit Yang Dongling in Sichuan Provincial People’s Hospital from Jinchuan County.

  Yesterday morning, in the face of the excited family members of the injured, Xiaowu walked beside Teacher Yang Dongling, kept silent and took out a pre-written letter to express his apologies and guilt. However, it is a pity that although Yang Dongling said "I want to see him (Xiaowu)", she failed to see Xiaowu clearly in the end.


  Father stayed at home with him for two months.

  This time, I took him to Rong to visit the female teacher.

  On the afternoon of August 13th, Li Dong changed a shirt and left home, ready to go to Chengdu to visit Teacher Yang Dongling who had just finished the first skin grafting operation.

  There is a line in the movie "mr. six": "What you have caused will be rounded up by yourself, and what you can’t round up by yourself will be rounded up by his father". This line, as Xiaowu’s father, has no more empathy than him. After the incident, he visited Yang Dongling in the hospital and spent more than 80,000 yuan on medical expenses. Then, he didn’t go out to work again, and stayed at home with Xiaowu almost all day. If he wants to go out, he will chain Xiaowu’s feet. However, unlike the first time he visited Yang Dongling alone, this time he called his son Xiaowu.

  "I kept him at home for two months. I don’t know what to do, only let him watch junior high school textbooks and the legal program of CCTV Channel 12. "

  Li Dong said, let the children take a look at the burned teacher Yang. First, let them see how much harm he has caused others, "let him face everything in front of him"; The second is to express apology and repentance. "If the family members of the injured are emotional, I can understand even if I can’t stand it."

  After changing his shirt, he asked Xiaowu again, "Do you want to go?" Xiaowu bowed his head and said nothing. Li Dong didn’t force the child. Half an hour later, Xiaowu nodded: "I want to go."

  Before going out, Li Dong’s mother stopped him. "Take the 3000 yuan I saved some time ago." Li Dong replied, "I have already taken it."

  During the nearly 9-hour journey, the father and son didn’t say a word. The little military commander faced the window and his eyes turned up and down with the mountains and rivers. The outside world made him curious.

  The last time he went to Chengdu was last year, when he stole thousands of dollars from his grandmother, went to "rush" with several friends for ten days, and finally came back down and out.


  The juvenile ward took out an apology letter

  Regret not reading it to Mr. Yang’s face.

  When I arrived in Chengdu last night, it was already 11 o’clock in the middle of the night, and my father and son stayed in the hotel. At 8 o’clock yesterday morning, the two came to the burn ward of Sichuan Provincial People’s Hospital. The more I went to the hospital, the heavier Xiaowu’s expression became. "My relatives told me that many people on the Internet said they would shoot me, and some even said they would take me to prison."

  When he arrived at the hospital, the reporter of Chengdu Business Daily asked him if he would like to meet the teacher Yang Dongling who was hurt by him. He nodded. "I want to go." As soon as she entered the ward, Yang Dongling’s mother recognized Li Dong, who had been to the hospital. When she saw Xiaowu hiding behind Li Dong, she froze, her face turned black, and she cried and said, "Come and have a look for yourself. What have you burned people to? How can you do it? !”

  Xiaowu was at a loss and stood nervously in the corner. Yang Dongling’s sister and aunt excitedly pushed Xiaowu to the bed with their hands, and uncovered the shroud on the bed, so that the teenager could go to the bed and see clearly the "consequences caused by himself". Opening the shroud, Yang Dongling, who had just finished skin grafting, was covered with medicine on her upper body and had no complete skin on her face. Xiaowu stood by Yang Dongling’s side, maintaining his inherent expression since he was locked at home for two months.

  "You go! You go! " In the face of Xiaowu, the emotional Yang family said. Xiaowu remained silent. He took out a letter and put it on the table beside the hospital bed, and then moved out of the ward step by step.

  Li Dong is still standing at the bedside, facing the accusations of the Yang family alone. "I didn’t ask them to forgive me. I just came to see Teacher Yang, indicating that we don’t care about not coming forward."

  Xiaowu wrote in his letter: "Dear Teacher Yang, I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have hurt you. Besides, you are still a people’s teacher who has never met me and has no holidays. I regret that I hurt you. If I could go back in time, I wouldn’t do anything illegal, and I wouldn’t hurt you. I’m sorry, Mr. Yang. I wish you a speedy recovery, restore your previous appearance, and go back to your previous education for those students in the mountains, so that they will not follow my example and become pillars of society and talents of the country. Teacher Yang, I’m sorry. "

  After coming out, Xiaowu said that the letter was written at home before coming. He is a little regretful that he didn’t tell his faith to Mr. Yang’s face.


  "Where is the doll? I want to see him."

  The teacher read the letter of apology and failed to see the teenager.

  "For more than two months, you haven’t been here, and you haven’t got a phone call." Yang Dongling’s aunt pushed Li Dong and accused him of not educating his son well. After the incident, she even evaded her responsibilities and rarely visited him. Li Dong always explained in a low voice that he didn’t discipline his son Xiaowu, and his family was really difficult. He didn’t raise much money, and his son didn’t come until he needed to take care of him after the accident. As he spoke, he took out the 3,000 yuan in cash he brought. "You get it first, and I will continue to find a way after I go back." However, Yang Dongling’s mother, who was unable to restrain her grief, refused to accept the money, and Li Dong half-kneeled the money into her hand.

  "We all understand that he said it was difficult for him to go back and find a way, but if they were sincere, they wouldn’t wait until today." Aunt Yang Dongling said that in recent months, the three of them have been taking care of Yang Dongling, and Yang Dongling always vomits when she can’t eat, which is worrying. Considering Yang Dongling’s illness and family mood, Li Dong didn’t stay for long.

  Yang Dongling in the hospital bed looks very calm. Because Yang’s family was emotional, Xiaowu couldn’t walk close to the bed, and Yang Dongling didn’t see Xiaowu because of the shroud. After Xiaowu and his father left, Yang Dongling suddenly said to her sister Yang Dongxia, "Where is the doll? I want to see him." The Chengdu Business Daily reporter immediately gave her the apology belief left by Xiaowu. A moment later, she struggled to spit out a sentence: "Show me the words." The reporter held the letter of apology in front of her. She read it carefully line by line, more than 100 words, and read it for nearly 1 minute.

  "Call him, I’ll wait for him." When a reporter from Chengdu Business Daily asked why he wanted to see Xiaowu, Yang Dongling was silent for a moment. "I want to hear him read (apology letter)". At her insistence, the family members also agreed that Xiaowu would come back and said that they were no longer excited. But at this time, Li Dong, who had just experienced the excitement of the Yang family and accused him of being on his way home, took care of his son’s safety and didn’t want to take Xiaowu back. At 9 o’clock yesterday morning, Yang Dongling, who had been lying all night, also needed to turn over with the help of her family, so it was not convenient to see Xiaowu.

  "No, I’ll go to see him." Dong-ling Yang whispered.

  Female teacher

  Where’s the doll? I want to see him

  After Xiaowu and his father left, Yang Dongling suddenly said, "Where is the doll? I want to see him."

  The reporter of Chengdu Business Daily immediately put Xiaowu’s letter of apology in front of her. She read it carefully line by line and read more than 100 words for nearly 1 minute.

  "Call him, I’ll wait for him." When the reporter asked why he wanted to see Xiaowu, Yang Dongling was silent. "I want to hear him read (apology letter)." However, at this time, Xiaowu has set foot on his way home with his father.

  "No, I’ll go to see him." Dong-ling Yang whispered.

  Chengdu Business Daily reporter Yun Wangyi Yu Zunsu photojournalist Liu Haiyun

  A broken family in a remote county leads a astray life.

  Growing fragments of arson teenagers

  Questioning the cause of Xiaowu’s arson, we can see the weakness of a county boy whose temperament changed greatly after his parents divorced, and who was led astray by others because of his weariness of learning and ignorance. Xiaowu claimed to know it was a mistake, but when he was instructed by "Big Brother", he chose to listen.

  At 9 o’clock on the evening of June 14, after hiding in Jinchuan County for 24 hours, he was found by his father, who called the police station: "I found the person and sent it to you." Xiaowu didn’t resist.

  His family broke up and he became dull.

  On the night of arson and robbery, Xiaowu stayed in a hotel for one night, afraid to go home or tell anyone. He knew that he had made a big mistake.

  Jinchuan County is located in the southwest of Aba. Like many remote counties, teenagers like Xiaowu can be seen everywhere on the street. Xiaowu’s home is in Lewu Township, which belongs to Jinchuan County. Since school, his family has changed, and he has lived with his father and grandmother since then.

  After the Wenchuan earthquake in 2008, cracks appeared in Kotakeya’s house, and my father and grandmother later built a new house together. But the new home didn’t live for a long time, and Xiaowu’s parents’ feelings broke down. Xiaowu became dull, and his parents didn’t want to communicate with him more. Since the third grade of primary school, Xiaowu has learned to skip classes. "I ran out after school, and my home was full of streets." Xiaowu’s grandmother, Li Yunshu, said that once she went to the street to look for her grandson, a neighbor pointed out of the city and said, "Your grandson goes to that temple every day." She rushed to the temple and saw Xiaowu kneeling in front of the Buddha statue. "He asked the Bodhisattva to bless him. Mom and Dad should not divorce." For a long time, as soon as school was over in the afternoon, he and a classmate ran to the temple. Now that his parents have been divorced for almost six years, he is used to living without his mother. For the harm caused by divorce to his son, Xiaowu’s father, Li Dong, only explained it simply by "not getting along with his wife". Speaking of the disaster of Xiao Wuchuang, the 36-year-old man kept sighing.

  Began to be obsessed with online games and learned to skip class and not go home.

  Xiaowu, who had no parents around for a long time and was only taken care of by his grandmother, began to be fascinated by the online game of crossing the line of fire.

  Grandma Li Yunshu gave him two yuan to buy breakfast every day. At night, she found her grandson in the Internet cafe. For her, the way to discipline her grandson is too limited, and there is no other way but to tell her a few words. In her eyes, the introverted grandson also has a grumpy side. Considering that Xiaowu’s parents are divorced, his relatives are particularly concerned about him. Before he graduated from elementary school, he used his smartphone. "On one occasion, he felt that his mobile phone was slow to respond, so he picked it up and threw it on the ground. In the past few years, I have broken several mobile phones. " In order to prevent his son from surfing the Internet in Internet cafes, Li Dong bought a computer for Xiaowu to play at home. However, the computer was damaged by Xiaowu less than a year after it was bought. Xiaowu’s uncle was going to buy him another one, but Li Dong refused.

  Hanging out with unemployed young people was arrested for stealing.

  Li Dong believes that his son’s troubles have long been buried in his wandering life.

  In Li Dong’s view, he and his son have lived in this remote ravine since they were born. He said that he had always known that his son had been mixed with some unemployed young people in society since he entered junior high school. A neighbor often sees Xiaowu and a group of young people wandering around the square and teahouse in the county. What impressed Li Yunshu the most was that she went to school in the afternoon to send a schoolbag to her grandson. The students had already entered the school gate, and there were two young people with yellow hair at the school gate. "What’s the use of studying? Now I can earn 1800 a month by working." She didn’t expect that Xiaowu, who arrived late, went to the front of two young people and talked for a few words, then left together. She gave a cry and Xiaowu started to run.

  Last year, Xiaowu, who had just entered junior high school, began to steal. He is with his companions. When he runs out of money, he tries to steal. He likes to steal cash and mobile phones. First, it is easy to steal. Second, mobile phones sell well. Li Dong said that once, Xiaowu was caught by the police and brought back for investigation. Wherever he went, it was like parading in the street.

  After setting fire to the female teacher, Xiaowu wrote in a fact sheet that the other party asked him to pay off the debts that everyone usually owed in the restaurant. Because he had no money, the other party asked him to rob him. Except for two of his friends who were apprentices in barbershops, all of them had no proper jobs and lived on credit and theft in the county town.

  After the incident, I left home and wanted to go out to work with my companions.

  Since junior high school, Xiaowu likes to drink beer in a bar in the county with some young people four or five years older than him. The excitement brought by alcohol made him experience the joy of adult life, and it was from this time that he began to understand the outside world.

  Last year, Xiaowu stole several thousand yuan from his grandmother and took a bus with several companions to Longquan, Chengdu, in order to "go to work". As a result, after spending all their money in Chengdu Zoo and Happy Valley, the group took the shuttle bus back to their hometown. In his view, I really want to go to Chengdu to work, but I didn’t find a suitable job. I wanted to "work early to earn money and stop being wronged."

  One afternoon after the incident, Xiaowu left home and trotted along the hillside, trying to find a companion to work in Chengdu and escape from the place where he made a mistake. On the same day, Li Dong arrested him. After that, whenever Li Dong went out or cooked in the kitchen, he chained his son in the house.

  Now, Xiaowu’s family has given up watching TV for entertainment, but only transferred to CCTV Channel 12 every night to let Xiaowu "watch legal programs and study law."

  On the evening of August 13, a suspect in a detention center was broadcast on TV. Xiaowu watched it for a while, looked away from the TV screen and was silent for a long time.

  Dialogue teenager

  When I saw Mr. Yang in the ward, he left an apology letter and never spoke.

  "It’s no use saying sorry when you’re scared."

  "I still want to come." Although he went to the hospital to visit Teacher Yang Dongling and was accused and taught by his relatives, Xiaowu told the Chengdu Business Daily reporter afterwards. On the way home, Xiaowu had a simple exchange with Chengdu Business Daily reporter.

  Chengdu Business Daily: Are you worried that visiting Teacher Yang in the hospital will affect her and her family’s mood?

  Xiaowu: (Nodding)

  Chengdu Business Daily: Why did you promise to come? Do you regret it?

  Xiaowu: No, I just want to have a look at Mr. Yang’s injury and know that I have made a big mistake.

  Chengdu Business Daily: Aren’t you afraid that they will beat and scold you?

  Xiaowu: (silent for a moment) When I saw the fire burning that night, I didn’t want to live.

  Chengdu Business Daily: What are you afraid of?

  Xiaowu: At that time, I knew something was wrong. When I saw Teacher Yang rolling on the ground, I was afraid to go home. Later, relatives came to my house every day to scold me, saying that many people on the Internet said they would shoot me and put me in prison.

  Chengdu Business Daily: You never spoke in the ward. What was the reason?

  Xiaowu: I’m scared. I feel sorry is useless.

  Chengdu Business Daily: How do you feel after seeing Teacher Yang?

  Xiaowu: I have a bad fever. After seeing Teacher Yang personally, I feel that I can feel better for a few days.

  Chengdu Business Daily: What do you want to say to Teacher Yang now?

  Xiaowu: Sorry, I hope she will recover soon. I wrote a letter to her, hoping that she would read it.

  (Father and son are pseudonyms in the text)


  Teenage gasoline burns female teachers.

  Grab his Apple phone.

  At 9: 00 pm on June 13th, in a residential courtyard in Jinchuan County, a 13-year-old boy Xiaowu (a pseudonym) threw a bottle of gasoline at Yang Dongling, a 23-year-old female teacher on her way home, and then took out a lighter. The fire instantly wrapped Yang Dongling. In pain and cry for help, Yang Dongling fainted at the scene, Xiaowu took the opportunity to grab her Apple mobile phone, and the residents of the community then dialed 120… …

  According to the doctor of the provincial hospital, Yang Dongling’s burn reached the third degree standard and was diagnosed as extremely severe burn. At present, she has completed some skin grafting operations, and the wounds on her face and head have gradually healed. However, the deep burns on her chest, back, thighs and neck can only be recovered after continuous removal of dead meat and skin grafting, and most of her fingers may be amputated due to necrosis.

  Xiaowu is a junior one student in a local middle school. He said that he thought of robbery because his playmate asked him to give some money. Two days after the incident, Jinchuan county police blocked Xiaowu. Because the 13-year-old boy did not reach the age of criminal responsibility, Xiaowu was brought home by his father the next day. At present, Xiaowu’s father has paid Yang Dongling more than 80,000 yuan for treatment. Xiaowu’s father said that his son Xiaowu followed him after he divorced his wife five years ago. After the incident, the father and son were basically at home every day. "I stayed at home with him every day."


Preliminary sea election of eight China brand models

  [car home preliminary sea election] On May 10th, 2017, the State Council approved the first "China Brand Day", and five years passed quickly, but it was a rapid development for China automobile brands. From word-of-mouth, sales volume to users’ cognition and satisfaction, China brand has been growing rapidly in all vehicle types in the past five years. With the arrival of another Chinese Brand Day on May 10th, here we select eight models in the three price ranges of 10-20/20-30/30+ for recommendation, which are also the top-selling products at all levels in the past six months to see if these products are strong enough.

Home of the car

★ 100,000-200,000 level recommendation

  100,000-200,000 China brand models are numerous, ranging from traditional fuel to new energy, many of which are the range where first-time car buyers set foot. This part of China brand vehicles have the characteristics of high cost performance, complete configuration and novel design. Because there are so many models worth buying, the space recommended here is not enough, so I chose four models with top sales, which have high reputation and recognition.

● Sales King-Great Wall Haval H6

  The name Haval H6 can be said to be an old-timer in the China brand compact SUV market, occupying the top position in the sales list all the year round, and even many consumers think of Haval H6 when they mention this level. Now it has experienced three generations of models, and the latest one on sale is the third generation Haval H6. Based on the brand-new lemon platform, it has higher technical content and more brand branding in design. At the same time, it has also been comprehensively improved in the intelligent interconnection that consumers are paying more and more attention to, and has a balanced product strength.

Home of the car

Home of the car

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  The third-generation Haval H6 has 1.5T and 2.0T power options, and the 2.0T also offers four-wheel drive models. In recent years, Haval has greatly improved the smoothness and transmission efficiency of power output. The 1.5T engine will not feel that the power is weak enough, while the 2.0T engine will have a more obvious experience in speeding up. As a cost-effective product, the third-generation Haval H6 is a player with strong comprehensive strength within 150,000 yuan.

● Rising star-Changan CS55PLUS

  Changan CS55PLUS is not as "long-standing" as Haval H6, but its sales volume and reputation are not lost at all. What is currently on sale is its second-generation model, which is one of the highest in its class in design and is also a strong selling point. Judging from the new models recently released by Changan, the brand’s own brand has won people’s hearts, and both UNI series and CS series are the best players in the same class. CS55PLUS continues this advantage from the outside to the inside, especially the paragraphs in the interior are rich in layers and have a sense of the future.

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  At present, the second-generation CS55PLUS launched a total of three models, the choice is relatively simple, unlike Haval H6, which has 2.0T and four-wheel drive models. For this size, it is no problem for the 1.5T model to meet the daily transportation, and it can be relatively comfortable in the force range, and the performance of this 7-speed wet dual-clutch gearbox is also very stable, and there will be almost no annoying problems when driving daily. CS55PLUS is more suitable for young consumers to buy, with high value and technology, and low fuel consumption, which will not increase the use cost too much.

● Exquisite car-Geely Xingrui

  After the recommendation of two SUVs, if you are not so persistent about models such as space or SUV, Geely’s car must be considered. It is Geely Xingrui. Let’s not say that it is built by the whole system of 2.0T plus CMA architecture. These two points can be won at a price of more than 100,000 yuan, which is really very conscience, which is also the core reason for its high sales. In addition to the two points just mentioned, Xingrui is also exquisite in design, without grandiose decoration or gilded lines, which is very in line with the scene of daily household scooters, and even feels a little leapfrog when put together with Volkswagen and Toyota models of the same level, especially its wheelbase has reached 2800mm, and the whole vehicle is very close to a medium-sized car.

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  Needless to say, the whole 2.0T+7-speed dual-clutch gearbox is an excellent level in its class, whether it is the ride comfort or the feeling of power improvement. German and Japanese players at this price can hardly find 2.0T engines, and 1.5T/1.4T players at Yishui. Based on CMA architecture, Xingrui has created the amulet of "super matrix", and there is no doubt about driving sound insulation and chassis performance. In this price range, Xingrui can be said to have the most comprehensive performance model, which is very worthy of your consideration.

● master of saving money-BYD Qin PLUS DM-i

  Haval H6 is the sales king of China brand compact SUV, and the title of the compact car belongs to Qin PLUS. Under BYD’s latest strategy, Qin PLUS provides plug-in hybrid products and pure electric products. Today, we are going to talk about plug-in hybrid DM-i products, which have both fuel economy and convenience, and are more acceptable to many consumers who do not have fixed parking spaces or charging piles. The lower price and the interior and exterior decoration design in line with China consumers’ aesthetics are its strongest competitiveness, and all the configuration levels are also the first echelon at the same level.

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  Qin PLUS DM-i system consists of 1.5L naturally aspirated engine and motor, and there are two battery versions currently on sale. Choose a 120KM model. If there is a charging pile at home, you can hardly use gasoline for commuting. The 120KM version without charging pile has a fast charging interface, and charging is also very convenient. The intervention of the engine will not be abrupt when the driving part is mixed with oil and electricity, but when the motor works, both the acceleration response speed and the speed-up ability are stronger than those when the motor is pure gasoline. Qin PLUS DM-i is most suitable for pragmatic consumers, and the vehicle is cheap and the use cost is low, which can be described as both.

★ 200-300,000 range

  China brand’s main battlefield is concentrated in the price range of 100,000-200,000, but in the improved range of 200,000-300,000, large-size SUVs and MPVs account for a large proportion, such as Roewe iMAX8, Chuanqi GS8 and BYD Tang. But here I want to recommend two different products in this price range.

● China Steel Gun-Lingke 03+

  Linke 03+ is a test of China brand in the field of partial performance vehicles, which is very successful in terms of sales volume and attention. Nowadays, a customized version of Cyan has been launched, which is said to be a very difficult car to grab. With the background of WTCR racing, it can not only better sell its sports models, but also stimulate the enthusiasm of Chinese people for racing. Linke 03+ Basic Edition has a good playability, and it has a stronger power experience and more fun to drive than ordinary 03. The exterior and interior also create a very sporty atmosphere, and this kind of "original modified car" is also increasingly sought after.

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  The combination of 2.0T engine and Aisin 8-speed automatic transmission can give you a smooth daily travel experience and more radical power feedback when needed. Although the absolute acceleration ability of the Lectra 03+ has not entered a particularly outstanding performance, the overall atmosphere and the sporty adjustment of the chassis will make you like driving more, and keep more sense of the road and make you feel more communication with the car. In addition, with the penetration of WTCR racing culture and the growing number of car owners of Link 03+, the third-party modification market has also introduced more suitable products, so that consumers can experience the fun outside the original car.

● Hard-core retro-tank 300

  With the recommendation of the fun car, the fun SUV is naturally indispensable. Before the tank 300 appeared, similar products were either too expensive or too small, or the design was too old-fashioned. After the hard-core SUV tank 300 with retro style came out, it also became a online celebrity car in one fell swoop, and even a car was hard to find. The square shape has a very hard-core feeling, and the retro details and color matching make it walk between cities without feeling different. In the interior part, it also combines off-road and technology well, and the tough lines are not rough at all, which is also the part that contemporary consumers value very much.

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  The power level of the whole system of 2.0T+8AT allows you to leave the city for the wild without feeling overwhelmed. According to different models, it is equipped with part-time 4wd and timely four-wheel drive, and the non-loaded body is also its hard-core logo. In addition to these mechanical hardware, the tank 300 also supports many scientific and technological auxiliary systems, such as tank turning mode, transparent chassis angle of view, crawling mode and all-terrain control, which can make you more comfortable when you are off-road. With so many labels, Tank 300 naturally becomes a hot commodity.

Level 300,000-400,000

  This price range was definitely dominated by overseas brands five years ago. China brands sold well at this price, and few models can be remembered by most consumers. This price model is also a good reflection of the progress of China brand, especially in the context of the vigorous development of new energy vehicles, the rise of China brand, a new car, has played a key role. The emergence of products such as Ideal, Weilai and Tucki has enabled China consumers to accept new energy products more quickly. With the progress of technology and design concept in traditional automobile enterprises, products such as Hongqi H9 have emerged.

● Daddy’s magic car-Li ONE

  Li ONE has shaken the position of many Japanese and German medium and large SUVs on his own, and has been the top spot of medium and large SUVs for half a year. This achievement should have been unthinkable five years ago. Exquisite and practical design and a thorough understanding of the needs of consumers in China are the keys to its success. Unlike other models, Li ONE has only one configuration, and consumers don’t need to study the configuration table repeatedly. What you get is what you need. At the same time, the reliable quality and preservation rate also make customers trust the brand more and more.

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  Li ONE adopts extended range system, front and rear dual-motor driven vehicles and 1.2T range extender for power production. There is no doubt that the feeling at the driving level is the same as that of a pure electric vehicle, and it has the characteristics of speeding up and driving quietly. With a range extender and a fuel tank, it will not be subject to charging problems, and all kinds of consumer driving needs can be met. The six-seat layout is also very suitable for home use, and there are rich configurations and entertainment systems. It can be said that it is the most popular daddy car on the market at present.

Low momentum like a rainbow-red flag H9

  As a medium-sized and large-sized car with red flag, H9 not only undertakes the sales task, but also carries the memories of many consumers in China. It can be seen on various important occasions, and it can be said that the Red Flag is China people’s own luxury brand. After several generations of product development, we finally handed in a satisfactory answer sheet on the H9 model. The majestic posture and the design with China cultural heritage make it completely competitive with BBA, even surpassing its rivals in attention and momentum, which also makes it favored by many business consumers.

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  Hongqi H9 provides 2.0T and 3.0T power for customers to choose from, and the 2.0T is also equipped with a 48V light mixing system, which has good fuel economy in actual test. The 3.0L supercharged engine can make you more comfortable when driving. Its adjustment highlights a stable word, and the linear power output is also very suitable for its identity. When driving fiercely, I didn’t make an exaggerated posture because of my oversized body, and the whole is very controllable. Generally speaking, Red Flag H9 is a choice for customers with business needs. It also launched a customized version today, which can be more luxurious according to their own needs.

● Summary:

  In a short period of five years, China automobile brands have made many impossible things possible, and achieved many achievements that they dared not expect at that time. In addition to the eight products recommended today, there are a lot of excellent models of China brand waiting for you to choose. Because of the space problem, we can’t recommend them in detail. Many new models are also officially put on sale this year, and we are also looking forward to their sales performance. As a practitioner in the automobile industry, it is what we most want to see that China brand has developed vigorously for five years, and we also hope that China brand will continue to develop in the next 5 /10 years and in the years to come, and create more glories!

Home of the car

  In the past 20 years, how has China’s automobile industry changed from a faltering start to a soaring, from a single brand to a multi-category matrix? Pay attention to China brand new cars and witness the development of China brand. Please pay attention to the special planning of car home on May 10th, China Brand Day, and help China brand together! (Text/Figure car home Cao Wei)


BYD Qin EV with a cruising range of 450 kilometers has now arrived at the store.

  [car home Information] Recently, we photographed the real car of (|)EV travel standard model at a dealer. The new car has been slightly upgraded in the interior design, and its cruising range has increased to 450 kilometers.

BYD Qin New Energy 2021 Travel Standard Edition

BYD Qin New Energy 2021 Travel Standard Edition

BYD Qin New Energy 2021 Travel Standard Edition

BYD Qin New Energy 2021 Travel Standard Edition

BYD Qin New Energy 2021 Travel Standard Edition

BYD Qin New Energy 2021 Travel Standard Edition

  In terms of appearance, the new car adopts the closed grille of BYD’s new energy model, and the interior is equipped with a dot-array middle net design. The headlight groups on both sides are integrated with the front grille, and the front enclosure is also equipped with a penetrating ventilation opening.

BYD Qin New Energy 2021 Travel Standard Edition

BYD Qin New Energy 2021 Travel Standard Edition

BYD Qin New Energy 2021 Travel Standard Edition

BYD Qin New Energy 2021 Travel Standard Edition

  On the side of the car body, the overall shape of the new car has not changed, and it is still a relatively flat design. The waistline runs through the car body to the tail, and a 16-inch double five-spoke rim shape is used.

BYD Qin New Energy 2021 Travel Standard Edition

BYD Qin New Energy 2021 Travel Standard Edition

BYD Qin New Energy 2021 Travel Standard Edition

BYD Qin New Energy 2021 Travel Standard Edition

  At the rear of the car, the taillights on both sides of the new car adopt a long strip design and are connected by a penetrating chrome decoration, which improves the overall visual width. In addition, the license plate frame with the concave design at the back also enhances the layering of the rear.

BYD Qin New Energy 2021 Travel Standard Edition

BYD Qin New Energy 2021 Travel Standard Edition

BYD Qin New Energy 2021 Travel Standard Edition

BYD Qin New Energy 2021 Travel Standard Edition

BYD Qin New Energy 2021 Travel Standard Edition

  In the interior part, compared with the current model, the new car has some changes. Although the traditional pointer instrument panel and three-spoke multi-function steering wheel are still used, a larger central control multimedia display screen is replaced, and a newly designed knob-type electronic gear shifting mechanism is also adopted below to enhance the sense of science and technology inside the whole car.

BYD Qin New Energy 2021 Travel Standard Edition

BYD Qin New Energy 2021 Travel Standard Edition

  In terms of power, the new car still uses a 136-horsepower motor with a maximum torque of 180 Nm, and the battery pack uses a 53.1kWh ternary lithium battery. However, after the overall system is optimized, the cruising range is increased to 450 kilometers. (Text/car home graduated)