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China Evergrande: Xu Jiayin becomes the person to be executed! Late-night announcement points out 4 items

China Evergrande announced on the evening of the 12th that it had received an enforcement notice from the Guangzhou Intermediate People’s Court in Guangdong Province on the arbitration award of the Shenzhen International Arbitration Court. The notice said that the company, its subsidiaries, namely Guangzhou Kailong Real Estate Co., Ltd., and the company’s controlling shareholder and executive director Xu Jiayin were the persons subject to the enforcement notice.

The announcement shows that according to the implementation notice, the matters to be executed are: (1) Guangzhou Kailong and Xu Jiayin pay the difference in the dividend of Evergrande Real Estate in 2020 about RMB 204 million yuan, and bear liquidated damages of about RMB 51.53 million yuan; (2) Xu Jiayin and the company repurchase the equity of Evergrande Real Estate held by the arbitration applicant in RMB 5 billion yuan; (3) the company pays the arbitration applicant to hold Evergrande Real Estate from February 1, 2021 to complete the repurchase of compensation of about RMB 770 million yuan; and (4) the company, Guangzhou Kailong and Xu Jiayin pay about RMB 35.53 million yuan in legal fees, arbitration fees and enforcement fees.


Which is the difference between Huawei Mate 60 and P60, and which one is worth buying?

  With the recent release of the P60 series, many users have begun to tear themselves apart whether to buy the P60 first or wait for the Mate 60 in the second half of the year. Both of these phones can be regarded as the flagship and sub-flagship in Huawei, and they are both excellent.

Which is the difference between Huawei Mate 60 and P60, and which one is worth buying?

  Which is better, mate60 or p60?

  Answer: If you have a rigid demand for a mobile phone, then choose the P60.

  If you can wait a little longer and pursue high performance, then wait for the Mate60 in the second half of the year.

  Mate60 and p60 purchase suggestions

  First, demand

  1. First check whether you have a rigid demand. If you need to change your phone immediately, then the P60 is the best choice.

  2. If you like the operation of the top flagship, then wait for the second half of the Mate 60 series.

  II. Configuration

  1. The Huawei P60 can be said to be similar to the previous generation’s Mate 50, so the off-duty Mate 60 is definitely a great improvement over the P60.

  2. Whether it is the processor, screen, image, battery life or performance, there will definitely be a major improvement.

  3. And most importantly, Huawei P60 uses Hongmeng 3.1, but Huawei Mate 60 uses Hongmeng 4.0. If 3.0 to 3.1 is just a small improvement, then 3.1 to 4.0 can be said to be a big leap.

  III. Positioning Differences

  1. Huawei’s P series every year will use the same type as the previous generation of mate series on the processor, so it can be regarded as a benchmark for the previous generation of mate.

  2. The next-generation Mate flagship is an absolute improvement compared to the previous generation, so the Mate series is definitely better in terms of performance.

  3. The P series focuses on appearance, lightness and thinness, and the appearance will be better designed, and the style will be more unique.

  4. The Mate series is more business-oriented, so the range of possible options in appearance will be smaller.

  The difference in positioning between the two is still very large, and there is still about half a year. If you are not in a hurry, you can still wait.

Original title: Which is better, Mate 60 or P60?
Editor in charge: Li Xiaoling

"Edge Walker" will be released, such Ren Xianqi is a bit "evil"!

1905 movie network feature Even with more than 30 years of experience as an actor, in our interviews, he still modestly and repeatedly emphasized that he is not a "professional" actor, and still continues to draw nutrients from the actors around him.


Whether it was an old partner or someone who had just ended their collaboration recently, the group of "movie maniacs" around him always affected his attitude and understanding of acting.

The new work recently opened its second round of screening, three years after he last met the audience on the big screen. This time, Ren Xianqi said bluntly that he was very happy, "using the most authentic performance to present that kind of shock, we hope to be able to shoot some authentic Hong Kong police and bandit action movies."

This time, whether it is the partner of the cooperation or the type of theme, how can the outside world not expect this familiar little brother Qi?

01. Collaboration with Hua Ge


"Edge Walker" is the third collaboration between Ren Xianqi and Ren Dahua in 16 years. They have had partners with him in the past, but this time they really have the opportunity to play against each other.


"Excited", "Moved", "So cool"… When it came to this interaction and cooperation, Ren Xianqi couldn’t contain his excitement and kept repeating his feelings to us. Since his debut, Ren Dahua has always been the learning object in his performance and life.

"Brother Hua is very attentive to each character, he will tell us what he will do, and let us give back with our true reactions. Sometimes there may be no him in this scene, but there may be some emotional motivation involved in the plot, and Brother Hua will come to the crew to watch." This kind of rapt attention was always seen by Ren Xianqi.

In "Marginal Walker", Ren Xianqi’s A Luo is an undercover agent, and Ren Dahua’s Lin Yaochang is a gang boss. He struggles in his heart, but in the face of A Luo’s identity, he is always willing to withstand the pressure of other gang members and give him a way out.

"Do you know? He has always taken care of me like a big brother, and in the play, the relationship between the two characters is also very close. I seem to be directly transformed from real life into a character in the play, which is quite touching." In reality, the two have known each other for many years, and every time Ren Xianqi goes to work in Hong Kong, Ren Dahua will always take him to various delicious things.

In Ren Xianqi’s eyes, he can be "willful" in front of this big brother, "In real life, he has always loved me, and even if I do something wrong, he will cover me."


In addition to being a good big brother, Ren Dahua is also a fashionista in Ren Xianqi’s eyes. "In my early concerts and records, I would refer to Brother Hua’s daily clothes. Even for the album’Angel, Brother, Little White Face ‘, I was very fortunate to have Qiqi (Ren Dahua’s wife) help me with the styling, and Brother Hua did the photography for me."


After so many years, Ren Xianqi still regarded the other party as his fashion indicator. In the filming of "Edge Walker", Ren Dahua personally participated in the styling of his character. "After the filming, everyone rushed to get Brother Hua’s clothes for collection."

Ren Xianqi naturally did not miss this opportunity. In the final climax of the movie, the green leather jacket designed by Ren Dahua became the best collection of Ren Xianqi’s filming.


02. "Movie Madman"


In the eyes of many audiences, Ren Xianqi’s performance has two sides.

One side is the kind of handsome and sunny beach boy that "Summer Momocha" entered the eyes of the public; the other side is the villain with "evil" in many Hong Kong movies.


In "Edge Walker", although Ren Xianqi’s character is an undercover agent, the evil spirit still persists.


When they saw the first poster of the movie, many fans thought of Ren Xianqi’s original transformation in "The Big Event". After all, before that, the public impression of him was more of the boy singing with a guitar.

When he first received the movie invitation, he didn’t give much feedback or change, "During the process of talking about this story, I thought about it very seriously. Maybe the director seized that moment and thought that I was very different, and my eyes were also different." Recalling the past, the details appeared in Ren Xianqi’s eyes one by one.

But it was also "The Great Event" that became a turning point for Ren Xianqi’s films.

"When I was shooting, I was taking my guitar and trying to write the theme song. When I got there, it was very serious, and then there was gunfire and explosives everywhere, and I suddenly realized that I was in the environment and I was going to fit in. The whole time I was shooting, my eyes were very sharp because I had to see where there was explosives and where there was explosions, and then I naturally became like that."

For himself, when he got this kind of role, he would always show his former side as an athlete again. During sports training, his mentality was serious and cautious, and in the process of real competition, he would naturally exude that kind of murderous aura and deterrence, "I just applied this state to my movies."


In Ren Xianqi’s opinion, he has always been using the dumbest way to perform – using the truest feeling to figure out the character, so that he can truly become that person, and then be born from the heart.

Due to this, it is always difficult for him to allow himself to "double" to do many things, and when facing his career plan, he insists on starting from beginning to end.

In order to shoot, he had made himself very fat, stopped shooting in the middle, and spent time planning his body to a healthy state, "During this period, I didn’t do anything else at all, and when I was filming, I wouldn’t do concerts. I can’t adapt to this state of jumping."


"Therefore, I don’t have a lot of movies." Ren Xianqi was sincere but a little regretful when he talked about this.

For viewers who liked Ren Xianqi, they could often see him on the big screen in the future, because in the past, he had collaborated with the director; he had starred in the production of the movie "Temporary Robbery", as well as the production of the production…

When it comes to the filming of the series that just ended, Ren Xianqi can’t suppress his love either. Although he keeps praising us how Guo Fucheng and Lin Jiadong love movies, how they don’t let him rest and drag him to discuss the script. But the lines are full of Ren Xianqi’s own feelings about the movie, "I think this life is not wasted."

"We really only have to show our own blood and resolve to make a good movie. No matter which country we get such a work, it deserves to be respected."


Look, Ren Xianqi is the "movie lunatic". Even when asked what kind of evaluation would make him happy, his answer was "hard enough".


03. Unfulfilled dreams


In addition to "movie acting", "movie director" is also at the most prominent position on Ren Xianqi’s wish list.


Ren Xianqi worked as a director and collaborated with him. The origin of this film is from Ren Xianqi’s cover song "Grandma’s Penghu Bay".

In his plans, there are still three movies to be made, all from his musical compositions.

It was Ren Xianqi’s trilogy – "The Heart is Too Soft," "The Girl Across the Opposite Looks Over" and "Sad Pacific" – three songs that once led an era and have a special story script in his heart.


"’Heartbreak Pacific’ will definitely be a gangster story; ‘Too Soft Heart’ will be a story about killers; and’The Girl Across the Street ‘will be a ghost movie." The three seemingly bizarre settings had long planted seeds in Ren Xianqi’s heart.


The three relationships that were originally related to love were instead handled by him as very "tough guys".

Ren Xianqi talked about the creativity of these three stories, and it can be said that he talked endlessly, "In’The Girl Opposite Look Over ‘, the girl is a female ghost, and’I’ is a timid guy. In short, this story must be interesting for me before I really start to execute it."


But at the moment, Ren Xianqi has not found a good screenwriter to participate in the creation of these stories, "This dream is still burning in my heart, and I will try my best to realize it."


The first new energy owners to eat crabs silently return to fuel vehicles, and the reasons are revealed

"The last breath of the fuel car is broken", "The swan song of the fuel age", "The fuel car is about to end"…

In today’s public opinion environment, fuel vehicles seem to have been sentenced to "capital punishment", and the undermining of fuel vehicles has long been a mainstream trend in the automotive public opinion field.

For new energy vehicles, the trend of branding, changes in sales, the mutual confrontation between business executives, and the operation of car owners and users’ rice circles are all the focus of public opinion.

According to the Baidu index keyword search trend comparison data, the online traffic popularity of new energy vehicles and trams far exceeds that of fuel vehicles and fuel vehicles. Of course, these all reflect the "silence" of fuel vehicles.

"A joint venture is not a representative of backwardness, it has maturity and stability, and it also has the tenacity to start later." Wen Dali, executive deputy general manager of GAC Toyota, made a public shout at the Guangzhou Auto Show, which is quite worth pondering.

The joint venture "big brothers" who have promoted the development of the automobile industry in the past few decades have also had to use this peculiar way to "confess" to consumers, which can be regarded as a special footnote for the various challenges faced by fuel vehicles.

Is it true that no one supports fuel vehicles anymore? In fact, for a long time to come, the development of the global automobile market will definitely be a parallel between gasoline and electricity, and fuel vehicles are far from being sentenced to death.

The same is true from the data point of view. According to the data released by the 2023 Guangzhou Auto Show, nearly 60% of the cars on display at this auto show are fuel vehicles, which is still the absolute main body. In October this year, among the 308,000 cars sold by Volkswagen in China, new energy accounted for only 8%, and fuel vehicles accounted for 92%.

In fact, users who insist on fuel vehicles may not be active in major online forums, do not operate in circles, and rarely participate in public opinion wars and war of words. They do not seem to have such a strong "sense of existence", but they still use real money to buy cars to "vote" for fuel vehicles and brands, expressing a "silent" support.

During the multi-day visit to the Guangzhou Auto Show, Zhixing Driving Road also found some voices behind the "silent majority", whose stories and choices reflect the development of enterprises and industries.

1. New energy owners returning to fuel vehicles

If young people are more likely to be attracted by new energy vehicles, then Brother Yu, who is in his 40s, is a special case.

Many years ago, when new energy vehicles were still widely questioned and challenged, Brother Yu became one of the early owners. There were two main reasons. He liked to try new technologies and thought that charging was more cost-effective than refueling. However, after a few years, Brother Yu found that he still paid by mistake.

"Now I’m angry when I mention trams." At the Guangzhou Auto Show, when Big Brother Yu and Zhixing Driving Road talked about the topic of new energy vehicles, he seemed quite excited. After a deeper understanding, Zhixing Driving Road also found that his experience has a certain group image representation, which can also bring some inspiration to consumers who are torn between oil cars and trams.

Brother Yu said helplessly, a few days ago on a business trip, came back to find the car can not start, also can not charge, many times with the brand after-sales staff communication, the final conclusion is always not in line with the quality assurance rights and interests, change the battery at your own expense, the price to tens of thousands, and ultimately can only find a third-party auto repair company to try their luck, to see if there can be a low-cost solution.

After experiencing this bad thing, Brother Yu even more believes that many early tram owners were taken advantage of and bought at a high price. The performance and functions of the car are far inferior to the current ones, and many shortcomings are also more obvious. For example, the battery life is more serious. Charging in the city often requires queuing up for empty charging piles, and the cost of charging is not cheap. The overall cost of using a car is not necessarily much cheaper than that of an oil car. More importantly, it is tiring.

In fact, like Brother Yu, car owners who are willing to buy cars for real money in the early stage of the development of new energy vehicles should be well maintained by car companies. But it backfired. After the vehicle battery failed, the brand tried its best to distance itself from the relationship and refused quality assurance. Eventually, the new energy owners like Brother Yu were pushed back into the arms of fuel vehicles.

At the auto show, Brother Yu actually went to the new energy vehicle booth for a stroll. He confessed to Zhixing Driving Road that many sales pitches are still similar today, and car purchase rights look very good.

All kinds of lifelong free, lifelong quality assurance and so on, behind a lot of details and rules are not explained in detail, after a few years really need quality assurance, it is estimated that another way of saying, just like their current tram manufacturers use some reasons to reject quality assurance.

Zhixing Driving Road also found by visiting the new energy vehicle booth that the sales staff often simply inform Sandian of the lifetime quality assurance, but did not mention the specific rules and conditions. We also found through inquiry that there are various rules behind the so-called lifetime quality assurance. If the owner is not careful, he will violate the rules, or lose the rights and interests of lifetime quality assurance because of some easily negligent reasons.

On the other hand, in the eyes of Big Brother, the current fuel vehicles have made great progress in terms of fuel consumption, making up for a competitive shortcoming. After understanding several different brand booths, he found that today’s fuel vehicle brands are developing faster in terms of gasoline-electric hybrid engines. After replacing the hybrid engine with traditional models, the fuel consumption value is directly "cut in half", and the progress is more obvious, which also makes him think that the so-called "electricity saving" advantage of new energy vehicles is not so prominent.

In addition to Big Brother Yu, Zhixing Driving Road interviewed many consumers who still firmly choose fuel vehicles in the fuel vehicle exhibition area. In their opinion, the inconvenience of charging is only secondary, and the risk of car companies going bankrupt and running away is even more important. Behind this are various vehicle function upgrades, after-sales services, maintenance and replacement issues.

Consumers’ concerns in this regard are not biased. Some time ago, the rumors of Weimar’s "bankruptcy" that swiped the screen on the whole network led to a series of chain reactions such as the lack of protection of owners’ rights and interests, the "shutdown" of some car functions, and the collapse of prices in the second-hand market.

The relevant report released by the China Consumers Association in May this year also shows that new energy vehicle companies have closed down and delisted, and it is difficult to continue to provide relevant vehicle maintenance, after-sales maintenance, and original spare parts services. The problem of after-sales insecurity of consumer vehicles is frequent.

Therefore, some consumers have admitted to Zhixing Driving Road that they will still pay more attention to the models and products of mainstream fuel vehicle brands. After all, fuel vehicles have very mature solutions and systems in this regard.

It is understood that when a fuel vehicle company withdraws from the market, the relevant after-sales services will be taken over by other main enterprises of the group or entrusted to qualified third parties. For example, after the withdrawal of GAC Mitsubishi, the relevant services will be handled by GAC Group.

However, there are many original enterprises in the new energy market. Once the enterprise has a problem, it is often a plot of "walking away". The lack of reliable related parties to continue to provide services to car owners is one of the important factors affecting consumer decision-making.

2. Worried about backstabs, etc. Party

Zhixing Driving Road found that all kinds of new energy brands at the Guangzhou Auto Show are showcasing their muscles in new technologies and experiences such as intelligent driving, charging battery life, and intelligent cockpit. There are also many models with a greater sense of technology, product power, and cost performance.

But through interviews with some consumers, we found that some consumers are actually scared away by the rapid replacement of new energy vehicles. Of course, most of them will not battle in the public opinion field, but will silently invest their car purchase budget in fuel vehicle brands.

"New energy vehicles are now being packaged more and more like mobile phones, but buying a car is completely different from buying a mobile phone." At a new energy vehicle booth, Ah Shui, who had just learned about the new model, told Zhixing Driving Road that the new energy vehicles are indeed becoming more and more "cool", but because of this, he does not know when is the right time to start.

In Ah Shui’s opinion, if he decided to buy a new energy vehicle this year, there might be newer, stronger, and more cost-effective models on the market in a few months, and even his own car would launch a facelifted model with additional features and reduced prices. This would not only make it appear that he was backstabbed, but also make the car in the quasi-new car state a little "outdated".

In this regard, Ah Shui also admitted that such problems rarely occur in fuel vehicles, such as Santana, Jetta, Accord, Camry, etc. After years of precipitation, the product power has long been very stable, and the appearance of new and modified models will not affect the experience and mentality of old car owners too much.

He used mobile phone products to make a metaphor, the fuel car is a bit like the iPhone of squeezing toothpaste, the overall difference is not bad, do not have to pursue the latest generation of products. But the new energy vehicle is now a bit like the stage of alternating between functional machines and smart machines, and there may be large product iterations at any time. If you need a car urgently, it is better to be a fuel car first, and it is better to be a new energy vehicle and so on.

In conversations with a number of consumers, Zhixing Driving Road also learned that the maintenance and after-sales system for new energy vehicles needs to be improved, which has also caused many consumers to back down.

For traditional fuel vehicles, daily scratches and collisions can be relatively simple to repair. Whether it is a 4S shop or a third-party auto repair shop, they already have a very mature system, and the price is relatively transparent.

But new energy vehicles are different, involving sensors such as radar, cameras, and chassis battery packs. Even seemingly minor scratches and collisions may damage these expensive components and even lead to changes in battery safety. As mentioned earlier, due to restrictions such as quality assurance agreements, maintenance can only choose official channels, which are not as flexible as fuel vehicles, and will continue to increase the psychological burden of owners.

Zhixing Driving Road found that, in general, the client base that still favors fuel vehicles has a more rational side, and in their opinion, the reliability, practicality, safety and long-tail cost of vehicles are more important.

That is to say, the price war and the so-called "charging is cheaper than refueling" and other selling points cannot convince these consumers to switch to new energy vehicles at present. They are waiting for a more mature opportunity, at least after the replacement no longer has a strong sense of backstabbing, the maintenance and after-sales system is further mature, and the price system of used cars is relatively stable.

3. "Yes, but not many."

When it comes to the topic of fuel vehicles, the brand side, especially the first-line sales who face customers, also has the voice over.

"There is indeed a big impact, and the number of customers I receive is obviously less." Xiao Xin, a salesperson for a Japanese fuel vehicle brand, told Zhixing Driving Road that many of the models displayed by the brand at the Guangzhou Auto Show this year are fuel vehicles, which are indeed not as lively as new energy brands.

Sales staff said that the overall impact is relatively limited, whether it is their own brand or other fuel vehicle brands, have a relatively loyal and large client base.

Although the brand is benchmarking the new energy vehicle market, it has also developed and configured technologies such as L2 smart driving and smart cockpit, but Xiaoxin found that many consumers who come to see the car are not too "cold" about these functions, but still focus on suspension upgrades, chassis design advantages, body robustness, safety, and improved control.

The intelligent driving lane also observed at the relevant fuel vehicle booths that the salesperson was interrupted by the consumer when he took the initiative to show the functional upgrade of the intelligent driving to the consumer, and was instead consulted about the interior space, tire wheelbase, and other information.

Sales staff who have served several new energy and fuel vehicle brands said that in addition to a few new energy vehicle companies that really have full-stack self-research capabilities and are "far ahead", each product has entered a relatively homogeneous stage in terms of function, performance, product power, etc. What is the competition at this time is naturally the hard power of the company itself.

For example, the safety and comfort experience brought by various hardware dimensions of the vehicle; the tonality of the brand, the stability of the pre-sales and after-sales services system, etc., are all areas where fuel vehicle brands have advantages; and the stories of overcharging and high-end intelligent driving told by new energy vehicles are more likely to take a long time to land in the future.

Sales of fuel vehicle brands have generally admitted that some customers have been robbed by new energy vehicle brands, but they still generally have confidence in their own brands and products, and do not express too much concern about future market competition.

This is actually not blind confidence. On the one hand, many new energy brands are still in the loss stage of burning money to develop and improve the system to "sell one at a loss", and there are still great uncertainties in the future. The monthly sales competition seems to be lively, but in fact most of them are far less than the sales data of fuel vehicle brands.

On the other hand, fuel vehicle brands not only have a deep technical heritage and a strong sales network, but also actively seek change and face the competition with new energy vehicle brands.

4. The hard-working elephant turns around

"New energy vehicles are the trend of the future, so the group is also transforming towards electrification, developing technologies, launching new energy sub-brands, and so on." The sales staff of a pure electric sub-brand under a fuel vehicle brand told Zhixing Driving Road that at this year’s Guangzhou Auto Show, the group did not issue the task of releasing new fuel vehicles, but only released a few new energy models. The original fuel models of the subsequent brand will also be gradually transformed into gasoline-electric mixing, plug-in mixing, etc.

The person also said that such as the design of vehicle appearance, interior space, intelligent cockpit, intelligent driving and other functions, these new energy models are equipped with standard elements. In short, "what new energy vehicles should have, we also have it." According to reports, about 40% of the current pure electric vehicle users of the fuel vehicle brand are from the previous conversion of their own fuel vehicle owners.

In the Guangzhou Auto Show, GAC Honda, GAC Toyota, Kia, Jiangqi, Changan Mazda and other mainstream fuel vehicle brands have displayed many new energy-related models such as gasoline-electric hybrid and plug-in hybrid, as well as many electrification The results of transformation, some brands are even reported by the media to cancel the traditional pure fuel version models and fully embrace electrification.

Not only that, but some of the unique selling points of new energy vehicles have also begun to appear in fuel vehicles, such as the new generation of BMW 5 series long wheelbase version exhibited by BMW, which is equipped with a 31-inch rear floating screen, which is nicknamed "big color TV" for rear passengers.

There are also the previously mentioned smart cockpit, L2-assisted driving, embedded door handles, and a more sci-fi and streamlined design language similar to new energy vehicles. It can be observed that many elements of fuel vehicles are aligned with new energy vehicles, or in order to narrow the competitive differences between them.

In this regard, the sales staff of the joint venture fuel vehicle brand said that in response to the user habits and changes in the Chinese market, the brand has indeed been making some corresponding targeted improvements, which are actually rolled up by new energy vehicles. Many configurations and designs that have been recognized by consumers may have some disadvantages in the competition if we do not integrate them in the modification.

So the question is, sales account for the main body and accelerating recovery, the client base coverage is still broad, car companies are also working hard to transform and change, why are fuel vehicles still being sung down and losing the voice of public opinion?

In the exchange with many consumers at the Guangzhou Auto Show, Zhixing Driving Road found one of the most important reasons, that is, the social thinking, user thinking and Internet thinking of new energy brands are far ahead, occupying the network of natives has the voice over.

Some new energy vehicle owners told Zhixing Driving Road that the new energy vehicle brand has done a good job in building an online and offline car owner community, which is an experience that has not been experienced before when driving a fuel vehicle.

The offline activities of new energy vehicles, online community interaction, and social interaction have gradually cultivated the owner’s sense of brand belonging. If there is any problem, they will give feedback through online social interaction, and they will also go to the Internet as tap water to help the brand promote and so on.

Obviously, when a large number of car owners are developed into such online social and interactive habits, the online popularity of new energy brands will naturally increase.

From another perspective, this is precisely what fuel vehicle brands can learn from and make up for. If fuel vehicles can break the "silent" label and gradually become active in various platforms, just like new energy vehicle brands, they can truly return to the center of the stage and return to the "C position" in the market.


Fierce than a raptor! What do you think of the pre-sale of 126,800 pickup trucks for the Great Wall Gun?

Which one do you think of when you mention high-end pickup trucks? Toyota Road, Ford Raptor? I promise, if you pay attention to its release on August 18th, there will definitely be only one answer to this question in the future: Great Wall Cannons and Pickups. Speaking of the Great Wall Cannon pickup truck, it is much more "genuine" than those high-priced pickup trucks. What knocked on the blackboard was that at the press conference, Great Wall Motor not only released the new brand of Great Wall Cannon, but also officially opened the pre-sale of the Great Wall Cannon pickup truck, with the price range of 126,800-159,800. For this reason, domestic pickup fans are all boiling!

In fact, since the first appearance of the Great Wall Gun, many people have been curious about why this brand was named after "Gun". On the battlefield, "cannon" is a powerful weapon, and "cannon" has naturally become synonymous with strength and energy in everyone’s cognition. Named after "Cannon", it also reflects the strength and determination of Great Wall pickup truck to enter the international market once in generate.

Release a brand-new logo

At this brand launch site, Great Wall Gun also released a brand new logo. This logo evolved from the letter "P", which has the triple meanings of "POWER strength and strength", "PK challenge and innovation" and "PERFECT perfection and extreme life", and seamlessly matches the connotation of freedom, fearless challenge and pursuit of perfection of the Great Wall Gun.

The Great Wall pickup truck has always been praised as "national pride", and this time the Great Wall Gun has set its sights on the global market while basing itself on the domestic market. In other words, the Great Wall Gun will face the international mainstream pickup truck brands such as Toyota and Ford on the international stage. To this end, the Great Wall Gun has also determined the "1-2-3" global development strategy, that is, to maintain the absolute first domestic and export sales; By 2020, the annual sales will exceed 200,000; In 2025, the cumulative global sales exceeded 3 million.

Create the strongest ecological circle of pickup culture

The release of the pickup truck for the Great Wall Gun also officially opened the "one gun and three rings" plan of the Great Wall Gun. In the future, the Great Wall Gun will focus on users and create a full-scene pickup truck life around three dimensions: super products, super services and super experiences. To this end, at the press conference, the Great Wall Gun also established the "Great Wall Gun Alliance" in conjunction with outdoor clubs, modified brands, sports brands and public welfare organizations.

In the future, members of the Great Wall Gun Alliance will realize the open sharing of marketing promotion, peripheral products, space and user circles, and gather various forces to make pickup trucks popular and become a culture. With connotation and ambition, it is the most appropriate summary of the Great Wall Gun brand. The connotation of a brand often needs to be based on the quality of the product in order to become a super brand with connotation, ambition and strength.

BMW 8AT gearbox with the same model

As for the specific strength foundation of the Great Wall Gun, we might as well take a look at the newly released Great Wall brand passenger pickup truck. In terms of basic hardware configuration, the pickup truck for the Great Wall Gun is equipped with ZF 8AT gearbox and 2.0T gasoline engine of the same model as BMW. It is worth noting that this 2.0T engine is independently developed by Great Wall, with 4 cylinders in line, with a maximum power of 140kW, a maximum torque of 360N·m and a maximum torque and speed range of 1800-3600r/min, which meets the national emission standard of 6 B..

At the same time, this engine is also equipped with 350bar fuel injection system, double balance shaft, timing mute system, intake/exhaust VVT, etc. The stability, NVH characteristics, power and environmental protection of the engine have been greatly upgraded. Motorists who are familiar with Great Wall Motor should know that the Great Wall auto start is located in pickup trucks, but it also plays an important role in the SUV market. At the moment when the high-end process of pickup trucks is highlighted, the Great Wall has also made full use of its advantages in SUV and made full preparations for the interior of pickup trucks.

The cab of the pickup truck used for the Great Wall Gun comes standard with a six-way main driver’s electrically adjustable seat. The seat has its own electric heating function and is equipped with dual-temperature automatic air conditioning. More than 100 partitions/sound absorption treatments and multi-link rear suspension applications are set in the car, which greatly improves the driving comfort. In addition, the pickup truck for the Great Wall Gun is also equipped with TOD intelligent four-wheel drive, high-strength cage body of the whole vehicle, ESP with the latest generation Bosch 9.3 version, equipped with 360 look around, reversing image, parallel assistance, intelligent forward looking, 12 radar probe and so on.

This car also adopts a brand-new car networking technology, which can realize functions including intelligent voice control and intelligent dynamic information service. It is equipped with L2-level automatic driving technology, matching ACC adaptive cruise, lane keeping, intelligent driving assistance and other functions, and can realize assisted driving, environmental awareness, planning and decision-making and other functions.

Oh, yes! Another point is to inform you that the Great Wall Gun is built on the new P71 platform of Great Wall Motor, which is safer, more comfortable, lighter and more extensible. It can also derive more than 100 models with different sizes, different power and different driving forms, such as commercial pickups and off-road pickups. It can be said that the birth of the Great Wall Gun means that Great Wall Motor is accelerating the globalization process in an all-round way, opening the era of pickup trucks and making pickup trucks the mainstream cars!


The silver saddle shines on the white horse and rushes like a meteor to test drive BYD Han EV.

  [Aika car test drive original]

  Not long ago, my colleagues and I tested the real cruising range of the (|) ultra-long endurance version in Lianyungang, and the result of 601.5km really amazed us (Click on the link to review the highlights:Test BYD Han EV Long Life Edition in the Name of Being a Strong Man), but I still regret not being able to experience the charm of the four-wheel drive high-performance model. Fortunately, this regret was soon made up. After two days and one night of getting along, the performance of the four-wheel drive high-performance flagship edition kept echoing two poems in my mind — — The silver saddle and the white horse reflected each other, and galloped like a rustling.

Byd Han EV four-wheel drive edition

  This time, I test-drive the flagship model of BYD Han EV, a four-wheel drive high-performance flagship model (hereinafter referred to as the four-wheel drive version) with a subsidized price of 279,500 yuan. The test drive route is Lijiang-Shangri-La section of National Highway 214, which is also a section of Yunnan-Tibet Highway that people often say enters Tibetan areas. The starting point of Lijiang is 2400 meters above sea level, and the turning-back point of Shangri-La is 3200 meters above sea level. The highest altitude on the way is about 3500 meters. It can be said that the journey is climbing all the way and the return journey is downhill.

  In addition, according to the official data, among BYD Han’s pre-sale models, the four-wheel drive version accounts for more than 50%, and most of the models have higher sales during the pre-sale period, which are basically middle and high-end cars. So, what’s it like to drive this hot model recently? Don’t worry, let me tell you about it slowly.

Byd Han EV four-wheel drive edition

  The official four-wheel drive high-performance flagship version only takes 3.9 seconds to accelerate 100 kilometers, which is a very beautiful result even on a performance car, not to mention that Han EV is still a medium-sized and large car.

BYD Auto 2020 Han EV

Byd Han EV four-wheel drive edition

Byd Han EV four-wheel drive edition

Byd Han EV four-wheel drive edition

  Different from the terrain and road conditions of the last endurance test, the Lijiang-Shangri-La section of National Highway 214 is all mountain roads, so there is no lack of novelty in driving such an electric car. Of course, in addition to the driving experience, I will also experience the riding experience in the back row.

Byd Han EV four-wheel drive edition

Byd Han EV four-wheel drive edition

Byd Han EV four-wheel drive edition

Byd Han EV four-wheel drive edition

Byd Han EV four-wheel drive edition

Byd Han EV four-wheel drive edition

Byd Han EV four-wheel drive edition

Byd Han EV four-wheel drive edition

Byd Han EV four-wheel drive edition

Byd Han EV four-wheel drive edition

  This electro-hydraulic braking solution, which is highly integrated with iBooster and ESP systems, cancels the traditional vacuum-assisted braking mechanism, so that the first half of the brake is no longer lost due to mechanical braking, which not only reduces the frequency of braking, but also greatly improves the starting threshold of energy recovery, which can be regarded as a "magic weapon" for electric vehicles.

Byd Han EV four-wheel drive edition

Byd Han EV four-wheel drive edition


With the advent of the digital economy era, Huawei Cloud empowers Shenzhen enterprises with high quality.

Shenzhen News Network July 26, 2023(Reporter Ye Mei) On July 25th, the high-quality development conference of Huawei Cloud Digital Industry, a series of activities of Huawei Cloud’s "100 Cities and 100 Enterprises Traveling to China", was successfully held. The conference was directed by Shenzhen Bureau of Industry and Information Technology, hosted by Shenzhen Longhua District People’s Government and Huawei Cloud Computing Technology Co., Ltd., undertaken by Shenzhen Longhua District Bureau of Industry and Information Technology, Longhua (Huawei) Intelligent Manufacturing and Modern Service Industry Innovation Center and Kunpeng Industry Source Innovation Center, and co-organized by Saisheng Digital Economy Research Center.

Based on the innovative development orientation of the national digital economy, combined with the industrial characteristics of Shenzhen and the industrial development needs of Longhua District, the conference invited government leaders, local high-quality enterprises, industry experts and other guests to gather together to explore the high-quality development path of the digital industry and accelerate the deep integration of "digital reality" with digital technology and innovative practice.

Set the tone: innovation-based, high-quality development of digital industry

At present, vigorously developing the digital economy is full of sails. He Xiaolong, deputy director of the National Research Center for Industrial Information Security Development, pointed out in his speech that China’s digital economy development achieved positive results in 2022. According to the national data resource survey, in 2022, China’s data output reached 8.1ZB, up 22.7% year-on-year, second only to the United States, ranking second in the world.By 2023About 40 such data transactions have been established in China.organization, and gradually build a circulation market for data elements, products and services.

As the leader of digital economy, Shenzhen ranks in the forefront of the country in terms of industrial scale of digital economy. Huawei, Tencent, Ping An Technology, Meituan and other groups with core competitiveness.Dominant typeEnterprises have built a pattern in which large enterprises drive the development of small and medium-sized enterprises, and small and medium-sized enterprises inject vitality into large enterprises.

(He Xiaolong, deputy director of the National Industrial Information Security Development Research Center)

Subsequently, Hu Xiaoqing, a member of the Party Group of Shenzhen Bureau of Industry and Information Technology and a second-level inspector, introduced how to develop the digital economy in Shenzhen. He said that Shenzhen will exert its strength from both the supply side and the demand side, by strengthening innovation drive, cultivating the application market, optimizing spatial layout, improving industrial ecology, developing digital productivity, striving to improve the development level of the digital economy, and continuously leading industrial iterative upgrading and high-quality economic and social development.

(Hu Xiaoqing, member of the party group and second-level inspector of Shenzhen Bureau of Industry and Information Technology)

Jiang Xueming, Party Secretary of Longhua Industry and Information Technology Bureau, said that Longhua District, as an industrial region and manufacturing region in Shenzhen, will further give play to Longhua’s industrial foundation and advantages, and vigorously promote the integration of enterprises’ number and reality around the strategic goal of digital Longhua and urban core, support enterprises to accelerate the iterative upgrading of technology and realize the two-wheel drive of digital industrialization and industrial digitalization.

(Jiang Xueming, Party Secretary of Longhua District Bureau of Industry and Information Technology)

Due to the situation, Corning, president of Huawei Cloud Global Ecology Department, said that Huawei is an innovative enterprise that grew up in this fertile soil of Shenzhen. On Huawei Cloud, more than 240 innovative services have been launched, and more than 160 innovation centers have been launched around the world, of which nearly 100 are industrial Internet innovation centers related to the industrial Internet, helping more than 23,000 manufacturing enterprises to carry out digital transformation.

At present, Huawei Cloud Shenzhen Empowerment Cloud has enabled more than 2,400 Shenzhen enterprises to digitally transform, and has successively landed 12 innovation centers of Empowerment Cloud in Shenzhen. In the future, we will continue to increase investment in R&D and talents, and join hands with ecological partners and developers of Shenzhen governments at all levels to draw a new blueprint for open, inclusive and innovative industrial ecology to help Shenzhen build a high-quality development engine for the digital industry.

(Corning, President of Huawei Cloud Global Ecology Department)

After that, Yin Limei, director of the Digital Economy Research Office of the Information Policy Institute of the National Research Center for Industrial Information Security Development, released the national digital economy development index DEAI(2022) with authoritative data such as the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the National Bureau of Statistics, the Ministry of Commerce, and the public service platform for the integration of industry and information technology, showing the development of digital economy in China as a whole and 31 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government) in 2022, providing scientific reference for local governments to formulate policies and regulations related to the digital economy, and promoting the long-term stable and sound development of China’s digital economy.

(Yin Limei, Director of Digital Economy Research Office of Information Policy Institute of National Industrial Information Security Development Research Center)

Look at practice: policy is the medium, and the vitality of transformation is constantly rising.

The development of digital economy can not be separated from the strong guidance of policy combination boxing and practical thinking. At the meeting, Chen Jian, general manager of Huawei Cloud Empowerment Cloud, shared his thoughts on the development of digital economy and digital transformation. Starting from the example of cooperation with Longhua District, he introduced how digital transformation can help enterprises achieve cost reduction and efficiency improvement. At the same time, based on practice, he said that Huawei will combine all forces to create "one platform+three centers", that is, integrate innovative public service platforms, ecological centers, capacity centers and service centers, and comprehensively integrate resources through overall organization to achieve the goal of enterprise digital transformation and promote the development of digital economy.

(Chen Wei, General Manager of Huawei Cloud Empowerment Cloud)

In addition, in 2023, the resource awarding ceremony for the first batch of intelligent manufacturing transformation plan in Longhua District was held at the meeting. Jiang Xueming, Party Secretary of Longhua Industry and Information Technology Bureau, and Chen Gui, General Manager of Huawei Yunfu Yunyun jointly distributed the first batch of intelligent manufacturing transformation plan service packages in Longhua District in 2023 to 13 enterprises, providing strong policy support for the development of digital industry.

(Longhua District Intelligent Manufacturing Transformation Plan Resource Awarding Ceremony)

As the bridgehead of reform and innovation, Shenzhen has taken the lead, and a number of benchmark enterprises have emerged that are at the forefront of digital transformation. At the meeting, Huang Kun, general manager of Longhua Business Department of Huawei Shenzhen Government and Enterprise, and Yang Chenxi, general manager of Shenzhen Industrial Development and Operation Department of Huawei Cloud jointly awarded the award-winning enterprises of "Leading Enterprises in Digital Transformation" to encourage more enterprises to join the ranks of digital transformation.

(Awarded by leading enterprises in digital transformation)

Now and in the future: technology is the bottom, and deep cultivation of numbers and wisdom makes beauty happen.

Innovation is the first essence of the combination of number and reality, and technology is the foundation of innovation. In order to inject technological vitality into the development of digital economy, at the meeting, many business representatives shared the innovative achievements of deep-rooted digital technology.

In the theme sharing of Pangu Big Model, born for the industry, Wu Bingcong, the marketing director of Huawei Cloud Marketing AI field, explained the development trend of generative AI, and introduced the powerful capabilities of Huawei Cloud Pangu Big Model in detail from the aspects of technical architecture, AI cloud service capabilities and rich application scenarios.

(Wu Bingcong, Marketing Director of Huawei Cloud Marketing AI)

Subsequently, as an ecological partner of Huawei Cloud, Zheng Dele, CTO of Shenzhen Today Talent Information Technology Co., Ltd., shared the cooperation results with Huawei Cloud Pangu Model in the field of digital intelligence employees. He said that based on the blessing of the AI ? ? big model, digital employees of knowledge consultants and experts, lawyers, recruitment and other positions will be officially released soon, opening a new era of digital intelligence.

(Zheng Dele, CTO of Shenzhen Today Talent Information Technology Co., Ltd.)

At the same time, Yao Xiaofeng, vice president of Shenzhen Huaao Data Technology Co., Ltd., with the theme of "Three Scenes Leading Three Calculations, Building a Digital City", introduced Huaao Data’s deep integration with Huawei Cloud for three major scenarios of digital government, digital economy and digital society, and built a data hub, an algorithm hub and an example base, which greatly improved the efficiency of data governance and made data play a greater role.

(Yao Xiaofeng, Vice President of Shenzhen Huaao Data Technology Co., Ltd.)

Finally, Huang Rui, the founder of Shenzhen Hualei Xuntuo Technology Co., Ltd., shared how to cooperate with Huawei Cloud to provide end-to-end traceability, tracking and control capabilities for the factory, and how to empower the manufacturing industry to realize digital transformation in materials, processes, processes, maintenance and operation based on professional modeling tools, so as to create visual digital assets and make intelligence easier.

(Huang Rui, founder of Shenzhen Hualei Xuntuo Technology Co., Ltd.)

Yunzhi Pengcheng, the number of wisdom is deeply cultivated. The success of the conference will realize the further synergy and integration of industry resources and promote the accelerated arrival of the digital age led by technological innovation and relying on digital intelligence means. Huawei Cloud will also continue to adhere to the concept of "everything is service", do a good job in the digital "cloud base" and "enabler" of the industry, release the digital intelligence productivity of government and enterprises, and promote the high-quality development of the digital industry.


Preliminary sea election of eight China brand models

  [car home preliminary sea election] On May 10th, 2017, the State Council approved the first "China Brand Day", and five years passed quickly, but it was a rapid development for China automobile brands. From word-of-mouth, sales volume to users’ cognition and satisfaction, China brand has been growing rapidly in all vehicle types in the past five years. With the arrival of another Chinese Brand Day on May 10th, here we select eight models in the three price ranges of 10-20/20-30/30+ for recommendation, which are also the top-selling products at all levels in the past six months to see if these products are strong enough.

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★ 100,000-200,000 level recommendation

  100,000-200,000 China brand models are numerous, ranging from traditional fuel to new energy, many of which are the range where first-time car buyers set foot. This part of China brand vehicles have the characteristics of high cost performance, complete configuration and novel design. Because there are so many models worth buying, the space recommended here is not enough, so I chose four models with top sales, which have high reputation and recognition.

● Sales King-Great Wall Haval H6

  The name Haval H6 can be said to be an old-timer in the China brand compact SUV market, occupying the top position in the sales list all the year round, and even many consumers think of Haval H6 when they mention this level. Now it has experienced three generations of models, and the latest one on sale is the third generation Haval H6. Based on the brand-new lemon platform, it has higher technical content and more brand branding in design. At the same time, it has also been comprehensively improved in the intelligent interconnection that consumers are paying more and more attention to, and has a balanced product strength.

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Home of the car

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Home of the car

  The third-generation Haval H6 has 1.5T and 2.0T power options, and the 2.0T also offers four-wheel drive models. In recent years, Haval has greatly improved the smoothness and transmission efficiency of power output. The 1.5T engine will not feel that the power is weak enough, while the 2.0T engine will have a more obvious experience in speeding up. As a cost-effective product, the third-generation Haval H6 is a player with strong comprehensive strength within 150,000 yuan.

● Rising star-Changan CS55PLUS

  Changan CS55PLUS is not as "long-standing" as Haval H6, but its sales volume and reputation are not lost at all. What is currently on sale is its second-generation model, which is one of the highest in its class in design and is also a strong selling point. Judging from the new models recently released by Changan, the brand’s own brand has won people’s hearts, and both UNI series and CS series are the best players in the same class. CS55PLUS continues this advantage from the outside to the inside, especially the paragraphs in the interior are rich in layers and have a sense of the future.

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  At present, the second-generation CS55PLUS launched a total of three models, the choice is relatively simple, unlike Haval H6, which has 2.0T and four-wheel drive models. For this size, it is no problem for the 1.5T model to meet the daily transportation, and it can be relatively comfortable in the force range, and the performance of this 7-speed wet dual-clutch gearbox is also very stable, and there will be almost no annoying problems when driving daily. CS55PLUS is more suitable for young consumers to buy, with high value and technology, and low fuel consumption, which will not increase the use cost too much.

● Exquisite car-Geely Xingrui

  After the recommendation of two SUVs, if you are not so persistent about models such as space or SUV, Geely’s car must be considered. It is Geely Xingrui. Let’s not say that it is built by the whole system of 2.0T plus CMA architecture. These two points can be won at a price of more than 100,000 yuan, which is really very conscience, which is also the core reason for its high sales. In addition to the two points just mentioned, Xingrui is also exquisite in design, without grandiose decoration or gilded lines, which is very in line with the scene of daily household scooters, and even feels a little leapfrog when put together with Volkswagen and Toyota models of the same level, especially its wheelbase has reached 2800mm, and the whole vehicle is very close to a medium-sized car.

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Home of the car

  Needless to say, the whole 2.0T+7-speed dual-clutch gearbox is an excellent level in its class, whether it is the ride comfort or the feeling of power improvement. German and Japanese players at this price can hardly find 2.0T engines, and 1.5T/1.4T players at Yishui. Based on CMA architecture, Xingrui has created the amulet of "super matrix", and there is no doubt about driving sound insulation and chassis performance. In this price range, Xingrui can be said to have the most comprehensive performance model, which is very worthy of your consideration.

● master of saving money-BYD Qin PLUS DM-i

  Haval H6 is the sales king of China brand compact SUV, and the title of the compact car belongs to Qin PLUS. Under BYD’s latest strategy, Qin PLUS provides plug-in hybrid products and pure electric products. Today, we are going to talk about plug-in hybrid DM-i products, which have both fuel economy and convenience, and are more acceptable to many consumers who do not have fixed parking spaces or charging piles. The lower price and the interior and exterior decoration design in line with China consumers’ aesthetics are its strongest competitiveness, and all the configuration levels are also the first echelon at the same level.

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Home of the car

  Qin PLUS DM-i system consists of 1.5L naturally aspirated engine and motor, and there are two battery versions currently on sale. Choose a 120KM model. If there is a charging pile at home, you can hardly use gasoline for commuting. The 120KM version without charging pile has a fast charging interface, and charging is also very convenient. The intervention of the engine will not be abrupt when the driving part is mixed with oil and electricity, but when the motor works, both the acceleration response speed and the speed-up ability are stronger than those when the motor is pure gasoline. Qin PLUS DM-i is most suitable for pragmatic consumers, and the vehicle is cheap and the use cost is low, which can be described as both.

★ 200-300,000 range

  China brand’s main battlefield is concentrated in the price range of 100,000-200,000, but in the improved range of 200,000-300,000, large-size SUVs and MPVs account for a large proportion, such as Roewe iMAX8, Chuanqi GS8 and BYD Tang. But here I want to recommend two different products in this price range.

● China Steel Gun-Lingke 03+

  Linke 03+ is a test of China brand in the field of partial performance vehicles, which is very successful in terms of sales volume and attention. Nowadays, a customized version of Cyan has been launched, which is said to be a very difficult car to grab. With the background of WTCR racing, it can not only better sell its sports models, but also stimulate the enthusiasm of Chinese people for racing. Linke 03+ Basic Edition has a good playability, and it has a stronger power experience and more fun to drive than ordinary 03. The exterior and interior also create a very sporty atmosphere, and this kind of "original modified car" is also increasingly sought after.

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Home of the car

Home of the car

  The combination of 2.0T engine and Aisin 8-speed automatic transmission can give you a smooth daily travel experience and more radical power feedback when needed. Although the absolute acceleration ability of the Lectra 03+ has not entered a particularly outstanding performance, the overall atmosphere and the sporty adjustment of the chassis will make you like driving more, and keep more sense of the road and make you feel more communication with the car. In addition, with the penetration of WTCR racing culture and the growing number of car owners of Link 03+, the third-party modification market has also introduced more suitable products, so that consumers can experience the fun outside the original car.

● Hard-core retro-tank 300

  With the recommendation of the fun car, the fun SUV is naturally indispensable. Before the tank 300 appeared, similar products were either too expensive or too small, or the design was too old-fashioned. After the hard-core SUV tank 300 with retro style came out, it also became a online celebrity car in one fell swoop, and even a car was hard to find. The square shape has a very hard-core feeling, and the retro details and color matching make it walk between cities without feeling different. In the interior part, it also combines off-road and technology well, and the tough lines are not rough at all, which is also the part that contemporary consumers value very much.

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Home of the car

  The power level of the whole system of 2.0T+8AT allows you to leave the city for the wild without feeling overwhelmed. According to different models, it is equipped with part-time 4wd and timely four-wheel drive, and the non-loaded body is also its hard-core logo. In addition to these mechanical hardware, the tank 300 also supports many scientific and technological auxiliary systems, such as tank turning mode, transparent chassis angle of view, crawling mode and all-terrain control, which can make you more comfortable when you are off-road. With so many labels, Tank 300 naturally becomes a hot commodity.

Level 300,000-400,000

  This price range was definitely dominated by overseas brands five years ago. China brands sold well at this price, and few models can be remembered by most consumers. This price model is also a good reflection of the progress of China brand, especially in the context of the vigorous development of new energy vehicles, the rise of China brand, a new car, has played a key role. The emergence of products such as Ideal, Weilai and Tucki has enabled China consumers to accept new energy products more quickly. With the progress of technology and design concept in traditional automobile enterprises, products such as Hongqi H9 have emerged.

● Daddy’s magic car-Li ONE

  Li ONE has shaken the position of many Japanese and German medium and large SUVs on his own, and has been the top spot of medium and large SUVs for half a year. This achievement should have been unthinkable five years ago. Exquisite and practical design and a thorough understanding of the needs of consumers in China are the keys to its success. Unlike other models, Li ONE has only one configuration, and consumers don’t need to study the configuration table repeatedly. What you get is what you need. At the same time, the reliable quality and preservation rate also make customers trust the brand more and more.

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Home of the car

Home of the car

  Li ONE adopts extended range system, front and rear dual-motor driven vehicles and 1.2T range extender for power production. There is no doubt that the feeling at the driving level is the same as that of a pure electric vehicle, and it has the characteristics of speeding up and driving quietly. With a range extender and a fuel tank, it will not be subject to charging problems, and all kinds of consumer driving needs can be met. The six-seat layout is also very suitable for home use, and there are rich configurations and entertainment systems. It can be said that it is the most popular daddy car on the market at present.

Low momentum like a rainbow-red flag H9

  As a medium-sized and large-sized car with red flag, H9 not only undertakes the sales task, but also carries the memories of many consumers in China. It can be seen on various important occasions, and it can be said that the Red Flag is China people’s own luxury brand. After several generations of product development, we finally handed in a satisfactory answer sheet on the H9 model. The majestic posture and the design with China cultural heritage make it completely competitive with BBA, even surpassing its rivals in attention and momentum, which also makes it favored by many business consumers.

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Home of the car

Home of the car

Home of the car

  Hongqi H9 provides 2.0T and 3.0T power for customers to choose from, and the 2.0T is also equipped with a 48V light mixing system, which has good fuel economy in actual test. The 3.0L supercharged engine can make you more comfortable when driving. Its adjustment highlights a stable word, and the linear power output is also very suitable for its identity. When driving fiercely, I didn’t make an exaggerated posture because of my oversized body, and the whole is very controllable. Generally speaking, Red Flag H9 is a choice for customers with business needs. It also launched a customized version today, which can be more luxurious according to their own needs.

● Summary:

  In a short period of five years, China automobile brands have made many impossible things possible, and achieved many achievements that they dared not expect at that time. In addition to the eight products recommended today, there are a lot of excellent models of China brand waiting for you to choose. Because of the space problem, we can’t recommend them in detail. Many new models are also officially put on sale this year, and we are also looking forward to their sales performance. As a practitioner in the automobile industry, it is what we most want to see that China brand has developed vigorously for five years, and we also hope that China brand will continue to develop in the next 5 /10 years and in the years to come, and create more glories!

Home of the car

  In the past 20 years, how has China’s automobile industry changed from a faltering start to a soaring, from a single brand to a multi-category matrix? Pay attention to China brand new cars and witness the development of China brand. Please pay attention to the special planning of car home on May 10th, China Brand Day, and help China brand together! (Text/Figure car home Cao Wei)


BYD Qin EV with a cruising range of 450 kilometers has now arrived at the store.

  [car home Information] Recently, we photographed the real car of (|)EV travel standard model at a dealer. The new car has been slightly upgraded in the interior design, and its cruising range has increased to 450 kilometers.

BYD Qin New Energy 2021 Travel Standard Edition

BYD Qin New Energy 2021 Travel Standard Edition

BYD Qin New Energy 2021 Travel Standard Edition

BYD Qin New Energy 2021 Travel Standard Edition

BYD Qin New Energy 2021 Travel Standard Edition

BYD Qin New Energy 2021 Travel Standard Edition

  In terms of appearance, the new car adopts the closed grille of BYD’s new energy model, and the interior is equipped with a dot-array middle net design. The headlight groups on both sides are integrated with the front grille, and the front enclosure is also equipped with a penetrating ventilation opening.

BYD Qin New Energy 2021 Travel Standard Edition

BYD Qin New Energy 2021 Travel Standard Edition

BYD Qin New Energy 2021 Travel Standard Edition

BYD Qin New Energy 2021 Travel Standard Edition

  On the side of the car body, the overall shape of the new car has not changed, and it is still a relatively flat design. The waistline runs through the car body to the tail, and a 16-inch double five-spoke rim shape is used.

BYD Qin New Energy 2021 Travel Standard Edition

BYD Qin New Energy 2021 Travel Standard Edition

BYD Qin New Energy 2021 Travel Standard Edition

BYD Qin New Energy 2021 Travel Standard Edition

  At the rear of the car, the taillights on both sides of the new car adopt a long strip design and are connected by a penetrating chrome decoration, which improves the overall visual width. In addition, the license plate frame with the concave design at the back also enhances the layering of the rear.

BYD Qin New Energy 2021 Travel Standard Edition

BYD Qin New Energy 2021 Travel Standard Edition

BYD Qin New Energy 2021 Travel Standard Edition

BYD Qin New Energy 2021 Travel Standard Edition

BYD Qin New Energy 2021 Travel Standard Edition

  In the interior part, compared with the current model, the new car has some changes. Although the traditional pointer instrument panel and three-spoke multi-function steering wheel are still used, a larger central control multimedia display screen is replaced, and a newly designed knob-type electronic gear shifting mechanism is also adopted below to enhance the sense of science and technology inside the whole car.

BYD Qin New Energy 2021 Travel Standard Edition

BYD Qin New Energy 2021 Travel Standard Edition

  In terms of power, the new car still uses a 136-horsepower motor with a maximum torque of 180 Nm, and the battery pack uses a 53.1kWh ternary lithium battery. However, after the overall system is optimized, the cruising range is increased to 450 kilometers. (Text/car home graduated)


Hot spots of the week | Seven departments: gradually cancel the purchase restrictions of new energy vehicles

[EV Vision Report] What hot events and important new car information are there in the new energy automobile industry this week? Let’s look at the EV vision to summarize and sort it out for you.

1. Development and Reform Commission: Vigorously promote new energy vehicles and gradually cancel the purchase restrictions in various places.

On January 21st, the National Development and Reform Commission and other seven departments issued two documents, proposing to vigorously promote new energy vehicles, gradually cancel the purchase restrictions of new energy vehicles in various places, promote the standardized and orderly development of charging facilities, and accelerate the construction and installation of charging facilities in residential communities.

In the "Implementation Plan for Promoting Green Consumption" issued by the National Development and Reform Commission and other seven departments, it is proposed to vigorously develop green transportation consumption. Vigorously promote new energy vehicles, gradually cancel the purchase restrictions of new energy vehicles in various places, promote the implementation of support policies such as exemption from restrictions and road rights, strengthen the construction of supporting infrastructure such as charging and replacing electricity, new energy storage and hydrogenation, and actively promote the development of LNG for vehicles and ships. We will promote the pilot application of the new energy vehicle power exchange mode, and carry out the demonstration application of fuel cell vehicles in an orderly manner. In-depth development of new energy vehicles to the countryside activities, and promote the improvement of rural operation and maintenance service system.

2. Free parking for Shenzhen New Energy Vehicles for 2 hours every day.

According to the Notice of Shenzhen Development and Reform Commission on Relevant Matters Concerning the Reduction and Exemption of Parking Charges for New Energy Vehicles, starting from January 20th, when new energy vehicles are parked in urban road parking spaces, they will be exempted from the use fee of temporary roadside parking spaces for the first 2 hours per day within the specified charging period, or for those whose first parking time is less than 1 hour per day (including 1 hour), they will be exempted from the use fee of temporary roadside parking spaces for the second time. Airport, dock, station, port, tourist attractions supporting parking facilities and mechanical three-dimensional parking facilities invested or built by the government in full will still be subject to the current regulations on parking fee concessions for new energy vehicles, that is, charging in the above parking facilities will be exempted from parking fees within 2 hours (including 2 hours) corresponding to the charging time every day.

3. Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited released the power exchange brand EVOGO.

On January 18th, Time Electric Service, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited, officially released the overall solution for power exchange brand EVOGO and combined power exchange, and its power exchange products will be geared to automobile enterprises. The first model that cooperated with Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited to exchange power was FAW Pentium NAT combined power exchange version. Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited’s "combined power exchange" scheme is composed of power exchange block, quick exchange station and App. Under the mode of vehicle-electricity separation, the battery is separated as a shared asset, which brings a brand-new attempt to the market.

4. BYD’s new energy vehicle will increase its price by 1,000-7,000 yuan.

On January 21, BYD officially said that due to the sharp rise in raw material prices and the decline in subsidies for new energy vehicles, BYD will adjust the official guide prices of new energy vehicles related to Wangchao.com and Haiyang.com by 1000-7000 yuan. The price adjustment will take effect on February 1, and customers who have signed contracts before that will not be affected by the price adjustment.

5. The production target of M5 in the first quarter is 10,000 vehicles.

Recently, Xiaokang Co., Ltd. held a production and supply guarantee meeting of Wujie M5 in Chongqing Liangjiang Factory, and fully laid out the production of AITO Wujie M5. The big screen of the factory showed that it planned to produce 10,000 Wujie M5 in the first quarter. According to the plan, Wujie M5 expects to achieve small batch delivery in February and complete the first batch of 5,000 users in March.

6, Euler lightning cat production version spy photos exposure

A few days ago, it was learned from relevant channels that the spy photos of the production version of Euler Lightning Cat have been exposed. The car was officially unveiled at the Shanghai Auto Show last year, combining retro with future elements. According to relevant news, the car will be listed in May at the earliest.

7, three cylinders to four cylinders/positioning full-size luxury SUV ideal X01 latest information exposure

On, EV Vision obtained some parameter information of the ideal X01 vehicle from relevant channels. The new car is positioned as a full-size SUV, and its body size is larger than that of Li ONE (parameter | quotation). In terms of power, the new car will use the second-generation extended-range platform, with an acceleration of 5.8s, a comprehensive cruising range of 1050km, and the price of the vehicle is about 450,000-500,000 yuan. It is reported that the car is expected to be released around April 2022.

Judging from the spy photos exposed before, the ideal X01 also adopts the ideal family-style design style, but it is not equipped with a large air intake grille, but the Mercedes-Benz headlight style is exactly the same as that of Li ONE.

8. Volkswagen and Bosch plan to set up a battery equipment joint venture company.

On January 18th, Volkswagen, a German automobile manufacturer, and Bosch, the world’s largest supplier of auto parts, announced that they would set up a joint venture before the end of this year, and the two sides would build a European battery equipment manufacturing factory to help achieve self-sufficiency in battery production.

9. A preview of the new concept car.

On January 19th, Jidu announced the preview of its car robot concept car. The new car will be unveiled at the 2022 Beijing Auto Show, and the first mass-produced car robot will be delivered in 2023.

Jidu announced some exterior and interior design details of the concept car robot. The concept car will be officially unveiled at the Beijing Auto Show in April, and the appearance of the production car robot will be 90% consistent with the concept car. The first mass-produced car robot will be delivered in 2023.

10. BYD and FAW Group set up FAW Fudi New Energy Company.

BYD recently formally established a joint venture company with FAW-FAW Fudi New Energy Technology Co., Ltd., whose business scope includes the development, production and sales of power batteries and battery systems, as well as providing related after-sales and technical consulting services. Tianyancha shows that the company is jointly owned by Foday Industrial Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of BYD, and FAW Equity Investment (Tianjin) Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of China FAW Group Co., Ltd., of which Foday holds 51% and FAW holds 49%.